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;2653466']sudden can you please look into these for your next update. if you need assistance' date=' just PM me

bin\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/SUD_M113_DriverOut.interpolateTo: Bad move SUD_KIA_M113_DriverOut

Animation sud_gw_v\data\anim\hmmwv_m240gunner.rtm not found or empty

Animation sud_gw_v\data\anim\hmmwv_mk19gunnerout.rtm not found or empty

Animation sud_gw_v\data\anim\hmmwv_tow_gunnerout.rtm not found or empty

Animation sud_gw_v\data\anim\kia_hmmwv_m240gunner.rtm not found or empty

Cannot load surface info sud_gw_wpn\data\Penetration\metalPlate.bisurf

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.sud_tgp_a'.

String STR_A3_CfgWeapons_EBR_base_F_WeaponSlotsInfo_MuzzleSlot0 not found

String STR_A3_CfgWeapons_XM_base_F_WeaponSlotsInfo_MuzzleSlot0 not found

String STR_CfgWeapons_arifle_Khaybar_F_Library0 not found

Uniform kae_CDF_Uniform_Armoured is not allowed for soldier class kae_CDF_AA_UN

Uniform kae_CDF_Uniform_Armoured is not allowed for soldier class kae_CDF_AT_UN

Uniform kae_CDF_Uniform_Armoured is not allowed for soldier class kae_CDF_lmg_UN

Uniform kae_CDF_Uniform_Armoured is not allowed for soldier class kae_CDF_medic_UN

Uniform kae_CDF_Uniform_Armoured is not allowed for soldier class kae_CDF_rifle_AT_UN

Uniform kae_CDF_Uniform_Armoured is not allowed for soldier class kae_CDF_rifleman_UN

Uniform kae_CDF_Uniform_Armoured is not allowed for soldier class kae_CDF_SL_UN

Uniform kae_CDF_Uniform_General is not allowed for soldier class kae_CDF_general_UN

Uniform kae_CDF_Uniform_Unarmoured is not allowed for soldier class kae_CDF_crewman_UN

Uniform kae_CDF_Uniform_Unarmoured is not allowed for soldier class kae_CDF_officer_UN

Uniform kae_CDF_Uniform_Unarmoured is not allowed for soldier class kae_CDF_pilot_UN

Uniform kae_CDF_Uniform_Unarmoured is not allowed for soldier class kae_CDF_soldier_light_UN[/quote']

You've got Kaelies's SZ mod installed, the class names pertain to his units

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Yep sorry removed the parts from Kae :)

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I've always liked the SURPAT uniforms. Nice work and thanks. my unit uses these guys a lot during ops.

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@ sudden

Can we talk about your Russian voices pack in skype text chat please?


Your definition is problematic:

	class RUS: BaseRUS
	identityTypes[] = {"default","Head_USMC","Head_USMC_CO","Head_USMC_Camo","Head_USMC_CO_Camo","Head_Default","Head_Special","LanguageRUS"};

It will assign to USMC = American/English units your voices.

You need something similar to the A2 RU voice definition:

	class RU: Base
	identityTypes[] = {"default","Head_RU","Head_RU_CO","Head_RU_Camo","Head_RU_CO_Camo","Head_INS","Head_INS_Camo","Language_RU","Head_Default","Head_Special"};

and assign the Head_RU and so on to your units identityTypes definition in cfgVehicles.

Also if you change BI A3 arrays, please use new addition syntax:

class CfgVoiceTypes
class Male01_F
	voices[] += {"Male01RUS"};
class Male02_F
	voices[] += {"Male02RUS"};
class Male03_F
	voices[] += {"Male03RUS"};

And make sure you load after BI's definition/A3 configs via requiredAddons.

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Also if you change BI A3 arrays' date=' please use new addition syntax:

class CfgVoiceTypes
class Male01_F
	voices[] += {"Male01RUS"};
class Male02_F
	voices[] += {"Male02RUS"};
class Male03_F
	voices[] += {"Male03RUS"};

And make sure you load after BI's definition/A3 configs via requiredAddons.[/quote']

Wait what?! += works on arrays in configs? If that's the case it will save me a lot of config file browsing. :D

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Just with arrays and with a compatible pbo packer (mikero's suite and maybe BI's).

Loading order must be correct, no other addon overwriting it with = afterwards obviously and keep the effects with inheritance in mind.

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I really enjoy your mod, thanks for the good work.

However, in the readme file I can't find the classname of the RU tactical vest.

Can you help me with that?


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+1 for updating the sounds. The Pecheneg-M is great but needs better sounds, and the support hand is borked when the weapon is lowered.

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At first I really want to thank you for this awesome mod !

Unfortunately, I just discovered that your unit are not compatible with Alive.

According to another player, this is the the reason why :

Basically SUD_RU does not work fully with ALIVE, because of a cgf faction name mix up where basically sud_ru are listed as Tguriella instead of IND.So russians will spawn but opcom will not give move orders.

Do you plan to modify your wonderful units to make them ALIVE-compatible ?

Thank you for your concern.

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http://i.imgur.com/KYkhX28.jpg (297 kB)

Anyone else getting this messy FOV when playing?

I used to get it, and it was due to an addon, but I'm not certain which one it was. So get disabling :)

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First of all thank you so much for this mod.

I had just one question, do you have any plan to reskin the To-199 Neophron Opfor Jet is based on the Jakowlew Jak-130 so it would really be awesome to see a new Russian skin made for it. I really hope this is a possibility and I think you again for your contribution to the community

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I am not sure if this has already been asked, because there is over thirty pages of replies.....but why is that the Russians are an independent force? I was expecting them to be opfor.....I really dont want to set hostile script stuff for each unit, other than this issue the mod is excellent and the weapons and vehicles look great! I just need opfor....

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You can set independents to be enemy, friend. Just go to the intel box in the editor.

I specifically said i dont want to have to deal with initialization because you have to set it for every single unit. So what do I do?

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The "Cloud" looking button on the top bar of the editor. Click it, and in the window that opens on the bottom, set Independents friendly to whoever you want them friendly to, or you can set them friendly to no one.

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This mod, althought very good, have some problems with balance.

RPK is too precise, it shoots like DMR - 400m directly to center of sight.

RPG rockets have almost zero weight (well, it looks like) - i can pack 100 of them to backpack.

+1 for JSRS sound mod support.

Oh, and AS VAL can be really nice addition to this mod.

Edited by rlex

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Sorry for the delay, I was out for a while!



*Russian radio protocol (still WIP, but works)

*New units (specnaz and paratroopers)

*New weapons VAL and VSS

*Retextured BTR-K

*Cool static plane for HALO missions (look readme.txt for ramp animations)

*Couple of US style soldiers in Multicam with M4A1

*A lot of small tweaks and fixes

*Zeus compatible





Have fun!

Download (~440Mb)

Edited by sudden

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First of all: Thank you very much for your awesome work :)

About moving the Russians to the OPFOR, a year ago I told you that nope. But nowadays I think it would make more sense to have them in OPFOR ( new world order and all that stuff ). :)

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Great news, sudden, glad to see another update and finally the VAL and VSS ;)

I think you could give us 2 optional configs: one opfor and other ind, so if someone is in for using russians as "baddies", he uses the opfor config, if he is up to neutrality, then uses the ind config... and please, add ASDG railsystem compactibility, Robalo coded the option for dovetailed attachments specifically for russian acessories!

cheers and Spasibo!

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No! I want to be friends with the beloved Russkies. :D

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