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MCC Sandbox 3 - Dynamic mission creating tool for ArmA 3

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I sorry but I wasn't able to make the release tonight - baby had some other ideas regarding my spare time - I'll try to do it tomorrow

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(Its okay, it took me over three months to create a tiny update for my mod.)

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I sorry but I wasn't able to make the release tonight - baby had some other ideas regarding my spare time - I'll try to do it tomorrow


No sorries RL goes 1st and certainly little ones 

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I'll take the few minutes while at work to introduce you to:

1. I've rented a server for MCC game and fun - it is a 40 slot public atm called: "MCC Reality Squad" (IP: look for it on the ArmA launcher and feel free to join. You'll probably find me around.

2. The server is running a new game mode  AAS (Advance And Secure) mission, no mods needed. Which is a PVE/PVP mission based on my days on Project Reality for ArmA 3. You can join alone as there will be AI to fight with and against you and it is tons of fun.

3. ATM there are 3 type of missions: Infantry focused, vehicles focused and CQB focused but each mission has random weather including special weather such as sandstorms and blizzards and random time. I'll release more missions later.

4. The server is running inidbi2 atm so all your stats will be saved.

5. I've opened a discord server https://discord.gg/014LlRZaqzXGqCoV6 where you can instant chat with me and other MCC users about MCC, life, planning a mission or whatever you want to.

6. I'll give admin power to selected few so they can arrange private MCC nights on the server with you favorites mods: RHS, ACE, CUP exc.

7. I'll release the new version buy the end of this weekend so help me god (and my little daughter).  :P


Cheers and see you on the battlefield.  :292:

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Sounds nice...have put the server in the favorits for when i´m back on normal branche (tanoa fever currently :-P)


Btw. is there some kind of formula to keep Accuracy and so on of Gaia units in line with non Gaia AI? I have 2 sliders in the menue, one in the editor, 4 in the mcc menue and another 6? in the Gaia Module.

For normal i have my AI at about 0.3acc and 0,75 skill. The Gaia values are all around 0.4 i think. So how is the Gaia 0.4 to a basegame 0.7menue of a 0,~5-7 editor AI.

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What exactly is the difference in the mission generator between "Number of Players" and "Mission Difficulty"? As far as I can tell, they both effect the number of enemy AI spawned and mission difficulty doesnt actually effect AI skill. So is there even a difference? 

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Shayman,  I am making a sector control mission but everytime i capture one of your capture zones it automatically ends the mission.  I want to have 5 sectors and I dont want the game to end when just one is captured my code tells to "bleed" tickets.  how do I fix this? I believe it is a setting in MCC but I cannot find it must be a init function? Thanks!



Still can't figure out why the mission is ending when I capture a zone... also, is the XP system broken right now for the current version of MCC?  I am using inidbi, and I can edit the .ini files and MCC will read that, but it is not writing to the files updating the xp or anything. Also, no xp messages from MCC and it is not increasing rating during gameplay (i ran a script in the background to check). Should I just wait until the new release or is there something I can do? Thanks

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I use the mod ver of mcc - i got alot of this in my rpt - does any know what it is ?

11:37:43 Error Undefined variable in expression: _count

11:37:43 File mcc_sandbox_mod\mcc\pop_menu\markers_req.sqf, line 64

11:37:43 Error in expression <waituntil {count MCC_activeMarkers != _count || time > _time};_comboBox = (>

11:37:43 Error position: <_count || time > _time};_comboBox = (>

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I was just about to join, but I'm testing out DEV version to get access to Tanoa :)

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i can't see the MCC in the keyboard addon CBA  :o list (only ALIVE appears)


any idea 


thank for all shay ...i'm waiting .....the update :P

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hey guys got another question. I want to save a mission and searched for an explanation here and followed it.

I make an empty mission in the editor, place unit, play in SP, use the MCC Mission generator and do some 3D editor stuff.

Then i went to save to sqm which gave me a bunche of text in my strg+v. I went back to the editor, opend the folder of the mission and copied the stuff in the sqm file,save,close.

Back in the editor i want to open the file. When i chose "import" it´s loading up something but then i have the empty mission i got before the whole procedure.

Hope i could explain it right.


Edit: Used the eden editor as i haven´t found the 2D Editor anymore.

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Can we expect some more mission generator options in this update? 


This mod literally makes the game for me. I exclusively use the mission generator when i play single player. 

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What exactly is the difference in the mission generator between "Number of Players" and "Mission Difficulty"? As far as I can tell, they both effect the number of enemy AI spawned and mission difficulty doesnt actually effect AI skill. So is there even a difference? 


Yes both values effects the number of AI spawns and not the skill. The uses of those two gives users more control over the missions difficulty.


Still can't figure out why the mission is ending when I capture a zone... also, is the XP system broken right now for the current version of MCC?  I am using inidbi, and I can edit the .ini files and MCC will read that, but it is not writing to the files updating the xp or anything. Also, no xp messages from MCC and it is not increasing rating during gameplay (i ran a script in the background to check). Should I just wait until the new release or is there something I can do? Thanks


I really don't know why the mission is ending upon capturing a zone I believe it is something to do with winning conditions that you put. Regarding inidbi I would wait for the update as this part completely reworked. 


I use the mod ver of mcc - i got alot of this in my rpt - does any know what it is ?

11:37:43 Error Undefined variable in expression: _count

11:37:43 File mcc_sandbox_mod\mcc\pop_menu\markers_req.sqf, line 64

11:37:43 Error in expression <waituntil {count MCC_activeMarkers != _count || time > _time};_comboBox = (>

11:37:43 Error position: <_count || time > _time};_comboBox = (>


Yes this are errors  :rolleyes:

would be fixed in the next update.




i can't see the MCC in the keyboard addon CBA  :o list (only ALIVE appears)


any idea 


thank for all shay ...i'm waiting .....the update :P


You should have a combox up there where you can switch which mod keys are you defining. 


hey guys got another question. I want to save a mission and searched for an explanation here and followed it.

I make an empty mission in the editor, place unit, play in SP, use the MCC Mission generator and do some 3D editor stuff.

Then i went to save to sqm which gave me a bunche of text in my strg+v. I went back to the editor, opend the folder of the mission and copied the stuff in the sqm file,save,close.

Back in the editor i want to open the file. When i chose "import" it´s loading up something but then i have the empty mission i got before the whole procedure.

Hope i could explain it right.


Edit: Used the eden editor as i haven´t found the 2D Editor anymore.


You should open it first at the normal editor to see that everything is placed right and then import to Eden.


Can we expect some more mission generator options in this update? 


This mod literally makes the game for me. I exclusively use the mission generator when i play single player. 


If you'll give me some nice advice regarding the mission gen you might get what you asked for. 

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Hi Shay

I love the gaia system:-)

But to have more usability i would love to see the following in mcc:

- Gaia system can be in modular form, use markers to define zones, and options to either sync units/groups or all editor placed units.

- Add a stratigic position module so gaia will send units to the modules position to attack/defend.

- Add supprts options in the editor it self and choose who will be the commander in the editor.

- Add options to deny players to use mcc while in mission. (If the first option is implemented ofcourse).

Thanks for your work on your mod and enjoy your time with the little one:-)

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You should open it first at the normal editor to see that everything is placed right and then import to Eden.




After updating to the Apex or Dev branche there is no more 2D editor for me...or is it hidden? :-(


Looking forward to the update...the mission generator has so much potential. Would be nice to update it for Tanoa i gues...with new objectives/hvt´s and so on fitting to the landscape/theme.

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If you'll give me some nice advice regarding the mission gen you might get what you asked for. 


Man, i wish i could think of something! Really anything that adds more options. Mission types, modifiers etc. I just think its a great system that should be the number 1 focus of the mod. 

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After updating to the Apex or Dev branche there is no more 2D editor for me...or is it hidden? :-(

Supposedly it was taken away with the 1.62 update. However i have heard there is a key shortcut that you can use to get it to pop up. Sort of a hidden thing. Again i can NOT confirm that.

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If I recall correctly, in the world selection menu you can press Ctrl+O to open de 2d editor.

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OK so saving worked fine. Does MCC need to be loaded up for the mission? I can start it without, but i´m not shure what the AI will do without Gaia.

And if i loadup MCC do i have to be logged in to make Gaia overtaking the units that were assigned to her?


Edit: Or might it be enough to save the mission and put a Gaia Module in it?

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So ive been getting this error at random times now when I try to create a zone. 


It wont create one when I drag and it says "Request ID: Contacting Server" or something like that. 



Any idea why its doing this? 

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