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MCC Sandbox 3 - Dynamic mission creating tool for ArmA 3

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- Added: Weather over time slider to the Change Weather in MCC. 
- Fixed: MCC didn't work with ACE weather
- Disabled: MCC weather sync when ACE is on



are you able to change weather settings on-the-fly by MCC when ACE Weatcher is on? I mean ACE weather propagation as well as rain sync, wind sync and  misc sync is on? 


I am asking because I am still struggling with rain.

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Suggestions for GAiA or new CC function and few more suggestions.


Zones have straight value according to (size of zone //for start), should be customizable.

Zones keeping variables of all sides which forces are inside the zone, zones without forces (excluding civ) keeping variable free , free zones getting yellow priority.

Zones with forces straight lower then 20% of zone straight getting + 1 priority.

Aggressive behavior squads getting orders to refill zones which contains they side's variable which forces straight lover than straight of zone and free zones (!not more than zone straight!). They orders to move to zone keeping zone's priority value, for zones with enemys side's variables and free zones sended forces strength are counting and max forces can be send with strength not more then zone strength, each time any zone changing priority value or side's variable all orders are updating.

Giving orders:

Forces in whole map -> do not refill zones (but make CAS, AS)!

Forces in zone green -> move to all zones with higher priority, if zone will not have forces strength lower than 20% of zone strength.

Forces in zone yellow -> move to all zones with higher priority,if zone will not have forces strength lower than 20% of zone strength,

if slow speed and will have transport with the order.

if medium speed and the zone is < then 4 km from target zone.

If fast speed.

'Forces in zone red -> move to all zones with higher priority //can be only red zone with forces strength lower than 20% of zone strength;, if zone will not have forces strength lower than 20% of zone strength

if slow speed and will have transport with the order (if ground transport: the zone is < then 2 km from target zone).

if medium speed and the zone is < then 2 km from target zone. If fast speed and the zone is < then 5 km from target zone.'//maybe;.


occupation function filling zones according their straight //maybe make it as an option.

if (squad's (all) cargo seats > or == another squad's mens) than {
if (squad speed == medium) then {
 if (range another squad to waypoint > or == 1500) than {
  if (squad have waypoint) then {
   if (another squad's order priority > squad order priority) then {
    if (range squad to another squad < range another squad to waypoint)
    then {squad do transport another squad};
   else {
    if (another squad's order priority == squad order priority) then {
     if (range squad to another squad < 1.5 * range another squad to waypoint)
      then {squad do transport another squad};
  else {squad do transport another squad};
 else {
  if range another squad to waypoint > or == 1000) than {
   if (range squad to another squad < 2 / range another squad to waypoint) then {
    if (another squad's order priority > squad order priority)
     then {squad do transport another squad};
else {
 if (squad speed == fast) then {
  if (range another squad to waypoint > or == 2000) than {
   if (squad have waypoint) then {
    if (another squad's order priority > or == squad order priority) then {
     if (range squad to another squad < 2 * range another squad to waypoint)
      then {squad do helicoptertransport another squad};
   else {squad do helicoptertransport another squad};

(Here is still need to make they understand who is closer to do a transport and choppers taking long range transports from grount transport squads, I could do it, but by writing it tired a bit ) )


And make landed helicopters makight their home where they staying after adding to GAIA,

And planes acting with airfields like helicopters with they landing positions.

And "Whole map" in list of zones same as zone.


If you'll want to contact me:

Skype: Ilias48rus .


Email: [email protected] .

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Just a quick update before i'll go to bed.


The download link has been updated



MCC Zeus modules where global. 
Re-Add Super Traut flashbangs. 
Disabled MCC medic system by default.

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In hindsight I probably didn't need to make a video. But anyway here is a video I quickly made detailing the troubles I'm now having with MCC in relation to the log in time, errors (not many) and now the MCC modules in Zeus aren't working.
I apologise for my tone, it is quite late and I was rather tired when i made the video. Also the loading times I believe were long due to me recording on two monitors at once and there being some kind of windows update going on in the background. So the load times are well represented here. But you can see the problems I'm having with the latest release 0.4.17.

Feel free to fast forward to 2:40 which is when I start using MCC in game, before that it is just me loading into the MCC Template on Chernarus and what the Dedi is doing.



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are you able to change weather settings on-the-fly by MCC when ACE Weatcher is on? I mean ACE weather propagation as well as rain sync, wind sync and  misc sync is on? 


I am asking because I am still struggling with rain.

I would like to know this too.  ACE Weather and MCC Weather always fight each other and it doesn't always work.

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When creating a zone to use for a task,  is there a way to make the radius the AI spawn smaller,  i only drag a small square,  but the AI spawn quite a distance away..

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In hindsight I probably didn't need to make a video. But anyway here is a video I quickly made detailing the troubles I'm now having with MCC in relation to the log in time, errors (not many) and now the MCC modules in Zeus aren't working.

I apologise for my tone, it is quite late and I was rather tired when i made the video. Also the loading times I believe were long due to me recording on two monitors at once and there being some kind of windows update going on in the background. So the load times are well represented here. But you can see the problems I'm having with the latest release 0.4.17.

Feel free to fast forward to 2:40 which is when I start using MCC in game, before that it is just me loading into the MCC Template on Chernarus and what the Dedi is doing.


Did you checked it after the hot-fix?


I would like to know this too.  ACE Weather and MCC Weather always fight each other and it doesn't always work.


They don't fight each other as MCC weather isn't a system but a feature - meaning it just changes the weather. As of last night testing you can change the weather with MCC and ACE and the weather will stick. 


When creating a zone to use for a task,  is there a way to make the radius the AI spawn smaller,  i only drag a small square,  but the AI spawn quite a distance away..


Nope. The zone you have created for the task is used to find the best position for the task objective the mission's elements itself disregard this zone and build the mission based on another parameters such as:

In CQB missions AI and tasks spawns closer to each other comparing with regular mission.

The distance from objectives will raise the more players connected. 

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They don't fight each other as MCC weather isn't a system but a feature - meaning it just changes the weather. As of last night testing you can change the weather with MCC and ACE and the weather will stick. 


Have you placed ACE weather module? What are your settings for this module?

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Did you checked it after the hot-fix?

The modules not working actually happened after the hot fix. version 0.4.17. Before then they would work, only the options to edit them would appear to all players globally.

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Ever since the update I've been experiencing a weird bug. Intermittently, when I place units down through MCC editor it will drop two identical units when I only want one. Is this a known issue?

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Ok. sorry all for this post but I need some clarification. I am a bit confused.


1. So version 4.16 is the latest showing up in PlaywithSix. However for a few hours there was a version 4.17 up but then it disappeared. Whats the deal here does anyone know ?


2. On Pw6 it keeps showing 4.16 being updated (twice now) but the version number isn't changing. So I am confused if this is a Pw6 issue or a mod updating issue. Any thoughts ?


3. I know Shay_gman said that he added back in the flash bangs.... does this fix the save VA loudest issue ?


Any help with this would be appreciated. I am just a bit confused on if there is a version newer than 4.16. I do use Pw6 simply because for my coop group it is currently the best way for me to keep them all on the same page. 


Also... Love the updates Shay_gman and team. MCC is a mainstay of my modset. Keep up the fantastic work.

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I believe PWS rolled back the version because 4.17 was having a few difficulties with the MCC Modules.

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Hi Guys. We are using Headless CLient on our dedicated server. We are having issue getting into the control panel after we log-in. Didnt have that issue before with the previous update. 

Also.. when we use "garrison module" in Zeus. All players connected see the window appear on their screen. 


Maybe this is all an Headless Client issue. we are using Werthless Headless Client mod. We are currently testing  to see if this could be the issue.



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Yeah I saw that too, but I never thought that the flashbangs were from the MCC4 mod.

Lol i was looking for them!!!!!! 

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Hi Guys. We are using Headless CLient on our dedicated server. We are having issue getting into the control panel after we log-in. Didnt have that issue before with the previous update. 

Also.. when we use "garrison module" in Zeus. All players connected see the window appear on their screen. 


Maybe this is all an Headless Client issue. we are using Werthless Headless Client mod. We are currently testing  to see if this could be the issue.



Check a couple of pages back. Both issues are known issues mate on a disagreed server they happen to my group as well on a dedi. I believe there is a solution being worked on. It has nothing to do with headless client.

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Updated mod v0.4.16 available at withSIX. Download now by clicking:


Hey Shay_gman , you can upload updates or new mods to withSIX yourself now!

Make your own promo page, get the power to release your work at your own point of choosing.

To learn more, follow this guide.

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I tried to find a post which adresses my problem but couldn´t find one. 

So here is my issue.


I set up a server for a buddy and me. 

I create a new mission on esseker. Place to figures in to play and start the server blank.

Then I create a mission with MCC.

I create a zone where I spawn Zombie groups in vie the Zombies and Demons mod.

I create a base. A mission to get intel.

And then we walk towards the area we want to gain intel from...


My buddy keeps freezing at a certain distance everytime.

Does someone know what it is?


We can run around but when the we get near the zone he freezes but it don´t...



Any Ideas?

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Hi, got some problems here, hoping someone would kindly help me out.

I've placed couple empty fortification objects, empty vehicles and military structures in 2d editor, but I can't fill my base with AIs.

I've thought of creating a zone covering my base and spawn some fortification type AIs through MCC, but couldn't get them to man the towers, HQ and other guard posts.

Any solutions or guides are very appreciated.

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to fix the BIS arsenal preset, replace its code by :

,['Virtual Arsenal (BIS)', '_this addaction ["<t color=""#ff22ff"">Virtual Arsenal</t>",{["Open",true] call BIS_fnc_arsenal}];']

in init.sqf

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I don't think PW6 should be making determinations on pulling versions if they did in fact do this. One can click and select a previous version to install if they want to in PW6 so there is no reason for them to pull it.


I saw something strange in PW6 too as I am almost certain it was showing 4.17 at one point and now it is showing 4.16. So there is definitely confusion somewhere and who knows if I'm running the hotfix version or not. Considering I'm seeing all sorts of issues with medical appearing when I don't want to and others that people have indicated its currently a mess.

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For those of you apprehensive on using MCC, or don't really know how to use MCC I made an exciting mission solely using MCC. The mission took about 5 minutes to make and set up, using the Mission Generator then me quickly adding a couple ambushes and zones and triggers.

It is a pretty action packed mission, enjoy.

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