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Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

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A nice find by Killzone_kid

Its not exactly what Nord has suggested (instead of a logic map for mid range textures its simply extends the reach of the close range logic map textures) but it is similar and shows maybe BIS was trying fooling around with this idea.

The problem with the above scripting command is that the close range textures aren't varied enough and you can easily see the repetitive pattern they form using the scripting command. Also hat high terrain quality yo can actually see the outline of distant logic maps (i assume) in bright colours. But even still I feel it is the closest thing we have to an ingame example of what nord is suggesting and show the potential of such a system - with a larger variety of textures, perhaps more similar to Benson's, this could really work. I wonder if BIS is working on it.

Edited by -Coulum-

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  Anachoretes said:

You oversharp this images or this is in-game sharpness?

ingame i use fxaa sharp in the options

---------- Post added at 05:06 ---------- Previous post was at 04:57 ----------

  -Coulum- said:
A nice find by Killzone_kid

Its not exactly what Nord has suggested (instead of a logic map for mid range textures its simply extends the reach of the close range logic map textures) but it is similar and shows maybe BIS was trying fooling around with this idea.

The problem with the above scripting command is that the close range textures aren't varied enough and you can easily see the repetitive pattern they form using the scripting command. Also hat high terrain quality yo can actually see the outline of distant logic maps (i assume) in bright colours. But even still I feel it is the closest thing we have to an ingame example of what nord is suggesting and show the potential of such a system - with a larger variety of textures, perhaps more similar to Benson's, this could really work. I wonder if BIS is working on it.

but its better than nothing. lokks a lot better to me!

Edited by tremanarch

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Problem with visible tiling on distance. This texture not suitable for long-distance plans. But can be usfull till [150,250].

As i say early, would great to animate this parameter to change values depend from zoom(or fov).

Edited by Anachoretes

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@LOD switching based on camera zoom: IIRC this was removed due to performance issues some time during OA's beta patches. In the past in ArmA2 when you looked through an optic such as a sniper scope, everything would switch to a fully detailed LOD and cause a massive performance drop that was unplayable.

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  Anachoretes said:
Problem with visible tiling on distance. This texture not suitable for long-distance plans. But can be usfull till [150,250].

Yeah I definitely noticed that + imo the textures are to bright. But I still think that it creates a better environment from a gameplay perspective and shows well Nord's general idea of making textures in the distance more detailed and varied. If BIS were to expand this into the base game and polish it up a bit (more variety, darker less repetetive textures) it could really look good. If not I am sure this could be integrated into mods like Bad Benson's for some mean looking terrains.

  Anachoretes said:
As i say early, would great to animate this parameter to change values depend from zoom(or fov).

I too wish that it would be dependent on zoom (it would actually probably be pretty easy to script). Also wish clutter draw distance was dependent on zoom (it is to a very small degree). The performance hit would be worth it.

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Yeah. I playing with this a bit more and found that map is designed for very close range - [10m;30m]. Probably, we need are ticket about it.

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Have the devs said anything about this? I really can't avoid thinking how ugly the crappy default textures look every time I play this game. It's like Playstation 1 ffs!

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they have the release to think about..

if your unhappy with it then go back to arma 2 until u think arma 3 is finnished

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  tyl3r99 said:
they have the release to think about..

if your unhappy with it then go back to arma 2 until u think arma 3 is finnished

If we would follow your logic, almost nobody would be playing arma3...

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And you know what makes this problem worst? Contrast! The whole rest of the game is so well done and good looking.



Oh, those clouds, the lighting, the helo and the whathellisthat? It is suppose to be a hill?

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Same as Chernarus and that's why I use mods so I can enjoy the game. I hope we can see improvement in vanilla ARMA 3 or else it will be a shame to have such a beautiful game get ruined but those horrible textures .

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  SneakersO_Toole said:
Have the devs said anything about this? I really can't avoid thinking how ugly the crappy default textures look every time I play this game. It's like Playstation 1 ffs!
I am afraid not, and I am even more afraid that it won't really change in the future. Edited by Pauliesss

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First, people need to know more about contrast, and then talk about it. Dinamic range of usual ArmA3 scene have appropriate conrast. Step more and picture starting lose tones. So, textures need more pixels and details, not just contrast.

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  Anachoretes said:
First, people need to know more about contrast, and then talk about it. Dinamic range of usual ArmA3 scene have appropriate conrast. Step more and picture starting lose tones. So, textures need more pixels and details, not just contrast.

What is reading comprehension?

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  Anachoretes said:
First, people need to know more about contrast, and then talk about it. Dinamic range of usual ArmA3 scene have appropriate conrast. Step more and picture starting lose tones. So, textures need more pixels and details, not just contrast.

one could think a high dynamic range and well linear colours would be good. but coming from the audio world, i can tell you most people want compression, contrast - whatever u call it.

somehow people want overcompressed sounds / colours. its sexy - its life rich - its powerful. you get tired earlier, (compare your mood after 6 hours bf3 vs. 6 hours arma3!) -but kids nowadays dont know this.

when playing arma 2 after a long pause I didnt notice how fast hours went by. cause playing normal computer games make you tired after 2-3 hours cause of their compression / contrast.

abstractly the colour contrast and the audio compression has the same psychological effect it seems, therefore i compare it.

its like spicing up your meal.. first its good, but after a while the mouth burns ^^

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i can tell you most people want compression, contrast - whatever u call it

I am not against jazz and blues. But heavy metal. No, thanks. If you have are very detail raw material you don't need alot of contrast. And this game gives opportunity to increase details before contrast.

I am a psychoanalyst, and I know about perception. Contrast is pushing up extremes, and anchored you attention to simpler, but brighter details. AA2 and AA3 looks natural with their "washed" policy. But this thread not about the content, but the forms.

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  tremanarch said:
ts sexy - its life rich - its powerful. you get tired earlier, (compare your mood after 6 hours bf3 vs. 6 hours arma3!) -but kids nowadays dont know this.

when playing arma 2 after a long pause I didnt notice how fast hours went by. cause playing normal computer games make you tired after 2-3 hours cause of their compression / contrast.

abstractly the colour contrast and the audio compression has the same psychological effect it seems, therefore i compare it.

its like spicing up your meal.. first its good, but after a while the mouth burns ^^

Intensely observant and very true!

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I would argue about the tired after playing 2-3 hours but in my youth It was common for me to spend 24-48hrs nonstop doing things. I dont think it was the colours and would agree with you Anachoretes as I am not a psychoanalyst by trade, unfortunately ....

Maybe if another psychoanalyst could speak up and confirm?

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just made a small audio example: http://www67.zippyshare.com/v/29065791/file.html

same peak loudness but the first part is compressed has more average loudness


or better heres an old comparison i made:

uncompressed vanilla:

saturated thick overdosed:

i know this all sounds offtopic but its the principle behind..

Edited by tremanarch

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When i wanted to get better sound, first, i'm bought sound card and monitor headphones, plus lossless source. I'm not putting my 128kbit sound to sounforge and trying to get more than it possible. People make picture punchy, but proper colors is gone. What are victory.

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Mid-range textures are seriously major problem.

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