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What would you like to see in ofp2

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This has probably been posted before, but maybe be able to carry two rifles? Like for example start with your M16 and be able to also pick up a AK74 or something else. Not sure how this would be useful, but it could add to the realism.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ZOOK @ April 16 2003,18:39)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">more MP fuctions

FULL ONLINE campaign buildable SUPPORT!!

Cos Every SP campaign will have an end and players will finally go to MP.

Adjusted game picture  both for low & high equiped machines.

More detailed avoinic and eletronics systems for planes.

Usable building for millitary.<span id='postcolor'>

I DEFINATELY support the idea of cooperative multiplayer campaign support!

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just a friendly reminder. please do not post what other people posted in terms of ideas.

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For OFP2 to be more addon/mod friendly, please release the modding tools (Oxygen 2, Visitor 2 or whatever they're called) soon after the release.

Since it loks likely to be set in Nam, please provide us with the tools to create custom settings and units for those of us who prefer modern combat.  wink.gif

Oh, and please try to make it back compatible with OFP1 addons.

-edit- And customizable night vision (so that addon makers can create custom night/thermal vision for things like starlight scopes etc.).

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I would love the ability to have multiple gunner postions in a vehicle...some of us are stuck with only one gun and another that has to be static. It would surely spice up the realism.

Also, damage effects would be very nice... burning scripts, rust, bullet-holes, ect. Same goes for collision, but better...erm..collision. smile.gif

We also really need a better in-door combat environment as mentioned before... less clipping would be appreciated.

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A new improved engine. I'll like some eye candy, at least, as better as UTK2003 engine or Battlefield 1942 one. With dinamic Lightning, pixle shading, bump mapping, etc. of course smile.gif

Improvements on multiplayer. Ill love to see multispawn based gametypes like the zone controls or even CTF like in Battlefield. Even though Bis said it wasn't posible, Battlefield team has manage to do it pretty well. the fact that you have to wait for plasying only makes multiplayer less fun. If they manage to do that in OFP2, it will be the game to beat at multiplayer.

Increased realism in physics. There are many arcade war games out there. None has emphasised the importance of great physics like OFP. Im hoping to see more of it on the OF2

Mod tools relased since day one. Not only the mission editors but also a new version of Oxygen for OF2 and a terrain editor for new isles.

Less Bugs. Can I stress this....a lot.

Multiplayer In game voice comunication. Well halflife could do it. Why not OFP2?

More cheat protection

A singleplayer campaign as good as the Red Hammer.

Improve AI. He he he....AI in OFP is oen of the best all around. Still some imrpovement will be more than welcome.

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...It's that ugly hand on the rifle m16 or ak47 to be longer barell or why not to JUMP sometimes wink.gif ...etc.etc.

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I'm afraid I´ve missed some posts here, so excuse me if I point something somebody else posted before.

I recall someone requesting improvement on AI formation management, like ordering the squad to adopt a wider disposition or closer. I support this idea and believe that another command is needed: somethig like "proced" or "continue". I mean, with the "advance", "stay back", "flank" and such commands you can build custom and more realistic formations, wich is a good thing, but if you order them to "halt", whatever the reasons are (eg suspected contact), there's no way you can tell tem to continue on their positions; they always return to formation and you must place them again, losing thus iniciative and being vulnerable.

I'd like to have a command that tells the squad to move on again, keeping formation and the positions I have ordered them to cover previously.


Edit: by the way, I'd be cool if you could easily set the AI to perform this commands "advance, flank...) on their formations.

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Another addition for formations could be to change the distances between soldiers, e.g wide/medium/close. Wide could be used to cover open plains/snipe the enemy; close to keep people together in cramped towns; stuff like that.






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I'd like to see snakes, spiders, and other stuff that can kill ya... biggrin.gif And at least good sound effects of different insects in all the trees and bushes. (that work in MP btw)

All sorts of traps if possible.

Underground tunnels.

EDIT: Match that with good poisoning effects, salt depravation, sweat in eyes etc etc... hunger (takes too long)?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (bn880 @ April 17 2003,18:22)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I'd like to see snakes, spiders, and other stuff that can kill ya...  biggrin.gif   And at least good sound effects of different insects in all the trees and bushes.  (that work in MP btw)

All sorts of traps if possible.  

Underground tunnels.

EDIT: Match that with good poisoning effects, salt depravation, sweat in eyes etc etc...  hunger (takes too long)?<span id='postcolor'>

Bullets aren't good enough for ya? smile.gif

I would like claymores and stuff though- it would take ambushes to a whole new level

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I'd rather see OFP2 being totally a simulator with realism above all That's fun IMO

<span id='postcolor'>

hmmm. If this is what you want then why dont we have it so that you only get one chance to play. If you die, thats it. you cn never play that game again. ever. it wil not let you reinstall etc. I think this would be VERY realistic wink.gif

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Higher carrying capacity and an option to keep crosshairs in the center of the screen.

Full vision, I mean OFP is quite zoomed in.  It only allows you to see a small portion of what you actually could see.

Custom Formations....again!

Write parts of your own breifing in the mission for personal refernce!  Or something where you go to a breifing and you have to write the plan.

Grass, Marshes, swimming.

...Napalm  biggrin.gif ...

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Harnu @ April 17 2003,21:45)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Custom Formations....again!<span id='postcolor'>

maybe you could have something in your personnal infos letting you create custom formations to which you could join a key

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A "lean" function for the infantry soldier would be fantastic, so as to enable the player to look around the edge of a building and/or fire. It is a VERY useful feature in GR.

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Leaning would be excellent!

Worked quite well in SOF, although the AI was pretty stupid. It just stood there waiting to be shot, unless it saw you before you leaned round.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I'd rather see OFP2 being totally a simulator with realism above all  That's fun IMO <span id='postcolor'>

hmmm. If this is what you want then why dont we have it so that you only get one chance to play. If you die, thats it. you cn never play that game again. ever. it wil not let you reinstall etc. I think this would be VERY realistic wink.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Yeah! That would be soooooo cool! PUH-LEEZE BIS! Make it so you can only play and install the game once! biggrin.gif

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I'd also like you to not be able how many rounds you have in your current magazine, so that you have to keep a slight track on how many rounds you've fired - that's more realistic.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (the_unknown_one @ April 17 2003,21:44)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I'd rather see OFP2 being totally a simulator with realism above all  That's fun IMO

<span id='postcolor'>

hmmm. If this is what you want then why dont we have it so that you only get one chance to play. If you die, thats it. you cn never play that game again. ever. it wil not let you reinstall etc. I think this would be VERY realistic wink.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Seen that mentioned somewhere else on these forums not many days ago ... wink.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (the_unknown_one @ April 17 2003,15:44)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I'd rather see OFP2 being totally a simulator with realism above all That's fun IMO

<span id='postcolor'>

hmmm. If this is what you want then why dont we have it so that you only get one chance to play. If you die, thats it. you cn never play that game again. ever. it wil not let you reinstall etc. I think this would be VERY realistic wink.gif<span id='postcolor'>

biggrin.gif What a comedian, never let you play again, get outa here! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

I mean, I like realism, but I don't need to shit my pants in my spare time sort of speak. If it was like that, I would probably get some sort of brain hemerage or something when the bullet hits in OFP.

It's enough that I used to fly across the room when I would crash in Viper Racing... lol, that used to crack up some people.

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I think realism could be increased in OFP2, particularly with the "heal" and repair functions, which at the moment work like a magic wand. These functions should be more limited. For example, if you have a light injury, treating could just stop it getting worse. As to repair, again, should be limited to repair a tyre or a tank track perhaps, and should take a few mins. Also, repair would be largely preventative. For example, a water leak if not repaired will lead to bigger problems.

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Did not read the entire thread (well, 34 pages... crazy.gif), but:

<span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>How about a Linux version of OFP2?</span> confused.gif

If you say it's impossible/expensive/not worth, how can we -the community- help?

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I think the heal and repair functions are fine as they are. I don't relish the idea of sitting next to a repair truck for half an hour while the entire might of the opposing army is coming down on me. Suppose you had to escape in that vehicle? Game over. confused.gif

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- seasons... (if i set to september i want to see some really nice autumn scenery, with lots of colors... then when i set the date to november i want to see some snow and lots of mud... in the end of december lots of snow and frozen rivers, at april really green plains, with color flowers and some singing birds... (sounds stupid but it can give a nice scenery to the battles)) and soldiers should "feel" the seasons... in a stormy cold winter, they should shoot with poorer performance, like in a too hot summer afternoon, and in a really nice spring morning they can run faster because they fitter, they can see more easily the mines, in autumn the mines are hard to see because of the fallen leaves, and things like that...

- rivers, with small bridges, and larger rivers, like the river Danube, with a city halfed by the river. (Like Budapest) Then we can make large citybattles where a bridge is a tactical point... you can destroy it, then all looks like in Leningrad...

- new dx9 compatible water... (the water like in the 3dmark03 is really nice, and it doesn't ate my machine)

- much more lifely environment with animals, flowers, fungees, birds, etc. (they should run away if they heard you or some shootings)

- destroyable terrain... (big holes after bombardement where you can hide...)

- way more realistic building damage modell, with realistic collapses, and usefull debris, to hide between, and the sun can't bright up the inner so a really nice spot to snipers... smile.gif

- FIX THE GRANADE BUG!!! if i hide behind a 30 cm wall i don't die in real life with a fragmantation granade... but we all need explosive granades too, to clear out buildings.

- ability to set a turret by degrees in vertical and horizontal, then we can fire precisely to 3500m too or farther... (not only to 300 m-s thats not a real tank battle if we are so close!wink.gif (eg. if you press shift, you can type it in or the mouse will slow down, and writes the degrees)

- real lights, with real shadows... and not only one type of light!!! we need stronger and dimmer lightpoints. and we need the shadows to cover our bradley fv or anything else...

- ability to swim if you not wearing a 50kg equipment... (eg. you should swim with the black-op if you got only a HK with a few rounds and a satchel)

- a bit more realistic vehicle phisics... and more realistic dammage modell on tanks, etc.

- REALISTIC vehicle sizes! I think most of us don't want to see again this huge BMP-s, M113-s... smile.gif They look silly and to easy to hit with an rpg or law...

- dinamic join, but only with the permission of the active admins on the server...

so I want to see these in ofp 2... wink.gif


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