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Environment Destruction

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Since PhysX has been added to the engine, have you in plan to improve the destruction of the environment (like walls, trees, etc..)? I mean, see a fence that literally "falls" because it gets hit by a tank is quite funny. Why don't you use the damage model of others games likes Company of Heroes or Bad Company 2, where when you hit a stone wall, it explode in pieces and leaves a "destroyed model" of it. Is not realistic for sure, but is way better than what we have in Arma 2.

Just because a feature is used in an arcade game, doesn't mean that it can't be used in a simulator as well. Because it looks like the way most of you thinks, "This feature is in a mainstream game? Well, we are not gonna use it then!", at least for what i've seen.:bored:

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I don't like how the small bushes kind of 'fall over' when hit by explosives, I think it would look better if just some leaves get blown into the air, like how leaves on trees fall to the ground when hit by bullets.

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I don't like how the small bushes kind of 'fall over' when hit by explosives, I think it would look better if just some leaves get blown into the air, like how leaves on trees fall to the ground when hit by bullets.

I think that's a temporary damage solution they have for bushes, because even being shot with bullets caused them to fall over. Usually you had to drive something over them in ArmA2 to flatten them. Perhaps BIS has something else planned and we're just seeing a place holder?

Also the leaves idea isn't a bad one so long as it's just a client side particle effect, which I think Arma2/OA already had to some degree when you shot at bushes.

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No because the hardware requirements are already high enough for the average player.

Arma 2 is already like this, spray a tree with automatic fire and you will see leaves flutter to the ground. I think it looks more natural that a bush falling over like a sheet of cardboard.

I think that's a temporary damage solution they have for bushes

I hope so.

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Yes, vegetation damage needs improvement. Crysis did tree damage quite well, though a bit exaggerated, as usual. It should be possible to bring down a tree with a minigun or shot with it a cannon and have it break where the rounds hit.

Also, I'd really welcome a dynamic destruction system like in Red Faction: Guerrilla (heck, the original, 2001 RF also had it, but less developed). This system is so realistic that the devs allegedly needed an actual architect on the team to get their buildings to stand up. From what I've heard, BF3 also has a nice building destruction system. The building damage system in AII is rather boring and not very realistic. You can bring down a building with an APFSDS round from a tank cannon, for starters. You can also take off a big piece of a high-riser with a ZSU-23-2, something which happened to me in AII campaign (I was on the receiving end). I don't think this would happen in real life.

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Sure it would be cool, if everything would be destructable, and it would be even cooler, if everything would be destructable dynamically.

BUT (jeah , the But)

ArmA has a big terrain (and now even under water).

Guess what happens if everything on the map could change, and there are like 200 AIs. How should they find cover after 10 bombs falling into a town, cutting everything into pieces?

And now imagine what happens online with 50 players.

And now imagine, that not all people have the 50'000$ Mega Super Duper Computer (By the way, at a specific point, even a Mega Super Duper Atomic Nuclear BamBam Monster Sponsor Computer would get down to the knees).

Perhaps an advanced destructable Environment in ArmA IV or V :), but now, lets be happy if they can keep objects like houses and so on destroyable well :).

My 3,141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375015 - shit... cents

Edit - Jeah, my 100st Post :) *cheers*. Should have been something more Epic Text^^

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Since PhysX has been added to the engine, have you in plan to improve the destruction of the environment (like walls, trees, etc..)?

Just because a feature is used in an arcade game, doesn't mean that it can't be used in a simulator as well. Because it looks like the way most of you thinks, "This feature is in a mainstream game? Well, we are not gonna use it then!", at least for what i've seen.:bored:

Just because PhysX is used in a game, doesn't mean APEX is also in. Just because BFBC2 or BF3 has it modelled in doesn't mean it needs to be in A3 as well. IRC, advanced destruction are possible within RV engine right now, but you ned up with higher vertex and section count, making it un-feasible for the a large number of objects. Please stop comparing apples with pies.

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I didn't mention about procedural\dynamic destruction, i know that it will be an high cost for performance. I was talking about the introduction of a fake physics for environment destruction, if you have ever played games like Men of War or Company of Heroes you'll know for sure what i was meaning.

The way this system works is very simple, once a fence, a brush or a wall recieve enought damage to get destroy (get over by a tank, blows up by a satchel), it just explode in few pieces managed by physics that will fall on the ground and leaves a destructed version of the wall's model. It is just a visual after all, is not real destruction physics, but it has its effect.

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Guess what happens if everything on the map could change, and there are like 200 AIs. How should they find cover after 10 bombs falling into a town, cutting everything into pieces?

if you have 10 bombs falling into a town I think there won't be much AI left :)

I like the idea but I think they shouldn't overdo it. Only use it for building for example.

BTW someone already did it in arma II so it is possible. I think he used hitpoints to make certain pieces of a building destroyable.

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I'm a programmer, and I just want to say that damn near anything is possible given enough time...

...however, we are limited by our technology. As SnowSky describes, it just isn't feasible yet

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computer "horsepower" is limited and better spent improving gameplay - not sprucing up visuals. the reason battlefield has fancy explosions is because the maps are pathetically small and linear.

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I don't like how the small bushes kind of 'fall over' when hit by explosives, I think it would look better if just some leaves get blown into the air, like how leaves on trees fall to the ground when hit by bullets.

When you bring that to light it makes it sound so funny.

Keep the bushes falling over for good times sake please!

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Yes, vegetation damage needs improvement. Crysis did tree damage quite well, though a bit exaggerated, as usual. It should be possible to bring down a tree with a minigun or shot with it a cannon and have it break where the rounds hit.

Also, I'd really welcome a dynamic destruction system like in Red Faction: Guerrilla (heck, the original, 2001 RF also had it, but less developed). This system is so realistic that the devs allegedly needed an actual architect on the team to get their buildings to stand up. From what I've heard, BF3 also has a nice building destruction system. The building damage system in AII is rather boring and not very realistic. You can bring down a building with an APFSDS round from a tank cannon, for starters. You can also take off a big piece of a high-riser with a ZSU-23-2, something which happened to me in AII campaign (I was on the receiving end). I don't think this would happen in real life.

Not true, in real life AP would rip up a wall where HE would simply create an explosion. HEAT would work too though, I imagine.

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Be nice to breach a building or compound wall with a charge though - as opposed to entry through the obvious door / gate.

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Be nice to breach a building or compound wall with a charge though - as opposed to entry through the obvious door / gate.

You obviously haven't played/experimented enough with ArmA lol!

I frequently use Satchel or C4 charges to breach (Blow up) compound walls on maps like Takistan rather than going around to find the entrance. ;)

EDIT: However I would like to see the ability to breach doors on buildings ala Rainbow Six with charges etc.

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EDIT: However I would like to see the ability to breach doors on buildings ala Rainbow Six with charges etc.

Not much reason why it couldn't be done, just need another couple of states: open, closed, locked, gone :)

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Even got directional explosive charges now, when watching that claymore part of some of the GC videos I started to think of breach charges instead.

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The environment destruction I want most would not add to eye candy at all. I want bullets to progressively penetrate obstacles, meaning that a foot-thick piece of concrete can be perforated on the hundredth round but not the first.

It could be accomplished with damage decals (like the ones we have now), and anytime a bullet hits near an existing decal, it will penetrate better.

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