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About Ilias38rus

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  1. Ilias38rus

    Force ai to execute action.

    Is it possible to ask someone to delete a topic?
  2. Ilias38rus

    Force ai to execute action.

    Oh, the .. , the command is-perform the action, by title, i looked before, thought it's like playaction, some kind of, just there is title instead of index, just tired i guies, sorry for the thread. Thanks.
  3. Ilias38rus

    Force ai to execute action.

    ``Any.. `````F.. , 6 , .. -> ai executing action. How to make it by code to action added with addaction command. ````just paradigm _ut |execute| |_uta action _n|; `````_unit_test |execute| |_unit_test_a action `'(like removeaction) _number|; You can show thread with the question answered?
  4. How to force ai to execute action ``(added by addAction).
  5. thanks, but know it '`If using mods? should be some way to determine the abbilitiies
  6. Ilias38rus

    getVariable penformance

    ))) at mine crashing every time i'm checking )
  7. Ilias38rus

    getVariable penformance

    I'm do not trying to understand any of it, i'm thinking about thousands of other things, special about the situation: i meeted systems, even in the programming world, when in environment with multitudinous unsystematized entities they hadn't personal |information storages|, i didn't need to understand how it is here, just to think about it.
  8. Ilias38rus

    getVariable penformance

    And one more question, why the script's execution speed counter on |"debug" interface| crashing game after checking: vt = 1; if (vt == 0) then { hint "t"; } else { if (vt == 1) then { hint "t1"; }; };
  9. Ilias38rus

    getVariable penformance

    Thnk you for answer "Getting a variable (most basic thing in any environment)" the |'thinking link'| all what was needeble to write here.
  10. Ilias38rus

    getVariable penformance

    ~500 units, what's better `````(lowest resources taking, not the script's execution speed): 0. adding them to array, add checking alive or isnull to all of them to remove from the array and for ~100 of them checking to all units in ~70m. presents in the array? 1. add variable to all of them, changing the variables, and for ~100 of them checking the variable at all units in ~70m.?
  11. Ilias38rus

    getVariable penformance

    I am to they who are is it? | \/ `````They think they know situation and do not trying to help with question (if i'm asking the question, it have cense).
  12. Ilias38rus

    getVariable penformance

    Few mistakes in command's names, for how much units you think the code will be executed for? that you stupid posts without any purpose junking topics showing you like an idiots
  13. Ilias38rus

    getVariable penformance

    Some precise question like: 1. while {true} do { { { if (_x in at) then { hint "t"; }; } foreach nearestObjects [_x, ["men"], 70]; } foreach atu; }; 2. while {true} do { { { _lv = at find _x; if (_lv != -1) then { hint "t"; }; } foreach nearestObjects [_x, ["men"], 70]; } foreach atu; }; 3. while {true} do { { { if (_x getvariable "pvt") then { hint "t"; }; } foreach nearestObjects [_x, ["men"], 70]; } foreach atu; }; What's better?