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Who would like to have reasonable rain.

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I would suggest you think about leaving some of the shadows in -even if its raining.

You could tone them down or have them faded out more but in the end - shadows are what make the game look good. And since they went missing in the previous rainy weather - bad weather really looked bad.

Also - reflecting ground and ground fog is what makes rain look good + shaking trees and appropriate sound effects - like dripping water when standing under a tree.

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NordKindchen hit the nail on the head. We've been over the shadows thing a few times, but, once again, the engine needs to render shadows during overcast. Even on the dullest, darkest day in the real world there is still about a 2 stop difference between shadow and highlight values. Also, rain/wet shaders for various surfaces and materials would be super nice (especially considering the new underwater gameplay).

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I agree, the rain needs some looove. I remember playing with the Arma 3 editor the day the alpha was released... and just happened to select a rainy day. I wanted to cry when I saw the same old effect :eek: I understand why they have disabled it for now..

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I would suggest you think about leaving some of the shadows in -even if its raining.

You could tone them down or have them faded out more but in the end - shadows are what make the game look good. And since they went missing in the previous rainy weather - bad weather really looked bad.

Also - reflecting ground and ground fog is what makes rain look good + shaking trees and appropriate sound effects - like dripping water when standing under a tree.

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I really don´t know why some peopke insist on shadows while it is raining....

I live in central Europe, Germany to be more precise. If there is much overcast then there won´t be shadows. Simple as that. Throw in some heavy rain and you can be damn sure that you won´t see your shadow.

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There aren't distinct shadows as such, but rather a lot of ambient occlusion happening in the area beneath the object. This could be added by removing the normal sun shadow as overcast increases, and replacing it with a second shadow based on a "12-noon" shadow for the ambient lighting.

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that's a great suggestion! since arma 1 i was wondering why they didn't just increase all of the specular values of at least the terrain textures. no idea if that would be hard to do but the pay off would be great. i don't know if specularity needs lots of resources since it's basically not real reflection. at least in this engine. so it might be easy to add that.

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I would suggest you think about leaving some of the shadows in -even if its raining.

You could tone them down or have them faded out more but in the end - shadows are what make the game look good. And since they went missing in the previous rainy weather - bad weather really looked bad.

Also - reflecting ground and ground fog is what makes rain look good + shaking trees and appropriate sound effects - like dripping water when standing under a tree.

another great suggestion. are you ever wrong?

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I've paid more attention to real-life shadows for a while, and I see that in overcast conditions there are no shadows. What there is is occlusion darkening beneath sufficiently large objects, like cars. But for smaller objects like posts or people there are no shadows at all.

It's because when the sun is hidden, the light source is the entire sky, like one huge area light, illuminating everything from all directions in a dome. So only objects like cars, which have a sufficiently large area to block most of this dome light AND are levated from the ground on wheels show occlusion darkening. Overall, this relatively small occurence might not be worth the processing to simulate, but I'd be in favour of a blurred straight-down profile image being projected onto the ground for objects over a certain size.

Trees would certainly benefit from this, but with trees it needs to be done at distance as well, not just close up like the current shadows are. Terrain texture faking of tree occlusion would be a way to overcome this.

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It has to be said the Rain for Arma always seems to be the last thing to ever get any attention. I know DM created Fat Rain mod which at least helped, unsure if its ported to Arma3, should be DM?

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Wet ground effects will really sell the feeling of rain. If it's possible with the engine.

Something like this would be very appreciated in Arma, especially in mods about more wet climate zones..imho.

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Just wondering if anybody has investigated global specular illumination in the RV engine? If we are to get a realistic looking environment in rainy conditions this is a bit of a necessity.

Example: http://i.imgur.com/CTdK56V.jpg Naturally tarmac reflects very clearly compared to dirt, but nevertheless there's an element of environmental reflection on all surfaces, and it's brightest when wet.

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