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In the future apparently human beings are not subject to inertia or weight.

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ah pd3 One shouldnt be so extreme atleast not yet. Mind you That is pretty much what I get from non arma players, Its bf3+. Arma 2 is the shittiest game on the earth etc etc. What you have to slowly come to accept is those bishes pay the bills. They twitch and youtube, and whatever elses. "We" are a minority and never ever forget that. Weather the game turns into bf3/4+ who knows, but dont burst your bubble just yet. Have faith. Its not like this has happened before...

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Confirmed for apes.

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Ivan Buchta said that OFP was an horrible game - then I wonder what hes thoughs on uber-unprofessional no intertia in A3. Yep it's still alpha, not even beta yet ( I didn't saw any inertia in beta videos anyway).

Edited by fragmachine

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Of course some limits are welcome, but I've seen a lot of people complaining about mouse Aceleration, and stiff animations

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A2 had any inertia (for movement)? Or it was simple and pure bad animations that were fixed\enhanced in A3? With the current animation system I don't see it changing.

The "spin rate" (or weapon inertia) on the other hand is something that should be tackled ASAP, it not only looks bad but also have a great gameplay impact.

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then people complained of stiff controls, and then complained the controls very responsive

Yes because it's about finding the middle ground, not cut out weapon weight and inertia completely making AM sniper rifles the weight of a pistol which leads to sniper rifles being the ultimate weapon of doom, even worse than it was in ArmA2 where the only problem was the lack of wind.

"It doesn't work perfectly - let's cut it out" is a sign of a very lazy design.

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A2 had any inertia (for movement)? Or it was simple and pure bad animations that were fixed\enhanced in A3? With the current animation system I don't see it changing.

The "spin rate" (or weapon inertia) on the other hand is something that should be tackled ASAP, it not only looks bad but also have a great gameplay impact.

I would be even fine with limiting turning speed/aiming speed without the negative mouse acceleration.

In other words jamming your mouse in that direction will not make it go any faster than it's proscribed limit.

But the system they have going on right now is just absolute nonsense.

Honestly, create a two tier system, even if it comes after the release... AND is server enforceable, I would would be fine with that.

You could have "sim mode", and "arcade" -mode.

"ah pd3 One shouldnt be so extreme atleast not yet. Mind you That is pretty much what I get from non arma players, Its bf3+. Arma 2 is the shittiest game on the earth etc etc. What you have to slowly come to accept is those bishes pay the bills. "

Without us there would be no Arma as the product it is today. Period.

Edited by Pd3

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many a gamers can say that... "Without us there would be no Arma as the product it is today. Period."

Doesnt change the fact that is irrelevant.

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The irony is that BF3 has turn speed limits, especially prone

And ArmA3 - does not.

Accessibility and streamling, which we should not loathe apparently, have went so far that BF is starting to one up ArmA now, this is quite funny

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2nd Ranger, did Maruk say that in a video?

Yeah it was in the Gamespot guy's live feed. Also to clarify, it was my understanding that he was referring to player movement, not moving of weapons etc.

Edited by 2nd Ranger

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Yeah it was in the Gamespot guy's live feed. Also to clarify, it was my understanding that he was referring to player movement, not moving of weapons etc.

This. And he is right.

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"Without us there would be no Arma as the product it is today. Period."

Arma Milsim fans can't claim that anymore,because without DayzMod and the legion that followed there would be no Arma as the product it is today, considering that there are more dayz servers than there are Arma 2 and 3 servers combined. I'm sure a massive cash injection helps any company, reguardless if they did or didn't need it.

Some of the suggestions in this thread are just silly; some of the suggestions in the signatures of some people in this thread are even sillier.

Seriously Arma 3 movement is an improvement over Arma 2's clunky movement, at some point it stops being fun and just becomes a routine.

It sounds like allot of people want Arma to become America's Army, at some point the pace of the battle becomes so slow and drawn out that the game ceases to become a game and turns into a simulator.

This is the best sort of thing to be left up to mods like ACE

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Arma Milsim fans can't claim that anymore,because without DayzMod and the legion that followed there would be no Arma as the product it is today, considering that there are more dayz servers than there are Arma 2 and 3 servers combined. I'm sure a massive cash injection helps any company, reguardless if they did or didn't need it.

So what? Guess who will stay here when DayZ SA and BF4 rolls out?

A3 movements are miles ahead of A2's, but not everything is "perfect" yet. There is nothing absurd in asking for something that is becoming common place even for some traditional shooters (in this case, BF3 (by the comments on the just released Alpha of the 4, it is getting even less arcade) and RO).

AA3 was a piece of garbage. Good concept, extremely bad execution.

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Still cant understand why sway/recoil is not used to further differences between weapon types.Weapons are know to have these characteristics in real life as its not all just moving the weapon in tight spaces and turn rates in real life.And these characteristics could even be slightly exaggerated for the chosen effect.

Bullpup=long barrel with weight near shoulder........high accuracy/low sway/high recoil..........................good at single shots when in up positions but bad at auto

Assault Rifle=long barrel with balanced weight.......high accuracy/medium sway/medium recoil.................worse at single shots when up but better at burst fire when in up positions

Carbines=short barrel with weight near shoulder....low accuracy/low sway/low recoil---------------------best for single and burst shots when up.....good for CQB because of little muzzle rise but suck at range due to low accuracy(play with dispersion so that over 300m auto fire is less effective)

LMG=long barrel with weight on end (bipod).........high accuracy/high sway/low recoil............................single shots hard due to sway but auto with low recoil means suppression type firing when up

Sniper=longest barrel with lots of weight.............highest accuracy/highest sway/medium recoil..............single shots hard due to sway when up positions

Stats above are when crouching or standing.Different stats when prone with most weapons being equal except those with bipods that get least recoil when prone.So a quick way to explain this is snipers and LMG's are prone weapons and so are a pain when trying to fire in up positions and carbines are best weapons in CQB with other weapons inbetween.Taken from WIKI on bullpups.

Additionally, the bullpup's extra weight in the rear may affect balance with respect to muzzle rise and automatic firing accuracy. However, being held closer to the body, the bullpup design has the advantage of causing less fatigue to the user's positioning arm when the arm is outstretched for long periods of time. There may thus be a small reaction time advantage in raising a bullpup to fire from a downward pointed direction, a result consistent with a lighter weapon.

Bullpups IMO should be good weapons to fire at distance when crouched or standing as their main draw.In arma3 though its a low recoil weapon instead.And the longer variant has carbine like dispersion etc etc.

But alas.....:rolleyes:

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So what? Guess who will stay here when DayZ SA and BF4 rolls out?
Honest answer? I think a bunch of them are here to stay: some outright don't agree with Rocket's vision of what DayZ "should" be (and that "ability to do something else" is why some play the mod versions instead of just waiting for the standalone) and some are too burned by BF3 (not least because it's an EA game) to want BF4. I wouldn't be surprised if "Internet sentiment" is proportionally more positive for BI than for EA!
A3 movements are miles ahead of A2's, but not everything is "perfect" yet. There is nothing absurd in asking for something that is becoming common place even for some traditional shooters (in this case, BF3 (by the comments on the just released Alpha of the 4, it is getting even less arcade) and RO).
While I would agree that there's nothing "perfect", just keep in mind that when comments like "Arma 2's movement and animations were better" -- not accusing you of this -- it sounds really disingenuous (or at the very least "obvious hyperbole") to some of those who would otherwise agree with you that "A3 movements are miles ahead of A2's", but I've certainly seen such complaints on the boards.

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I know I'm on the losing end of this battle.

The lowest common denominator are winning, and I have to get used to that

Its just sad because this was seriously the last series I even bothered playing, and now the derpin' millennials are having their way.

Demographics are destiny I guess.

I would very much like to see some motion tracked data on the real physics behind human movement handling firearms of varying weights and see how it stacks up to what we're seeing currently in the game.

I would guarantee there will discrepancies.

CQB, multiple target acquisition even midfield that borders on CIWS-like accuracy, the nightmare possibilities are endless.

I just don't see how enabling this sort of douchebag potential is good for the series, but I know I'm in the vast minority considering how many new customers this franchise has accumulated.

Well said, I, for one, was also hoping BI would go into the real human movement capture direction instead of polished fps.

If you have played Arma 2 maps on the Arma 3 engine then you would totally jizz over your screen.

The textures and graphics of arma 2 maps are still able to carry it graphically, way above Unreal3's shiny surface engine... add with that the new lighting and animation features and i would happily pay 60 bucks for that.

But now we have a game that is graphically speaking made from the ground up. with diffrent settings, diffrent assets etc. where arma 2 could mostly use arma 1 assets with a little polish. now everything has to be new and shiny.

new cars, new models, new weapons, new setting (scifi ugh).

Why not increase the graphics and add mechanics to a existing world like takistan. instead of building from scratch.

the lowest denominator is what kills games like this. The person who always expect something new. instead of enjoying what he/she has.

getting back to your point.

Competitive Games revolve around balance more then normally, but MilSims do not.

One should be able to overstep or fail the boundaries set by this engine/game or his self when speaking of sims. think of it as, falling to the ground. losing momentum. losing balance. weapon sway.

Tiny variations like that is wich add salt and pepper so to speak. I am not saying it should require excessive user input to recover from. But games are in the business of creating experiences. and a good experience requires ambiance and context. (for example, zelda. mgs or solar boy django< my fav konami game, from the gameboyadvance which had a solar panel on its disk which required it being played during night or day to complete the story)

The reason i love BE is because they made milsims how they required to be made. by Continuous development and adding one byte at a time.

arma1 and arma 2 were both sisters of OFP in terms of assets etc. althoough arma 3 is just in its alpha it feels awkard. like losing your favorite sweater in return for a uncomfortable designer jacket.

Edited by defk0n_NL

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Arma Milsim fans can't claim that anymore,because without DayzMod and the legion that followed there would be no Arma as the product it is today

There would've been ArmA regardless if you have bought it or not. Except it would've been a lot better game and a simulator.

It sounds like allot of people want Arma to become America's Army, at some point the pace of the battle becomes so slow and drawn out that the game ceases to become a game and turns into a simulator.

Yes can you believe that? People want a simulator to be a simulator? This may come as a shock to you but there are other genres but twitch deathmatch shooters for people with non existent attention span. It's completely NUTS I know!

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Yup, that've been said. There would not be DayZ without ArmA II - and if that mod won't be in ArmA 3 - milsim fans won't even notice that.

BTW Looks like some might find it shocking that ArmA doesn't want to be the next COD or BF - just like clone invasion. In terms of gameplay ArmA wins by MILES.

Of course there are some nice features in mainstream games that would be welcomed in ArmA - but only if fitted to - ArmAverse - simulation thing.

Edited by fragmachine

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Yes can you believe that? People want a simulator to be a simulator? This may come as a shock to you but there are other genres but twitch deathmatch shooters for people with non existent attention span. It's completely NUTS I know!

Actually only a portion of Arma players want a simulator, and they have mods for that. Arma is a game, and it should stay a game. Of course, weapon inertia should be a part of it considering it affects basic gameplay in already described ways.

Edited by Minoza

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Arma 2 was indeed marketed as utimate mil sim, but it never was that, at least not without mods. Arma 3 isn't marketed that way, but more like "it is what you want it to be".

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Arma 2 was indeed marketed as utimate mil sim, but it never was that, at least not without mods. Arma 3 isn't marketed that way, but more like "it is what you want it to be".

"Dragon Rising" marketing, eh ?

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Arma 3 isn't marketed that way, but more like "it is what you want it to be".
I'm pretty sure at least one person complained about just this...

Varanon, I'm going to guess that by ""Dragon Rising" marketing" you mean "ultimate mil sim", because no way in hell do I remember Codemasters even hinting at anything about user-made content or "sandbox".

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