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Car sounds annoying

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Does anyone else thinks the Car sounds in the Alpha need an improvement? I found them pretty annoying, because the engines sound like they have extreme revs sometimes but they just dont fit the speed/torque ingame. For example i drove the civ SUV truck somewhere offroad, very slightly uphill. Speed was capped at 30kph but the engine sounded like it was at maximum possible rpm and about to break... all the way up the hill.

Its a pain for the ears on longer trips.

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When you say max uphill, as in the engine was loud going uphill?

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When you say max uphill, as in the engine was loud going uphill?

But the car also has a rpm needle so i guess its simulated in some sort of way? It shouldnt be impossible to make it so that it is dependant on speed and rpm

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its not engine sound there are sounds like for example i drive on dirt hills or grass i hear that my car sounds like it does burnout on asphalt

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Got to agree , the ngine sounds arefor the moment some of the worse i have ever abused my ears with,

seems like they took a 5 second idle noise and ran it through some octave changer and ended up with 8 or so different RPM sounds with some Booster / thrust sound kicking in on the depression of the go forward keys .

Hopefully place holders for now but they ar pure Turd at the moment .

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yeah offroad car sound better in Arma 2, it has those sounds like you drive on dirt i mean when tires squeeze pebbles

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I agree that the car sounds are poorly done and require a re-work (transitions between gears are the worst).

Having said that, BIS has said that this alpha is pretty much infantry focused. When beta comes around and implements some more vehicles, I assume this will be worked on.

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The quad bikes make an annoying noise with the revs but the rest are ok or i can live with them :)

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Absolutely agree OP. The noises coming from the engine are just really weak, and I think this isn't exactly a "sound files are bad" issue, I think it's more an issue of the way the engines work currently. If you watch the RPM gauge when driving around, almost ALL vehicles shift early. So you never get into the upper ranges where the engine really screams, and when it does shift it's so abrupt and flat that it sounds horribly fake.

Hoping the beta is more promising in terms of vehicle sound and handling.

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I agree that the car sounds are poorly done and require a re-work (transitions between gears are the worst).

Gears? What gears?

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the gears being shifted by the automatic transmission

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Yeah, even my shifting (on a manual transmission) doesn't sound that bad. :)

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Annoying yes, but it will get sorted, patience is a virtue..:D

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It should be pretty easy to sort. Just have to reconfigure the way the automatic transmission functions. As it currently functions cars prefer higher gears over lower, so you might really need the power, say climbing an incline, and the engine is sitting in a high gear feeding weak power to the tires.

There's no reason a light weight ATV can't rip up a 30 degree slope in second gear. RPM's shouldn't average 2,000 while climbing a slope, they should be like 5,000.

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As a dedicated driver this makes me want to pull my hairs out all the time. But these are obviously placeholders

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In the latest dev build tire screeching sounds seems to be gone for the offround vehicle.

Edited by simast

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Quad bike sounds like a lawn mower.

Yeah there is a lot of improvement in sound department still.

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