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Lucas Arts Gaming branch closing

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Well as many here may already know Disney has decided to shut down Lucas Arts and halt all ongoing projects.


I really did enjoy a lot of the games they published and I´m quite sad that there won´t be more..

Disney is the dark side.

Good News: Raven Software releases the Sourcecode for Jedi Knight 2 (Great Game!) and Jedi Academy (that was quite good as well)

So I expect to see some Mods for that.


EDIT: Does this mean that I can play the games with the sourcecode? I can´t find my Jedi Knight 2 CD anymore :(


Edited by Tonci87

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Tonci, you need to own the Jedi Outcast or Jedi Academy to play these games. The source code itself is nothing playable, because it's distributed without any of the game assets, it's just the uncompiled game code. ;)

This for me is a sad anouncement, I know that LA didn't make anything great in the past few years, but to me as a Star Wars fan it's a very sad news.

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Countless great gaming hours of my life only happened because of Lucas Arts, sad to see it go.

But they´re not the first and not the last, i´ll live through many more of those sad occasions.

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It is such a pity. LucasArts was definitely one of the most innovative studios. Countless of hours were spend with Monkey Island and all the Star Wars games. X-Wing Alliance alone is awesome enough.

I'm sure it won't be the last "surprise" Disney will bring to us with the Star Wars universe :(

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My last lucas arts game was Republic Commando... it was good overall, good story too. Too bad the game ended with cliffhanger and not popular enough to justify a sequel...

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Countless great gaming hours of my life only happened because of Lucas Arts, sad to see it go.

But they´re not the first and not the last, i´ll live through many more of those sad occasions.

Happend! The last good game by Lucas Arts was Jedi Academy and thats like 10 years ago - I can understad the decision!

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ye, the question is if 1313 was really real-time gameplay or just prerendered shell like just technology demo with short 'playable section' (was it even custom playable?)

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@Tonci - JK2 is fairly cheap on Steam. I bought it a few weeks ago.

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@Tonci - JK2 is fairly cheap on Steam. I bought it a few weeks ago.

I know, I´ll try to dig up my CD or I´m going to wait if really someone makes a good mod for it. But damn that is really an awesome game. If somebody never played Jedi Knight 2 Jedi Outcast: DO IT RIGHT NOW!

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I know, I´ll try to dig up my CD or I´m going to wait if really someone makes a good mod for it. But damn that is really an awesome game. If somebody never played Jedi Knight 2 Jedi Outcast: DO IT RIGHT NOW!

I don't know about the format in which the models, textures etc are stored on the CD (hehe) but I looked at the source code and its really just c++/c stuff. It would take a HUGE amount of time to mod this game...

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I dont remember having too many good SW games recently, so I'm not going to drop any tear. Furthermore, 1313 felt like a typical "Gears of War in SW clothing" with lame "Holywood" dialogue so humanity hasnt lost much. :P

Anyway, SW games are going to keep coming, jut made by external studios.

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hmm can i haz my wood still ?


wonder how much they wasted trying to break wood

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Guess no full throttle 2 :p :(

Might go load it up again when i get back from China

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Battlefront 3 was in development? And complex plywood that would probably slow my PC down to stone age? I cry... evertim...

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This summs up the PROs and CONs

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Well at least the Star Trek Game that was recently released is a great hit. ;)

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