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TPWC AI suppression system

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Description: Singleplayer, Multiplayer and Dedicated Server Compatible AI Suppression System

Authors: TPW && -Coulum- && fabrizio_T && Ollem

Latest Version: 3.04

Released: 201200810

Download (addon and scripts): http://dl.dropbox.com/u/481663/TPWC_AI_SUPPRESS_304.zip

Requirements: CBA


One of the things sorely missing from Arma2 is reaction to passing bullets. An AI unit will often stand around quite happily whilst bullets whiz by. This makes effective suppression of AI enemies difficult - you basically always have to aim to kill them since you can't make them keep their heads down by shooting nearby.

This addon aims to address this problem by making AI units react to passing projectiles. If a bullet snaps by within 10m of an AI unit, it will crouch/kneel (depending on movement), and if more than 10 bullets pass by a unit in 5 seconds, the unit will drop/crawl. After 10 seconds without bullets, the unit will return to its previous stance.

Additionally, suppressive fire can alter the aiming shake, accuracy and courage of the suppressed unit. The more fire directed near a unit, the lower its skills will become. Nearby casualties will further decrease a unit's courage. After 5 or so seconds without bullets, the skills will gradually return to normal. Player units will optionally experience some visual effects if suppressed (camera shake, vision blur and darkening).

Currently there is no "suppressed" eventhandler in the game engine, so TPWCAS aims to mimic one by constantly monitoring whether any active bullet/shell projectile objects have units within a 10m radius. This allows TPWCAS to work for any opfor, blufor or independent on the map, whether editor-placed or spawned.

TPWCAS significantly changes gameplay, allowing for longer engagements and more thought required to survive them.

Important note:

TPWCAS is not an all-in-one AI behaviour modification mode. Its primary purpose at this time is to cause units to duck/drop and lose some shooting competence under suppressive fire. It's designed to play well with mods which DO alter AI behaviours under combat stress, and you are encouraged to use these if you require additional realism such as moving to cover.

Very important note:

TPWCAS started life as an SP only mod, but a large amount of effort has gone into modifying the bullet detection, suppression and visual debugging framework to work for MP and dedicated server. While every effort has gone into testing in SP, MP and dedi, we simply cannot vouch for perfect operation under all circumstances.

Demo video:

Here's what TPWCAS looks like in action. Many thanks to McLupo for this video.

Development version 1.02, with coloured balls showing suppression state (green = unsuppressed, yellow = suppressed, red = fully suppressed). Thanks Ollem


Please read this for full details of TPWCAS, including features, installation, configuration, caveats, credits and changelog.


Singleplayer, Multiplayer and Dedicated Server Compatible AI Suppression System

By TPW && -Coulum- && fabrizio_T && Ollem

v3.04 20120810



One of the things sorely missing from Arma2 is reaction to passing bullets. An AI unit will often stand quite happily whilst bullets whiz by. This makes effective suppression of AI enemies difficult - you basically always have to aim to kill them since you can't make them keep their heads down by shooting nearby.

This addon aims to address this problem by making AI units react to passing projectiles. If a bullet snaps by within 10m of an AI unit, it will crouch/kneel (depending on movement), and if more than 10 bullets pass by a unit in 5 seconds, the unit will drop/crawl. After 10 seconds without bullets, the unit will return to its previous stance.

Additionally, suppressive fire can alter the aiming shake, accuracy and courage of the suppressed unit. The more fire directed near a unit, the lower its skills will become. Nearby casualties will further decrease a unit's courage. After 5 or so seconds without bullets, the skills will gradually return to normal. Player units will optionally experience some visual effects if suppressed (camera shake, vision blur and darkening).

Currently there is no "suppressed" eventhandler in the game engine, so TPWCAS aims to mimic one by constantly monitoring whether any active bullet/shell projectile objects have units within a 10m radius. This allows TPWCAS to work for any opfor, blufor or independent on the map, whether editor-placed or spawned.

TPWCAS significantly changes gameplay, allowing for longer engagements and more thought required to survive them.


TPWCAS is not an all-in-one AI behaviour modification mode. Its primary purpose at this time is to cause units to duck/drop and lose some shooting competence under suppressive fire. It's designed to play well with mods which DO alter AI behaviours under combat stress, and you are encouraged to use these if you require additional realism such as moving to cover.


TPWCAS started life as an SP only mod, but a large amount of effort has gone into modifying the bullet detection, suppression and visual debugging framework to work for MP and dedicated server. While every effort has gone into testing in SP, MP and dedi, we simply cannot vouch for perfect operation under all circumstances.



TPWCAS comes as a script version and an addon version.

CBA (community base addons) is required for both versions.

Script version:

Save tpwcas and all the scripts in it to your mission directory.

Call it with: null = [] execvm "tpwcas\tpwcas.sqf", in your init.sqf or in the init of any object on the map.

Addon version:

Unpack the addon version and call it by your favourite method. For more info on running mods please check out http://www.armaholic.com/plug.php?e=faq&q=18

If you want to be able to configure it, then copy the configuration file to: your_arma_directory\userconfig\tpwc_ai_sup\tpwc_ai_sup.hpp



TPWCAS enables stance and skill modification under fire.

* Units react to bullets passing within 10m.

* Units on foot or operating vehicle or static guns are affected.

* Units driving are unaffected.

* Only uninjured units are affected.

* Bullets fired from less than 25m away are ignored.

* Bullets from small calibre pistols and SMG are ignored.

* Units react differently according to the side of the shooter.

* Friendly shooter: > 0 bullets --> kneel/crouch.

* Enemy shooter: 1 - 10 bullets --> kneel/crouch, > 10 bullets -->drop/crawl.

* Units regain previous stance after 10 or so seconds without nearby bullets.

* Friendly shooter: no skill reduction.

* Enemy shooter: skills reduced according to number of bullets.

* Units gradually regain skills after 5 or so seconds without bullets.

* Shooter may be "revealed" to the suppressed unit.

* Units are more easily suppressed if there are nearby friendly casualties.

* Player experiences visual effects if suppressed.



TPWCAS enables text and graphic debugging, and both are enabled by default for this beta release. If switched on, graphic debugging will show a coloured ball over any units. This may also come in handy for training. Markers are also shown on map. You may also switch on dDetect logging, but be warned this may lead to a lot of disk activity and a large RPT file.

* No ball - unsuppressed.

* Green ball - suppressed by friendly fire.

* Yellow ball - suppressed by sporadic enemy fire.

* Red ball - suppressed by heavy enemy fire.

* Black ball - unit is fleeing (fleeing does not mean the unit is running away, but will not be able to be suppressed).

If text debugging is switched on, then coloured floating text showing the number of enemy bullets will be displayed under each unit.

* White text - unsuppressed.

* Green text - suppressed by friendly fire.

* Yellow text - suppressed by sporadic enemy fire.

* Red text - suppressed by heavy enemy fire.

* Black text - unit is fleeing (fleeing does not mean the unit is running away, but will not be able to be suppressed).

Text debugging is not as pretty, but potentially more informative, and eliminates problems that some people have reported where debug balls are registered as civilians, and lead to a decrease in performance. Text debugging is disabled on dedicated server.



TPWCAS is highly configurable. The script version has a number of well commented variables to change aspects of the system. The addon version allows the same variables to be changed in the tpwc_ai_sup.hpp config file.

Please note: The format of tpwc_ai_sup.hpp introduced with v3.00 is different than v1 and v2. Please replace your previous tpwc_ai_sup.hpp.

General settings:

* Startup hint. 0 = no hint, 1 = hint. Default 1.

* Delay (sec) before suppression functions start. Default 1.

* Debugging. 0 = no debugging (default), 1 = display coloured balls over any suppressed units, 2 = balls + bDetect logging.

* Text debug rate (Hz). 0 = no text debugging (default). 10 = text is refeshed 10 times per second. 100 = text is refreshed 100 times/sec - this will look very smooth but will use significant CPU if many units are on a map.

Bullet settings:

* Bullet ignore radius (m). Bullets from a shooter closer than this will not suppress. Default 25.

* Maximum bullet distance (m). A bullet further than this from its shooter will not suppress. Set larger if you plan on doing a lot of sniping - but may impact performance. Default 800.

* Bullet lifetime (sec). bullets still alive this long after being shot are ignored. Default 1.

* Shot threshold. More shots than this will cause unit to drop/crawl. Default 10.

* Pistol and SMG ammo to ignore. Add custom ammo (eg suppressed) or change to taste.

Suppression and skill settings:

* AI Skill suppression. 0 = no skill changes, only stance changes. 1 = skill and stance changes. Default 1.

* Player suppression shake. 0 = no suppression, 1 = suppression. Default 1.

* Player suppression visuals. 0 = no suppression, 1 = suppression. Default 1.

* Minimum skill value, none of a units skills will drop below this under suppression. Default 0.05.

* Reveal value when suppressed. 0 = reveal disabled. 0.1 = suppressed unit knows essentially nothing about shooter. 4 = unit knows the shooter's side, position, shoe size etc. Default 1.25.

* Allow fleeing. 0 = units will not flee. 1 = units can flee (default). Set to 0 if you see too many units standing around unable to be suppressed.



* The system uses setunitpos to change unit stance. The stance changes are subordinate to those issued by a player to a squad. A squad given "stand" orders will not duck when bullets start flying. Nor will a fleeing unit. Nor will a unit ordered into cover. Nor may units taken over by various FSMs.

* TPWCAS is not bulletproof (pun intended), and may not operate perfectly under conditions of very heavy fire by multiple units or, if the framerate is too low.

* TPWCAS ignores rounds fired from pistols and low calibre SMGs, and subsonic ammunition. You won't be able to suppress the enemy by waving your pistol around.

* TPWCAS implements changes to accuracy, courage etc under fire. The system should play nicely with ACE, ASR_AI, COSLX and other AI behaviour mods, but please report any clashes.

* As far as the authors can tell, TPWCAS causes minimal drops to framerate even on low spec machines, with 50 or so AI taking pot shots at each other. Your mileage may vary depending on computer specs and number of AI. We take no responsibility if your computer explodes.

* Debug balls are registered by the game engine as civilians (!), and may cause some unwarranted effects. Use text debugging if this occurs.

* TPWCAS is in its infancy and probably won't work the way everyone wants it to. We welcome any feedback and suggestions.



* Variable, Jedra and 2nd Ranger for initial ideas and suggestions.

* Orcinus, Kremator and CameronMcDonald for valuable input, suggestions and encouragement.

* Froggluv and Pellejones for performance testing.

* Robalo for helping to make his incredible ASR_AI skills addon and TPWCAS work nicely together, and for additional code ideas and help.

* Falcon_565 for demonstrating the power of cba_fnc_addPerFrameHandler.

* Foxhound for ongoing support of mod makers.

* BIS for an amazing piece of software which even allows scope for mods like this.



* 1.00 20120623

- initial release

* 1.01 20120625

- Mode 3: Plays better with ASR AI skills.

- Units set to "combat" behaviour when suppressed.

- All modes: per frame speed optimisations.

* 1.02 20120627

- Total rewrite and optimisation.

- Improved performance with more units.

- Fine tuning of skill and stance parameters under suppression.

- Player suppression effects (optional).

- Some MP optimisation (but still WIP).

- Units can be suppressed by vehicle fire.

* 1.04 20120630

- Further optimisation of bullet detection.

- Removed "combat mode" under suppression, since the engine and any AI mods will handle this more effectively.

- Significantly improved debug mode, debug balls disappear when injured/dead.

- Suppression not applied to injured units.

- Unsuppressed prone units will not crouch if fired at.


* 2.00beta 20120702

- Total rewrite of the bullet detection code (bDetect) by fabrizio_T.

- Added filtering so that suppression calculations are only performed for uninjured combatants less than 1000m from the player.

- Removed stance-only suppression mode.

- bDetect 0.5.

* 2.01beta 20120703

- Added ability to configure stance only changes under suppression.

- Minor changes to accommodate changes to bdetect variables.

- bDetect 0.63.

* 2.02beta 20120703

- Minimum skill value under suppression is now configurable.

- Reveal amount is configurable.

- bDetect 0.64.

* 2.03beta 20120704

- Removed errors in debugging code which lead to FPS drops.

- bDetect 0.65.

* 2.04beta 20120705

- Fixed config errors.

- Fixed serious regressions with skills handling, which was leading to 0 skills, not recovering.

- Fixed debug errors causing debug balls to remain over dead units.

- Reveal function properly configurable.

- ASR AI skills properly recognised again.

- Shooter reveal to suppressed units can be toggled.

- Removed some redundant checks now handled by bDetect.

- Maximum bullet distance is now configurable.

- bDetect 0.66.

* 2.05beta 20120706

- Code cleanup and optimisation.

- Private variable declarations for each function.

- Simplified skills modification, will not head to 0 as quickly.

- Units are more easily suppressed if there are friendly casualties within 20m.

- Simplified ASR AI skill recognition.

- bDetect startup hint will not be shown if TPWCAS startup hint is not shown.

- bDetect 0.67 (modified to allow units to suppress when shooting uphill).

* 2.06beta 20120708

- Added ability to configure whether units will flee when morale/courage drops too low.

- Improved visual debugging code

- Code has been modularised, each function is compiled from its own sqf.

- Courage does not drop so rapidly under fire (should lead to less premature fleeing).

- bDetect 0.67.

* 2.07beta 20120710

- Added floating text based debugging.

- bDetect start hint now correctly not displayed if TPWCAS hint is not displayed.

- Courage is only decreased if there are nearby friendly casualties.

- bDetect 0.67.


* 3.00beta 20120714

- Bullet detect, supression and debugging framework now works in SP, MP and Dedicated (Ollem and Fabrizio).

- Significant code overhaul (!) and cleanup.

- Text debugging scales with distance.

- bDetect 0.72 (SP/MP/Dedi).

* 3.01beta 20120716

- Additional pistol and subsonic magazines added

- Fixed colour error with debugging map markers.

- MP and dedicated server debug ball colour handling improved.

- Units with stances set to crouch/prone by other AI mods will not be forced to "auto"" position when unsuppressed.

- Fixed already prone units crouching under suppression, when using ACE (thanks Robalo).

- Reveal shooter is disabled if using ASR_AI.

- Highly skilled units will suffer lower courage reduction under fire.

- bDetect logging off by default, may be toggled on.

- bDetect 0.72

* 3.01 20120717

- Fixed debugging locality issue

* 3.02 20120805

- Fixed bDetect MP desync issue

- bDetect 0.73

* 3.03 20120807

- Correct bDetect call in script version

- Correct wait for bDetect initialisation

- Cleanup of config variables in addon version

- Changes to stance modification code to make it CBA independent

- bDetect 0.73

* 3.04 20120810

- Fixed player shake under sporadic enemy fire

- Added some randomisation so that units aren't suppressed by exactly the number of bullets specified in the shot threshold

- bDetect vehicle fixes

- bDetect 0.74

Bonus addon TPWLOS 1.04: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/481663/TPW_AI_LOS_104.zip

This addon improves AI response and realism in closer engagements. It is based on SaOk's excellent line-of-sight code which implements the new lineintersects, terrainintersect, eyepos and eyedirection commands introduced in OA beta patch 94103 (and simply won't work on earlier versions). TPWLOS works well with and nicely complements TPWCAS.

TPWLOS scans for enemies near each opfor or blufor or independent unit, determines if they have line of sight to the enemy (no buildings or terrain in the way), runs a few more visibility checks based on light level, movement, camouflage etc, and if the enemy is determined as visible then the unit will face towards and shoot at the enemy. Reaction time should be well under a second, which greatly enhances squad response and aggression in CQB situations.

Edited by tpw

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Awesome! Great job tpw, enjoyed working with you!

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Great. This will finally force those fools to kneel or go prone when under fire.

The file is unavailable though

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Great. This will finally force those fools to kneel or go prone when under fire.

The file is unavailable though

I just clicked on the link and downloaded it. Give it another go.

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wow, so much work getting done today, just outstanding! Thanks tpw!

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Ok, after 30 mins of trying this mod out with ASR AI I've noticed three things preemptively (Full/Mode 3):

1) The AI is a lot more accurate than they were with only ASR AI active. My squads and I for that matter keep getting wiped out.

2) The AI (both sides) is getting suppressed by enemy fire only after 2-3 shots from enemy fire.

3) A possible future script lag issue (if the mission is persistent) because dead bodies remained suppressed (Red markers over the dead's heads even after the bodies are 'cleaned up' by the mission, not completely sure if this would raise an issue later or not but is possible).

Please note that these comments are not set in stone as of yet as I'm still testing the different configurations out. This is a great work, FINALLY everybody's hitting the floor after being shot at though! That was the first thing I noticed at initial contact.

Edited by DeltaFiveOne
Quick correction

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Thanks for the observations DeltaFiveOne

1- TPWCAS shouldn't increase unit skill values beyond what they are initially. A unit can't get more accurate, only less accurate once suppressed. The suppression script actually waits 30 seconds after starting, so that ASR AI can set each unit's skills, and then it uses those.

2 - That's the idea. They will react to a single shot by kneeling and losing a little skill. They react to multiple shots by dropping and losing significant skill.

3 - The red balls don't disappear after a unit is killed, however dead units are no longer affected by the suppression script. Maybe I need to debug the debugging :)

Ok, after 30 mins of trying this mod out with ASR AI I've noticed three things preemptively (Full/Mode 3):

1) The AI is a lot more accurate than they were with only ASR AI active. My squads and I for that matter keep getting wiped out.

2) The AI (both sides) is getting suppressed by enemy fire only after 2-3 shots from enemy fire.

3) A possible future script lag issue (if the mission is persistent) because dead bodies remained suppressed (Red markers over the dead's heads even after the bodies are 'cleaned up' by the mission, not completely sure if this would raise an issue later or not but is possible).

Please note that these comments are not set in stone as of yet as I'm still testing the different configurations out. This is a great work, FINALLY everybody's hitting the floor after being shot at though! That was the first thing I noticed at initial contact.

Edited by tpw

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I'll probably have to lower ASR AI's accuracy to see if that fixes it as a whole. Thanks.

---------- Post added 06-23-2012 at 12:09 AM ---------- Previous post was 06-22-2012 at 11:43 PM ----------

Ok yeah, I think it's the sleep command. In this particular mission I'm using the action jumps off right away so I should probably raise that number. Add-on's working great now thanks again tpw!

Edited by DeltaFiveOne

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Thanks fox, I appreciate the support as always!

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It's excellent! Had some great fun with the (older, pre 1.0 PBO) version yesterday in SP, gonna try this one soon. One suggestion - as it is a pretty new addon, and one that you are probably gonna work on more, can you get it on Six Network so we can check development and update through SixUpdater?

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It's excellent! Had some great fun with the (older, pre 1.0 PBO) version yesterday in SP, gonna try this one soon. One suggestion - as it is a pretty new addon, and one that you are probably gonna work on more, can you get it on Six Network so we can check development and update through SixUpdater?

Sure thing fraczek. I hadn't thought of that (rarely use Six myself), but if it will make users' lives easier then I'll get in touch with Sickboy about it.

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I have just tried the script version, and I have to say that it is awesome !

I just have some questions : I haven't noticed any particularity for Sniper bullet. I'd like to know if it would be possible to trigger the suppressed mode in case the unit is targeted by a sniper rifle.

Actually, more generally, if I want to trigger the suppressed mode independently from fire (for instance, let's say explosion nearby), what would be the launch code ?

Thank you,


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Now this is a game changer! Thanks a lot! Really looking forwards for an MP version! :yay:

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I have just tried the script version, and I have to say that it is awesome !

I just have some questions : I haven't noticed any particularity for Sniper bullet. I'd like to know if it would be possible to trigger the suppressed mode in case the unit is targeted by a sniper rifle.

Actually, more generally, if I want to trigger the suppressed mode independently from fire (for instance, let's say explosion nearby), what would be the launch code ?

Thank you,


Hi GFt. I specifically tried out sniper rifles when we were developing this, because I was worried that the high velocity projectiles would pass through the 10m detection radius too quickly. The various 7.62 and 12.7mm rifles I tried all worked. Can you tell me which one is causing the problem?

AI already react to nearby explosions to some extent I thought. I'm not sure the best way to go about suppressing them with explosions but could probably have them react to the actual grenade projectile. Might be something to consider for v1.01, thanks!

Now this is a game changer! Thanks a lot! Really looking forwards for an MP version! :yay:

Thanks Variable. Gonna have to enrol 3rd parties to test out the MP side of things. Any volunteers?

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MP testing .... of course! Count me in. I have a dedi server waiting :)

Really want this to be part of something bigger (as with the LOS FSM thing :) )

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Thanks Krem, knew I could count on you! Fire it up on your dedi. The script is not player centric, nor at this stage are there any if (isDedicated) exitWith {}; type commands in it.

My goal is to have suppression, LOS (FSM or otherwise), and ASR_AI all playing perfectly happy together, nice and modular. That way people can chose the bits they want. I'm using all 3 and am very happy with it at this stage, but a bit more work is still in order.

MP testing .... of course! Count me in. I have a dedi server waiting :)

Really want this to be part of something bigger (as with the LOS FSM thing :) )

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For MP testing, i recommend using the script and making sure it's executed on the server only. Having it running on every client could result in some weird behaviour.

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I am going to try this, always welcome new ai mods.

However this is not new, we have had suppression fire for some time in GL4 & SLX, both work really well, in-fact if your playing veteran level or lower, GL4 will put a message up on your map if you have managed to get the enemy suppressed. SLX works in a similar way, also giving ai reactions via shake going prone etc..

Still this may well be a better system, will give it a try.

Does it clash with GL4 or SLX ? Or can it be used alongside.

I have just posted in General regarding ai and their reactions using GL4 & SLX, or should I say parts of each.

Thank you for the mod.

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When will you want to MP test it?

I haven't played ArmA in MP for a while, might as well get back to form in a test :>

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Ok, after 30 mins of trying this mod out with ASR AI I've noticed three things preemptively (Full/Mode 3):

1) The AI is a lot more accurate than they were with only ASR AI active. My squads and I for that matter keep getting wiped out.

2) The AI (both sides) is getting suppressed by enemy fire only after 2-3 shots from enemy fire.

3) A possible future script lag issue (if the mission is persistent) because dead bodies remained suppressed (Red markers over the dead's heads even after the bodies are 'cleaned up' by the mission, not completely sure if this would raise an issue later or not but is possible).

Please note that these comments are not set in stone as of yet as I'm still testing the different configurations out. This is a great work, FINALLY everybody's hitting the floor after being shot at though! That was the first thing I noticed at initial contact.

I confirm this pretty much on the basis of testing with the previous version last night. However, asr_ai v1.15 alone does seem to increase AI accuracy compared to v1.14 - I think that is not entirely surprising, the whole point of the changes to stance was so that MG, AR & snipers would shoot better.

In terms of suppression - I'm not sure if the aiming shake, etc., kicks in as soon as a unit drops to a crouch, or to what extent (i.e. from a single bullet passing) - but from a crouch they will aim better than in a standing position.

I'll probably end up tweaking Robalo's config to lessen default accuracy somewhat. But even as they are now, firefights are hugely improved (haven't tried CQB yet).

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I am going to try this, always welcome new ai mods.

However this is not new, we have had suppression fire for some time in GL4 & SLX, both work really well, in-fact if your playing veteran level or lower, GL4 will put a message up on your map if you have managed to get the enemy suppressed. SLX works in a similar way, also giving ai reactions via shake going prone etc..

Still this may well be a better system, will give it a try.

Does it clash with GL4 or SLX ? Or can it be used alongside.

I have just posted in General regarding ai and their reactions using GL4 & SLX, or should I say parts of each.

Thank you for the mod.

Thanks ChrisB

I'm aware that there have been other AI suppression systems, but had never seen any that reacted to the actual passing bullets.

I've played with SLX (COSLX) for some time and never been able to suppress anyone by firing bullets past their head. Into the ground nearby maybe. Or maybe I'm missing something (possible, since I am a useless old bastard).

Anyway, play with this addon, and use it if you like it. We had fun making it and involving people with it, even if it turns out we reinvented the wheel!

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Hi GFt. I specifically tried out sniper rifles when we were developing this, because I was worried that the high velocity projectiles would pass through the 10m detection radius too quickly. The various 7.62 and 12.7mm rifles I tried all worked. Can you tell me which one is causing the problem?

AI already react to nearby explosions to some extent I thought. I'm not sure the best way to go about suppressing them with explosions but could probably have them react to the actual grenade projectile. Might be something to consider for v1.01, thanks!

I tried the "B_127x99_Ball_noTracer" ammunition, and the dragunov one, and even after unloading a mag the red balls did not appear. But I'll try a bit more, it may be a question of FPS ?

My point was rather when a AI group is patrolling, and a hidden sniper is shooting down one unit, that every body could be suppressed. I also thought about artillery explosion, and finally about IEDs. That's why i f I knew which part of the code trigger the suppressed mode, I'll could do research on my side, and let you know... For instance, if I remember well Artillery create a crater at the explosion. Perhaps AI could try to detect crater around and become suppressed ?

But this is only ideas, what you did is already wonderful, i cannot stop trying since I ran the script for the first time !

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