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MCC Sandbox 3 - Dynamic mission creating tool for ArmA 3

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why wont my missions save? i use the 3d editor to place some enemies in a building, ammo cache, and a tank and any other mission assets that'd make it fun but when i return to the game after shutting it off, my mcc file only loads the markers i placed on my map. i saved it as an sqm file, i loaded it to my profile, ive tried many a different method and failed. why wont my spawned enemy positions load/save?

to be exact i was placing enemies inside the building at the villa of zargabad on the north east corner. i can erase the spawns and then reload the mission in the same game but if shut down arma and then restart it wont work, only display markers as stated. why wont my spawns positions save? what am i doing wrong?

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Is there a way to add scrips like this "this addeventhandler ["fired", {(_this select 0) setvehicleammo 1}]" to units in the 3D Editor?

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I hope it is good place for bug reports...

There is a problem in MCC on server-standalone linux box.

When you use mission generator for first time (after server start) it will hang out after creating red circle and one objective (somethimes with some units, often without any). After relog Mission Generator works fine.

This bug are appearing only on linux dedicated, on windows works fine.


9:51:06 BattlEye Server: Initialized (v1.198)

9:51:06 Host identity created.

[s_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.

Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 107410

9:51:06 Game Port: 2302, Steam Query Port: 2303

9:51:06 Initializing Steam server - Game Port: 2302, Steam Query Port: 2303

Arma 3 Console version 1.38 : port 2302

9:51:06 Mission MCC modded read from directory.

9:51:07 Roles assigned.

9:51:07 Reading mission ...

9:51:07 Starting mission:

9:51:07 Mission file: MCC

9:51:07 Mission world: Altis

9:51:07 Mission directory: mpmissions\MCC.Altis\

9:51:07 Warning Message: Picture mcc_loadingscreen.paa not found

9:51:07 Warning Message: Picture mcc_loadingscreen.paa not found

Can't find real path "a3\map_altis\data\roads\roads.shp": "No such file or directory"

9:51:12 Strange convex component08 in a3\structures_f_epb\civ\garbage\garbagecontainer_closed_f.p3d:geometryView

9:51:12 Strange convex component10 in a3\structures_f_epb\civ\garbage\garbagecontainer_closed_f.p3d:geometryView

9:51:12 Strange convex component145 in a3\plants_f\tree\t_pinuss2s_b_f.p3d:geometryView

9:51:12 Strange convex component149 in a3\plants_f\tree\t_pinuss2s_b_f.p3d:geometryView

9:51:12 Strange convex component01 in a3\structures_f_epc\civ\accessories\beachbooth_01_f.p3d:geometryView

9:51:12 Strange convex component02 in a3\structures_f_epc\civ\accessories\beachbooth_01_f.p3d:geometryView

9:51:12 Strange convex component03 in a3\structures_f_epc\civ\accessories\beachbooth_01_f.p3d:geometryView

9:51:12 Strange convex component04 in a3\structures_f_epc\civ\accessories\beachbooth_01_f.p3d:geometryView

Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_list

Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpreinit

Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpostinit

Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listrecompile

Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missiontaskslocal

Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionconversationslocal

Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionflow

9:51:16 Mission read.

9:51:16 Connected to Steam servers

9:51:16 m3nda uses modified data file

9:51:16 BattlEye Server: Player #0 m3nda ( connected

9:51:16 Player m3nda connecting.

9:51:16 ../lib/Network/networkServer.cpp OnClientStateChanged:NOT IMPLEMENTED - briefing!

9:51:16 Game started.

9:51:17 "0.021 - MCC Headless Client available: false"

9:51:17 "0.021 - MCC Local Headless Client: false"

9:51:17 "Added 'mcc_setup' EventHandler for Server"

9:51:17 "MCC: 0.061 iniDB isn't running. Can't access role selection"

9:51:17 Error in expression <ffectCreate ["ColorCorrections", 2500];

SUPER_PPEffect ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, -0.>

9:51:17 Error position: <SUPER_PPEffect ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, -0.>

9:51:17 Error Undefined variable in expression: super_ppeffect

9:51:17 File mcc_sandbox_mod\SUPER_flash\scripts\fn_InitFlashBang.sqf, line 2

9:51:17 BattlEye Server: Player #0 m3nda - GUID: 757648f06f0c64bf3328487a2d0029ec (unverified)

9:51:18 Player m3nda connected (id=76561198030299468).

9:51:18 BattlEye Server: Verified GUID (757648f06f0c64bf3328487a2d0029ec) of player #0 m3nda

9:52:16 Server: Object 3:7 not found (message Type_114)

9:52:16 Server: Object 3:6 not found (message Type_114)

9:52:16 Server: Object 3:8 not found (message Type_89)

9:52:16 Duplicate weapon Binocular detected for B_Soldier_SL_F

9:52:16 Ragdoll - loading of ragdoll source "Soldier" started.

9:52:16 Ragdoll - loading of ragdoll source "Soldier" finished successfully.

9:52:25 DeleteWeapon: wrong weaponID!

9:52:25 DeleteWeapon: wrong weaponID!

9:52:25 DeleteWeapon: wrong weaponID!

9:52:25 DeleteWeapon: wrong weaponID!

9:52:25 DeleteWeapon: wrong weaponID!

9:52:34 DeleteWeapon: wrong weaponID!

9:52:34 DeleteWeapon: wrong weaponID!

9:52:34 DeleteWeapon: wrong weaponID!

9:52:34 DeleteWeapon: wrong weaponID!

9:52:34 DeleteWeapon: wrong weaponID!

9:52:36 DeleteWeapon: wrong weaponID!

9:52:36 DeleteWeapon: wrong weaponID!

9:52:36 DeleteWeapon: wrong weaponID!

9:52:36 DeleteWeapon: wrong weaponID!

9:52:36 DeleteWeapon: wrong weaponID!

9:52:45 DeleteWeapon: wrong weaponID!

9:52:45 DeleteWeapon: wrong weaponID!

9:52:45 DeleteWeapon: wrong weaponID!

9:52:45 DeleteWeapon: wrong weaponID!

9:52:45 DeleteWeapon: wrong weaponID!

9:52:50 "MCC MW: fn_MWbuildLocations city no type of location was selected"

9:52:50 DeleteWeapon: wrong weaponID!

9:52:50 DeleteWeapon: wrong weaponID!

9:52:50 DeleteWeapon: wrong weaponID!

9:52:50 DeleteWeapon: wrong weaponID!

9:52:50 DeleteWeapon: wrong weaponID!

9:52:50 "MCC MW: fn_MWbuildLocations mil no type of location was selected"

9:52:50 "MCC MW: fn_MWbuildLocations hill no type of location was selected"

9:52:51 "MCC MW: fn_MWbuildLocations nature no type of location was selected"

9:52:51 "MCC MW: fn_MWbuildLocations marine no type of location was selected"

9:52:56 "MCC Mission Wizard center = [9562.5,11062.5,4.86374e-05]"

9:52:57 Error in expression <bleunits > 0



default {

waituntil {isplayer (missionnamespace getvariable [>

9:52:57 Error position: <isplayer (missionnamespace getvariable [>

9:52:57 Error isplayer: Type Number, expected Object

9:52:57 File a3\modules_f_curator\curator\functions\fn_moduleCurator.sqf, line 114

9:52:58 "MCC: attemping to spawn"

9:52:58 "my_pv: MCC REGULAR - ["","",true,true,"","",1,"NOTHING","1","MOVE",[9581.35,11127.3,0.0151939],[310,310],310,EAST,<NULL-object>,1,false,false,"Error: No vehicle","DEFAULT",0,[0,0,0],0,0,0,[9400.64,10951.5],false,false]"

Sorry for my english.

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Thanks for the reply Shay, good to know we are working on the same thing. Definitely one of the features that me and my group look forward to the most.

May I suggest a feature to consider for your road map to survival is potentially a pool of items that survival will choose from? Especially if this pool could be created from an existing GUI such as aresenal/zeus and the probability of the items being spawned could also be controlled. Just a few thoughts.

There is the shared survival box next to start location (HQ) where players can share their items. If you are looking for some arsenal kind of gear selection it is better to look into the role selection feature.

There you can give the players the option to choose what weapons, gear and uniforms they can spawn with according to their level and encourage teamwork and persistent co-op data base toward achievements. You can assign them to start with a pistol at level 1 and unlocking new gear as they progress, don't forget to read in the wiki how to configure it. check it out here: http://mccsandbox.wikia.com/wiki/Role_Selection

Does anyone else get the bug that when you set the mission settings to "Save Gear" players often respawn without a primary, launcher and even some times not even a secondary?

Everything else seems to save like clothes, vests, helmet and backpack but the weapons seems to disappear.

I'll take a look into it.

Actually, I believe I figured it out:

1) I need to set the mcc_sidename variable server-side prior to calling the spawninzone function (as this gets passed ultimately to the pv_handler and is mapped to _p_mcc_grouptype locally).

2) For roadblocks, one has to pass in a constant not a string for side: EAST as opposed to "EAST"

Is this correct?


Yeah looks like you got it.


How can I get rid of the MCC EOD Menu popping up at the start of a mission, Sorry for asking a question that has probably been asked many of times!

I've added a "don't show this message in the future" option for next release.

Hey Shay,

I'm having a issue with the mission settings.

It seems that any modification that I do on the settings are not saved.

I tested many times using only CBA and MCC R12 and I'm hitting on the save button of course.

Funny is that I was able to save before.

Where I can find the file that my settings are saved?

I hope you can help me on that!

Many thanks!

Thanks I've fixed it for the next version.

why wont my missions save? i use the 3d editor to place some enemies in a building, ammo cache, and a tank and any other mission assets that'd make it fun but when i return to the game after shutting it off, my mcc file only loads the markers i placed on my map. i saved it as an sqm file, i loaded it to my profile, ive tried many a different method and failed. why wont my spawned enemy positions load/save?

to be exact i was placing enemies inside the building at the villa of zargabad on the north east corner. i can erase the spawns and then reload the mission in the same game but if shut down arma and then restart it wont work, only display markers as stated. why wont my spawns positions save? what am i doing wrong?

Looks like your units get cached or delayed spawned. Make you sure delayed spawn/cache is off when you spawn them (under the spawn menu)

Is there a way to add scrips like this "this addeventhandler ["fired", {(_this select 0) setvehicleammo 1}]" to units in the 3D Editor?

Yes, put it in the init line in the 3D editor before you place the unit or edit the unit with MCC's Zeus (double click) and add the code in the init line. Just replace any "this" with "_this".

I hope it is good place for bug reports...

There is a problem in MCC on server-standalone linux box.

When you use mission generator for first time (after server start) it will hang out after creating red circle and one objective (somethimes with some units, often without any). After relog Mission Generator works fine.

This bug are appearing only on linux dedicated, on windows works fine.

Sorry for my english.

Looks like MCC is trying to spawn "null" vehicle – I don't have Linux server to test it – so I'll need your help try and save a mission with just one spawned unit and send me the saved mission (save to clipboard).

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I've been trying to find this for the last hour, what file am I supposed to put into my arma folder?

I can't find it, I've seen the map folder but from everywhere I'm being told that I just download the main file, but I can't seem to find one, and I'm getting kinda frustrated.

Please help.


---------- Post added at 18:00 ---------- Previous post was at 17:57 ----------

Where do I download the main file I've been told of?

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I've been trying to find this for the last hour, what file am I supposed to put into my arma folder?

I can't find it, I've seen the map folder but from everywhere I'm being told that I just download the main file, but I can't seem to find one, and I'm getting kinda frustrated.

Please help.


---------- Post added at 18:00 ---------- Previous post was at 17:57 ----------

Where do I download the main file I've been told of?

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I seem to either have a problem or just not understand something, but any time a player tries to respawn the mission is failed and ended. i dont want that, i want to be able to respawn. can someone help?

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Is anyone else having problems with units spawning on the Headless Client? Does the entity need to be named something specific?

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Hey Shay.

I am getting that Error on the Dedi Server RPT:

" Error in expression <ffectCreate ["ColorCorrections", 2500];

SUPER_PPEffect ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, -0.>

Error position: <SUPER_PPEffect ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, -0.>

Error Undefined variable in expression: super_ppeffect

File mcc_sandbox_mod\SUPER_flash\scripts\fn_InitFlashBang.sqf, line 2 "

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I'll take a look into it.

pawn/cache is off when you spawn them (under the spawn menu)

G'day Shay

In regards to losing your primary or launcher on death and not respawning with them. It seems to be an issue if he drops the weapons during the death animation. So a common example is death by a grenade or shot by a .50cal and the players body moves several meters and drops the primary and launcher due to shock.

It has also happened to me a number of times when i have hit "Respawn" whilst unconscious and the players body upon death hops in the air for a moment dropping the primary and launcher.

Initially I thought this was something I'd have to live with as it must be a script issue with the core game.

However I have added the AGM respawn module to the mission and the player always respawns with all their gear regardless of how the player died. The player can even walk over a land mine explode and fly through the air losing their primary and launcher or even their secondary, the respawn with everything they had prior to their death. Obviously using the AGM module isn't as good as using MCC as I can't turn it on or off depending on the mission we want to do. I literally have to edit the PBO which is not something I'm interested in doing.

Anyway no idea how to fix it, just thought I'd give you some additional info and hopefully that helps.

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I have an interesting and confusing issue:

If I make a zone that takes up my whole map, and then try to generate a mission it will say the zone is too small, every single time. But if I make another zone after that is the same size and in the same position as the first marker, it will generate the mission fine.

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Looks like MCC is trying to spawn "null" vehicle – I don't have Linux server to test it – so I'll need your help try and save a mission with just one spawned unit and send me the saved mission (save to clipboard).

One spawned unit:

MCC_savedObjectives = [];

MCC_savedGroups = [["WEST",[["GAIA_ZONE_INTEND",[]],["mcc_gaia_cache",false],["MCC_GAIA_RESPAWN",-1]],[]],["WEST",[["GAIA_ZONE_INTEND",[]],["mcc_gaia_cache",false],["MCC_GAIA_RESPAWN",-1]],[["B_Soldier_F",[14677.4,16712.7,0.00143814],0,"PRIVATE",0.5,0,1,"",true,false,"NONE"]]]];

MCC_savedVehicles = [];

MCC_savedWeather = [0.840576,0.840356,0.1,0.00270621,0.00311292,0];

MCC_savedTime = [2035,8,2,12,3,""];

MCC_savedZones = [[],[],[],[],[]];

[MCC_savedZones] spawn MCC_fn_loadZones;

[[MCC_savedObjectives, MCC_savedGroups, MCC_savedVehicles, MCC_savedWeather, MCC_savedTime], "MCC_fnc_loadFromMCC", false, false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;

One spawned and "frozen" mission:

MCC_savedObjectives = [["ModuleObjectiveNeutralize_F",[17514.8,10855.8,0.433353],"MCC_objectUnits_1","[WEST,EAST,GUER,CIV]",["Task: Destroy the prototype AH-99 Blackfoot.<br/><br/>Last night HQ received intel suggesting that the enemy has obtained a prototype AH-99 Blackfoot.<br/>This is a game-changer and we must eliminate it by any means necessary.<br/>According to satellite photos the vehicle is hidden in this area.","Objective 1: Destroy the prototype AH-99 Blackfoot","Objective 1: Destroy the prototype AH-99 Blackfoot"]]];

MCC_savedGroups = [["WEST",[["GAIA_ZONE_INTEND",[]],["mcc_gaia_cache",false],["MCC_GAIA_RESPAWN",-1]],[]]];

MCC_savedVehicles = [["EMPTY","Land_HelipadEmpty_F",[17502.4,10844.7,-4.19617e-005],135.821,""],["EMPTY","Land_TentHangar_V1_F",[17502.8,10845.3,0.891392],315.395,""],["EMPTY","Land_HBarrier_3_F",[17507.1,10835.8,0.0274277],174.308,""],["EMPTY","Land_HBarrier_3_F",[17512.3,10840.4,0.0459671],271.675,""],["EMPTY","Land_HBarrier_5_F",[17503.3,10834,-0.147972],146.18,""],["EMPTY","Land_HBarrier_5_F",[17513.7,10844.2,-0.151485],117.377,""],["EMPTY","Land_HBarrierWall6_F",[17499,10855.9,0.0555077],328.334,""],["EMPTY","Land_HBarrierWall_corner_F",[17489.3,10848.9,0.0439911],236.841,""],["EMPTY","Land_HBarrierTower_F",[17492.3,10853.6,0.114594],139.018,""],["EMPTY","Land_Razorwire_F",[17497.1,10859.3,0.57312],149.401,""],["EMPTY","Land_Razorwire_F",[17485.8,10850.3,-0.555012],104.779,""],["EMPTY","B_Heli_Attack_01_F",[17503.6,10844.5,0.112213],135.821,";MCC_objectUnits_1 = _this;"]];

MCC_savedWeather = [0.0305845,0.030054,0.1,0,0.00304525,0];

MCC_savedTime = [2035,8,2,12,2,""];

MCC_savedZones = [[1],[nil,[17503.6,10844.5,0.433746]],[nil,[310,310]],[nil,0],[nil,0]];

[MCC_savedZones] spawn MCC_fn_loadZones;

[[MCC_savedObjectives, MCC_savedGroups, MCC_savedVehicles, MCC_savedWeather, MCC_savedTime], "MCC_fnc_loadFromMCC", false, false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;

Hope it helps, if need anything just say

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Hi, I LOVE this mod( i mainly use it single player).Two questions, When i make a random mission with the wizard,no matter how many zones i make it always puts all objectives within 100m of each other.Any I dea how to fix this? Also I know how to call for CAS ,artillery etc, but can I call an extract chopper and give it waypoints?How doo I do this? Thanks again for an amazing mod.

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Hi, I LOVE this mod( i mainly use it single player).Two questions, When i make a random mission with the wizard,no matter how many zones i make it always puts all objectives within 100m of each other.Any Idea how to fix this? Also I know how to call for CAS ,artillery etc, but can I call an extract chopper and give it waypoints?How do I do this? Thanks again for an amazing mod.

For the distance, you'll have to raise the player count, but that will also create more enemies. You can you the evac chopper from the left and assign it some waypoints too.

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Hey, can anyone tell me how to make this work?

I have put the Mission-Control-Center-Sandbox4-r12-hotfix "mcc_sandbox" in my Arma3 folder, added the mod to the properties to make it work but:

In editor when I try to log in as mission maker, it says that the mcc_fnc_login function is not present. There are a few other similar errors but I didn't bother to write them down, one was when self-interacting. In other modes (campaign/showcase) the MCC menu pops up but the login still doesn't work - nothing happens not even an error.

I want to use this for singleplayer due to variety of its functions. Mainly mission creation/ Not really interested in multiplayer for now. Are there some prerequisites or something? How do I create the new missions?

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Bunch of questions:

Is it normal behaviour when I redefine MCC keybinding "open MCC" other keys are cleared? If not, how to debug it for gathering neccesary info about this behaviour?

Is it possible to remove zone (brush in "all" mode does not work, del on zone marker also)? However i can remove zones created by Mission generator.

Why i can't teleport other player? There is a command "other_player teleported" but nothing happen.

Is it possible to suit Mission generator to work with RHS?

When Mission generator generates mission, it almost always places mission objective near the selected zone (not in the zone). How to force MG to put objective in the center of zones area?

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Hi Shay, I love the mod, great work. I've just recently updated mcc to v0.4.12.1 and found a couple of issues. I'm testing only with mcc (and cba).

1) Respawn with saved gear often results in no primary weapon. This was pointed out by someone else in this thread, just wanted to confirm I have the same issue.

2) When creating a mission with the 'secure hvt' objective I am only able to get them to join the squad by first restraining them and then ordering them around (options available by holding the windows key). It's a rescue mission so it seems that you should be able to get them to join immediately, pretty sure it used to work this way.

3) How can we get bandages and other items for the medic system? I didn't see a way to spawn them through zeus or mcc (at least without using the addItem command).

Thanks and looking forward to new updates. I'm liking the vault over obstacle and cover system and as always it's great to be able to quickly make a mission.


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I seem to either have a problem or just not understand something, but any time a player tries to respawn the mission is failed and ended. i dont want that, i want to be able to respawn. can someone help?

Most likely you don't have respawn parmaters in your mission.

So, in your mission (assuming you are using the mod version of MCC) create a description.ext file and put this in

Respawn = "base";

Respawndelay = 5;

Hey Shay.

I am getting that Error on the Dedi Server RPT:

" Error in expression <ffectCreate ["ColorCorrections", 2500];

SUPER_PPEffect ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, -0.>

Error position: <SUPER_PPEffect ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, -0.>

Error Undefined variable in expression: super_ppeffect

File mcc_sandbox_mod\SUPER_flash\scripts\fn_InitFlashBang.sqf, line 2 "

Just ignore it, it's the Straut flash bang trying to make ppEffects on a dedicated server – I'll fix it later – no game breaker.

G'day Shay

In regards to losing your primary or launcher on death and not respawning with them. It seems to be an issue if he drops the weapons during the death animation. So a common example is death by a grenade or shot by a .50cal and the players body moves several meters and drops the primary and launcher due to shock.

Thanks, I've fixed it and release a new version.

I have an interesting and confusing issue:

If I make a zone that takes up my whole map, and then try to generate a mission it will say the zone is too small, every single time. But if I make another zone after that is the same size and in the same position as the first marker, it will generate the mission fine.

I'll check it out

One spawned unit:

MCC_savedObjectives = [];

MCC_savedGroups = [["WEST",[["GAIA_ZONE_INTEND",[]],["mcc_gaia_cache",false],["MCC_GAIA_RESPAWN",-1]],[]],["WEST",[["GAIA_ZONE_INTEND",[]],["mcc_gaia_cache",false],["MCC_GAIA_RESPAWN",-1]],[["B_Soldier_F",[14677.4,16712.7,0.00143814],0,"PRIVATE",0.5,0,1,"",true,false,"NONE"]]]];

MCC_savedVehicles = [];

MCC_savedWeather = [0.840576,0.840356,0.1,0.00270621,0.00311292,0];

MCC_savedTime = [2035,8,2,12,3,""];

MCC_savedZones = [[],[],[],[],[]];

[MCC_savedZones] spawn MCC_fn_loadZones;

[[MCC_savedObjectives, MCC_savedGroups, MCC_savedVehicles, MCC_savedWeather, MCC_savedTime], "MCC_fnc_loadFromMCC", false, false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;

One spawned and "frozen" mission:

MCC_savedObjectives = [["ModuleObjectiveNeutralize_F",[17514.8,10855.8,0.433353],"MCC_objectUnits_1","[WEST,EAST,GUER,CIV]",["Task: Destroy the prototype AH-99 Blackfoot.<br/><br/>Last night HQ received intel suggesting that the enemy has obtained a prototype AH-99 Blackfoot.<br/>This is a game-changer and we must eliminate it by any means necessary.<br/>According to satellite photos the vehicle is hidden in this area.","Objective 1: Destroy the prototype AH-99 Blackfoot","Objective 1: Destroy the prototype AH-99 Blackfoot"]]];

MCC_savedGroups = [["WEST",[["GAIA_ZONE_INTEND",[]],["mcc_gaia_cache",false],["MCC_GAIA_RESPAWN",-1]],[]]];

MCC_savedVehicles = [["EMPTY","Land_HelipadEmpty_F",[17502.4,10844.7,-4.19617e-005],135.821,""],["EMPTY","Land_TentHangar_V1_F",[17502.8,10845.3,0.891392],315.395,""],["EMPTY","Land_HBarrier_3_F",[17507.1,10835.8,0.0274277],174.308,""],["EMPTY","Land_HBarrier_3_F",[17512.3,10840.4,0.0459671],271.675,""],["EMPTY","Land_HBarrier_5_F",[17503.3,10834,-0.147972],146.18,""],["EMPTY","Land_HBarrier_5_F",[17513.7,10844.2,-0.151485],117.377,""],["EMPTY","Land_HBarrierWall6_F",[17499,10855.9,0.0555077],328.334,""],["EMPTY","Land_HBarrierWall_corner_F",[17489.3,10848.9,0.0439911],236.841,""],["EMPTY","Land_HBarrierTower_F",[17492.3,10853.6,0.114594],139.018,""],["EMPTY","Land_Razorwire_F",[17497.1,10859.3,0.57312],149.401,""],["EMPTY","Land_Razorwire_F",[17485.8,10850.3,-0.555012],104.779,""],["EMPTY","B_Heli_Attack_01_F",[17503.6,10844.5,0.112213],135.821,";MCC_objectUnits_1 = _this;"]];

MCC_savedWeather = [0.0305845,0.030054,0.1,0,0.00304525,0];

MCC_savedTime = [2035,8,2,12,2,""];

MCC_savedZones = [[1],[nil,[17503.6,10844.5,0.433746]],[nil,[310,310]],[nil,0],[nil,0]];

[MCC_savedZones] spawn MCC_fn_loadZones;

[[MCC_savedObjectives, MCC_savedGroups, MCC_savedVehicles, MCC_savedWeather, MCC_savedTime], "MCC_fnc_loadFromMCC", false, false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;

Hope it helps, if need anything just say

I didn't found the time to check it but it looks legit to me – I'll try loading your saved mission on my end and see what is going on.

Hey, can anyone tell me how to make this work?

I have put the Mission-Control-Center-Sandbox4-r12-hotfix "mcc_sandbox" in my Arma3 folder, added the mod to the properties to make it work but:

In editor when I try to log in as mission maker, it says that the mcc_fnc_login function is not present. There are a few other similar errors but I didn't bother to write them down, one was when self-interacting. In other modes (campaign/showcase) the MCC menu pops up but the login still doesn't work - nothing happens not even an error.

I want to use this for singleplayer due to variety of its functions. Mainly mission creation/ Not really interested in multiplayer for now. Are there some prerequisites or something? How do I create the new missions?

Seems like your ArmA game isn't up to date or might be corrupted or even pirated version – try updating the game.


Bunch of questions:

Is it normal behaviour when I redefine MCC keybinding "open MCC" other keys are cleared? If not, how to debug it for gathering neccesary info about this behaviour?

Is it possible to remove zone (brush in "all" mode does not work, del on zone marker also)? However i can remove zones created by Mission generator.

Why i can't teleport other player? There is a command "other_player teleported" but nothing happen.

Is it possible to suit Mission generator to work with RHS?

When Mission generator generates mission, it almost always places mission objective near the selected zone (not in the zone). How to force MG to put objective in the center of zones area?

No it is not normal to lose all other key binds – I'll look into it.

You can't delete a zone – but you can reuse it – edit it exc.

In order to teleport a player the player should run MCC as well – in general all clients and server should run MCC.

Is anyone else having problems with units spawning on the Headless Client? Does the entity need to be named something specific?

Thanks to you, your clan and the testing enjoinment you gave me I can finally fix it – most likely soon.

Hi Shay, I love the mod, great work. I've just recently updated mcc to v0.4.12.1 and found a couple of issues. I'm testing only with mcc (and cba).

1) Respawn with saved gear often results in no primary weapon. This was pointed out by someone else in this thread, just wanted to confirm I have the same issue.

2) When creating a mission with the 'secure hvt' objective I am only able to get them to join the squad by first restraining them and then ordering them around (options available by holding the windows key). It's a rescue mission so it seems that you should be able to get them to join immediately, pretty sure it used to work this way.

3) How can we get bandages and other items for the medic system? I didn't see a way to spawn them through zeus or mcc (at least without using the addItem command).

Thanks and looking forward to new updates. I'm liking the vault over obstacle and cover system and as always it's great to be able to quickly make a mission.


1) Respawn without primary weapon have been fixed and will be introduced soon.

2) Indeed according to military and law enforcers doctrines you restrain any non-involved before rescue them. I know it isn't the Hollywood style but it is the right way to do it.

3) I'll release a medical box for next update.

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Love this mod. Basically makes single player playable. My only issue so far is the inconsistency of the AI when piloting heli's. So far the evac ropes almost never work and several times the AI lands hard and almost breaks the heli. Besides this and AGM, which i am wanting to drop soon anyway because of the lag it causes, I only use mods that add weapons or items. Nothing script heavy at all. Any idea if this is common or of a possible fix on my end?

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Love this mod. Basically makes single player playable. My only issue so far is the inconsistency of the AI when piloting heli's. So far the evac ropes almost never work and several times the AI lands hard and almost breaks the heli. Besides this and AGM, which i am wanting to drop soon anyway because of the lag it causes, I only use mods that add weapons or items. Nothing script heavy at all. Any idea if this is common or of a possible fix on my end?

About the helis, that's just usual arma 3 AI behavior (Most of it), don't think it's related to MCC. About the performance, AGM or MCC, unlike what you think are some of the best mods in the "Amount of work done/Performance loss" rate. Those addons that add "only" weapons or items can cause more lag then MCC and AGM, you don't need scripts to lag the game, heavily (unnecessarily) detailed mods tend to lower performance way more than AGM or MCC could.

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About the helis, that's just usual arma 3 AI behavior (Most of it), don't think it's related to MCC. About the performance, AGM or MCC, unlike what you think are some of the best mods in the "Amount of work done/Performance loss" rate. Those addons that add "only" weapons or items can cause more lag then MCC and AGM, you don't need scripts to lag the game, heavily (unnecessarily) detailed mods tend to lower performance way more than AGM or MCC could.

Ohhhh... I only have most of those add on mods so I can have all the different factions. African Pirates, Eastern rebels, Russian units, etc. Things that require different outfit and weapon packs. Is using those factions for a mission playing into the lag I get? Also ,what about script lag? Sometimes I'll tell a unit to move to a location and they will just stay put or get close then stop. That's all troops too.

Edited by Toby2600

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the greatest flaw in MCC is, and has always been...

once u get out of a mission to go to main, and then go back in, u cant use MCC in that mission ever again.

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I am having issues deleting the MCC zones from the editor. I can move the yellow zone marker around the map but when I hit the delete button the zone is still there. I can delete all other mission marks,units ect but not the zones I put down using the MCC 4 editor. I am sure I am doing something wrong lol. Thanks Avibird.

@ Shay_Gman you stated above you updated MCC4 how can I tell what version I have and what is the best way if I needed to update. Should I remove all of the mod and reinstall the whole new mod that you updated. Where is the new link for updated I never saw it on armaholic of a link on this post.

Edited by AVIBIRD 1

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Is there any way to modify the init field for a unit you are going to spawn, like you would do for exported Virtual Arsenal loadoats in the init field in the editor? I like spawning enemies to kill, but i would want some more control over what type of weapon they have and what type of clothing they wear. Is this possible in MCC, as it seems as if i can only spawn default classes like BLUFOR rifleman, marksman etc etc...

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