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Design Mastery Sky and Sunrise

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Me & DancZer started a two point function to modify the game:

1. Better Sunligth, more intensive and colors depending on time of day

2. Better Sky

---------- Post added at 20:38 ---------- Previous post was at 20:36 ----------



Edited by Hogthar

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It looks good but a question, what's the impact on performances?

Anyway, nice result ;)

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well u can have same sun lighting, with ACE yellow sunglasses.

Well, now you can have the same Ace sunglasses effect without ACE

Don't get whats your point.

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Hogthar posted the first release on the Armaholic so I think you can try it soon. :)

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So don't use it. Not so hard, eh? :j:

Maybe next I can help you with some more difficult things, like putting your shoes on. (shut uuuuuup!)


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So don't use it. Not so hard, eh? :j:

Maybe next I can help you with some more difficult things, like putting your shoes on. (shut uuuuuup!)


so, are you seriosly with shoes? Ok then, help me to polish my shoes then ;)

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nice downloading now looks like a charm, Nice work very nice ;)

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so, are you seriosly with shoes? Ok then, help me to polish my shoes then ;)

With your avatar it's just better if you check double time before talk there about "realism".

You are without respect and you just don't get how much is demoralizing for someone who is spending his free time for make something for us.

And by the way this effect is great in my opinion, it gives a warm atmosphere!

sorry for the offtopic

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Enjoy the look of this, very nice, adds a whole new atmosphere as mentioned above (also as mentioned above when someone puts the effort in, acknowledge it and thank them) , many thanks for your efforts.

Kind regards Jeza

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Thank you very much for this great addon, its kind to let the community have it. Tried it out and it looks really nice, reminds me that the quality of daylight varies from country to country. This gives a fresh feel to the surroundings, 'mana island fiji' looks really lush.

One thing I would say, maybe a little less green, as it gives sandy beeches a slight tinge. Other than that its great and thanks again, will be using it on certain islands that’s for sure..

Edit: forgot to mention 2-3fps hit on mine, but still well worth it for some terrains..

Edited by ChrisB

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feedback wise as well, in certain islands it really stands out, the green could do with a little edit as it is a bit.....green :) . But as this is a first beta, well on the way.

Also, not too sure on night, the stars are very bright, but each to their own i guess :)

Edited by Jeza

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Good work. For me personally this is much better than the drab greens and browns.

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Let me preface this by saying, MY GOD, this just gave the game a kick of incredible vibrancy and I freaking love it. I do agree with what others have said about the green being a bit too intense. Other than that, I must say that this addon is darn near to being perfect to reproducing what I see when I go outdoors and take photos. OUTSTANDING work on the addon! :) Keep it up!

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I like this kind of mods, thanks a lot.

Does it make any difference to have the post-processing on/off in game settings?

Regarding the ACE comment... One big problem with ACE is it took the best modders and after that very few of them released their work stand alone (i.e. the great looking weapon textures, the soundmod, the tweaked recoil, etc.). So if I can have any feature that went into ACE, without having to have the whole ACE mod loaded, fantastic.

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One thing I just noticed is that, under certain conditions, there is a temporary purple cast on the screen that suddenly disappears after about 15 seconds. I tried this on Mana Island Fiji at 20:00, and I spawned in with a purple cast on the screen, which then abruptly went away.

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Like the idea, but like some others have said, it's just a bit too green for me. I like the direction your heading. Hopefully our feedback contributes to a better mod. :)

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After testing, I had to take it off as well, its just too much for some terrain /islands.

Nothing against you personally, But I rather just slide up Digital Vibrance in Control panel...

But BETA is beta! Will try the next release.

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Well one bug I noticed, it doesn't play kind with some conditional effects like getting too tired, or being injured. At night the moonlight will go pretty well completely dark with a blue hue and you can't see anything period ever. It's like the white light is removed and replaced with dark blue, dunno how else to explain it.

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This modification requires no more resources for basic ArmA 2 Operation arrowhead but recommended Video options/HDR quality high or very high because it won't work with a few light effects (especially at night). :)

the errors reported by you I will check and try to improve in the next version.

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