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Beta - release date?

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Is there a solid release date or even an estimate date for the release of the beta?

I'm looking forward to the addition of more official assets being released.

Thank you!

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Im sure they have an internal development timeline but we sure ain't privy to it :D

Also, theres really no point in giving the public a date as it's sure to repeatedly change and that would whip the masses to a tearful, outraged frenzy.

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Q2 2013 is the targeted date :)

Edited by PurePassion
oops, it was supposed to be 2.! :D

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The game will go beta, once the developers are ready to make it beta. No sooner, no later.

If you go to the page to buy Arma 3 http://www.arma3.com/buy Scroll down to the bottom of the page and read the section under bundle availability. The ALPHA LITE expires June 18. The Supporter edition purchases end July 15 and the Alpha states "5 MARCH - BETA Q2 2013"

My best guess is their aiming for june - july beta release.

All we can really do is speculate as there are no hard numbers released to the public on expected development roadmap and if they are behind or ahead of schedule.

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The Community Preview video narrated by Jay Crowe (RoyaltyinExile) specified Q2 as the intended beta release period.

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Hey guys. I have the same question here. When is the game coming out in Australia, because EB Games won't give a release date either and Q3 will be released in America. If its coming out in 2014 in Australia, I'm gonna have to give up my ArmA III dreams a farewell. :16_6_8:

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Hey guys. I have the same question here. When is the game coming out in Australia, because EB Games won't give a release date either and Q3 will be released in America. If its coming out in 2014 in Australia, I'm gonna have to give up my ArmA III dreams a farewell. :16_6_8:

isnt steam a worldwide launch?

are you going to die in 2014?

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isnt steam a worldwide launch?

are you going to die in 2014?

It depends on the shipping I'm worried about. :confused:

They say it takes 3 or 4 months for a product to come from the USA.

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Hey guys. I have the same question here. When is the game coming out in Australia's , because EB Games won't give a release date either and Q3 will be released in America. If its coming out in 2014 in Australia, I'm gonna have to give up my ArmA III dreams a farewell. :16_6_8:

Why not buy the alpha now on steam? then you'll get the alpha now, beta soonish and then full version the day it is our and for less than eb or even jb would charge.

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Why not buy the alpha now on steam? then you'll get the alpha now, beta soonish and then full version the day it is our and for less than eb or even jb would charge.

Problem is with the download version too is that my internet speed is like 0.50kb/s (which is sooooooooo slooooow).

If there was a ALPHA boxed version, It would be great. :confused:

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Hey guys. I have the same question here. When is the game coming out in Australia, because EB Games won't give a release date either and Q3 will be released in America. If its coming out in 2014 in Australia, I'm gonna have to give up my ArmA III dreams a farewell. :16_6_8:

The longer, the better IMO. If it's later release in Austrailia just import it. I did that from germany for both copies of ArmA1 an ArmA2. Vs waitin 6 months for A1 an such.

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Problem is with the download version too is that my internet speed is like 0.50kb/s (which is sooooooooo slooooow).

If there was a ALPHA boxed version, It would be great. :confused:

If you start now you should have it downloaded by 2014.

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If you start now you should have it downloaded by 2014.

More like 2020 ;)

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More like 2020 ;)

you can always ask a friend to copy the files and send you some dvds, and then just add them to your steam folder.

i always backup my steamgames that way whenever i do a full format, i just copy the steamapps folder.

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Apparently I have an Australian Magazine at home called "PC POWER PLAY", (WEBSITE: www.pcpowerplay.com.au) and they said that it will come out in Q2 2013?!?

What in the world is EB GAMES and PC POWER PLAY are playing at? :391:

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What in the world is EB GAMES and PC POWER PLAY are playing at? :391:

They're playing at "guess who has the right date".

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They're playing at "guess who has the right date".

LOL. Nice one! :rofl:

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Hey guys. I have the same question here. When is the game coming out in Australia, because EB Games won't give a release date either and Q3 will be released in America. If its coming out in 2014 in Australia, I'm gonna have to give up my ArmA III dreams a farewell. :16_6_8:

Q3 2013 in America is actually Q1 2036 in Australia once you factor in the Coriolis force which is reversed in the Southern Hemisphere.

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can't resist o1qiv.jpg

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Q3 2013 in America is actually Q1 2036 in Australia once you factor in the Coriolis force which is reversed in the Southern Hemisphere.

does it have something to do with how water goes the wrong way on the can over there?

coriolis effect is very interesting, didnt know its name or details about it (been researching it), thanks for sharing.

Edited by white

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Apparently I have an Australian Magazine at home called "PC POWER PLAY", (WEBSITE: www.pcpowerplay.com.au) and they said that it will come out in Q2 2013?!?

What in the world is EB GAMES and PC POWER PLAY are playing at? :391:

Hey, EB-Games didn't even take the TBC-PC-Version of Bodycount of their Website and the Shops didn't believe that it was already confirmed, that the Game will be for Consoles only, which was at the end great, as the Game was a complete Fail.


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