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Hillarious, that community is beyond stupid, wich may explain why they still play that game in the first place....

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Hillarious, that community is beyond stupid, wich may explain why they still play that game in the first place....
Or "we knew what we were getting into and the chance to take advantage of the more innocent/ignorant was worth the lulz." (I've actually seen this take from someone who outright admitted that the devs were scummy and that the Steam refunds were justified -- he'd bought it before the Steam release, but he'd felt that he'd gotten his money's worth anyway.)

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Apparently some of those guys can't read simple mathematical notation properly. Sad. :D

And no, once again the map certainly isn't 100km². Simply watch

for about a minute. You see the player running over the crest of a hill up to the crest of another hill, as illustrated here:


How far do you think that is from crest to crest? Perhaps 150m if we're really generous? Just consider the height of the trees in comparison - two of them laid end-to-end could probably bridge the gap between the two hills. But now look at the distance the player actually travelled on the map in that time:


You can verify that in the video, since the player frequently checks his map. According to the "tape measure" in Gimp that's more than a third of a square (20 pixels movement vs. 54 pixels per square in my screenies). So by that measure, even if we're really generous again and round up a lot, a square certainly can't be any more than 500x500m (this value has in fact been noted by some commenters). Now look at the number of squares on the map:


16x16 squares, including all the mountains around the side. So even if we were generous with our measurements, that's 8 x 8 = 64km² total, before we start deducting all the non-playable areas around the edge, which is a significant amount.

Edited by MadDogX

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Well, just from the looks of the videos from the game (no thanks, I am not gonna play it!) it should be called RabbitZ - the players are all rather small compared to trees and grass. Just like if you play a rabbit in the Arma2 editor ;-) Probably helps with the "size of map" perception...

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Why are you all still beating this horse?

No different than standing at the pub watching a fight in the corner ..... always interesting to see the messy outcome ;)

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But this time the russian guy is laying in the corner with blood everywhere and he barely moves :confused:

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But this time the russian guy is laying in the corner with blood everywhere and he barely moves :confused:

That russian guy still sell his crappy game like he didn't do anything wrong.

Maybe he should just stay down!

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I remember some games that made the playable models of the characters smaller to make the world feel huger (or viceversa).

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I remember some games that made the playable models of the characters smaller to make the world feel huger (or viceversa).

Dragon Rising was one of those. I remember loading up the game for the first time (yeah, I bought it) and kept thinking my avatar was crouched by default. (Either that or three feet tall. ;))

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Why are you all still beating this horse?

Because its not completely dead yet.

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Wow. I wonder if anyone has tested and confirmed this.

In other news, their domain "thewarz.com" appears to have been deleted. No one knows how or why. Their game servers are apparently also unreachable, or at least they were as of a few hours ago.

Something is seriously f'ed in WarZ town, and I'm not just talking about the customers.

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They just have a new one http://playwarz.com/

Yeah, I saw that too. The weird thing is that their old domain just kind of vanished into thin air, and they've apparently been scrambling to move everything over to the new one ASAP. Not exactly the conventional way of migrating to a new domain, so it would seem that something beyond their control happened and they are merely reacting.

There was some speculation on Reddit that their domain may have been revoked due to the trademark dispute, but that's apparently not how those things work. Strange indeed.

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Someone was too busy rolling around in the piles of money, rather than paying the bills with it, mayhaps?

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Wow. I wonder if anyone has tested and confirmed this.

It's been confirmed weeks ago, they've banned several game journalists who were attempting to review WarZ

but never even got to play because their accounts got banned within a day.

Hammerpoint has been doing this random banning since the beginning.

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Someone was too busy rolling around in the piles of money, rather than paying the bills with it, mayhaps?

Personally I think it's one of BI's many sleeper cell's conducting DOS activities in support of the PSY-OPS done via the WarZ Scam blog...

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This is completely shocking in my opinion...

Really, what about all the other bs, lies and scam :confused:

Some people.... lol.

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Don't forget Gamespot (2 / 10)

1/10 for being able to download the game, install and start it without nuking the system. The other 1/10 is for? :confused:

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So any progression on this scam? It seems the warzscam has stopped updating its blog.

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