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Japanese Self-Defence Force DLC might be in the making.

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I love Japan and its culture which I study, it would be epic to have a DLC like that!

I say its ture.

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All the evidence is pointing to this being true - unless they spent all the money they earned from the sales off the back of DayZ on a elaborate ruse just to trick us poor forum users!!

One thing though (if this is true) - unless it is a colaboration, I do feel a little sorry for the JSDF mod team! Talk about having the rug pulled from under you!

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I wonder why (if its true) BIS have made the JSDF. I'm not complaining, I think it's cool looking.

I have an idea...

It's a good way to prepare for future ArmA 3 expansions. Since China and the US are not playing nice with each other in 2035, a JSDF DLC will pave the way for future A3 expansions, both from the content and story POV.

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I'm sticking to my guns that it'll be some AÄŒR DLC.

The only allusions to it being JSDF equipment are from all the photoshopped crap stuck on top of the actual screenshot (the logo, the equipment names) - only time we've seen it mentioned before was April Fool's day. If you ask me, it's all part of the (literal) smokescreen BIS has has generated to hide true nature of the content. To my eyes (and my prowess as a armoured vehicles geek/spotter ;)) the content of the screenshots underneath all that, tell a pretty different story.

Remember, the text accompanying the screens states the following:

We are receiving alarming yet unclear reports directly from the battlefield. Unfortunately the specific area of interest is covered by a very thick FOG OF WAR blocking our optical sensors. Unknown forces are on the move; their origin and strength are unclear.

WARNING: present recon photos are inaccurate; we’re waiting for better weather conditions to get an exact report.

BIS describing the equipment as 'unknown' and its origin as 'unclear', then tacking a logo on them that says they're Japanese, rather defeats the point of the accompanying text, if it is indeed a JSDF DLC. :p

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Wasn't TOH announced on April 1st too?

If this is real maybe BI were just using the date to fuck with our heads.

Edited by ArmAriffic

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I'm thinking it is ACR stuff as well, which to be honest I would prefer.

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Well, Take on Zombies did kinda turn into DayZ... ;)


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Now that I think of it... the April fools joke they did was a total success if this is true. Maybe we were fooled by reverse psychology in thinking that it was a joke and the joke was probably that we felt for it by thinking it wasn't real.

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Now that I think of it... the April fools joke they did was a total success if this is true. Maybe we were fooled by reverse psychology in thinking that it was a joke and the joke was probably that we felt for it by thinking it wasn't real.

That's the way I felt at the time. I was really hoping that the joke was that we wouldn't believe them because it was April Fools. That is more in line with the high standards of their previous April Fools jokes. Going "here's a fake DLC" isn't really in line with their previous ones like Farma that had more of an explanation behind it.

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I agree with da12thMonkey. Definitely looks like Czech forces. BIS are trolling us again.

On this picture you can see czech desert troops that are already in OA. The guy on the right holds Sa vz. 58 (notice the reflex sight mounted on the front). The guy in the back holds M60E4.

On this picture is L-159. Compare.

It just seems a bit late to release another DLC for A2, when A3 is not that far away. Maybe they have some bigger plans with it? Who knows...

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I hope to God it's a Czech DLC, that would be awesome!

I'm inclined to agree that it will be, the aircraft definitely looks more like the L-39 than the T4.

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Well, I'm convinced. I think it's time to rename this thread. :rolleyes:

I'm going to jump to the conclusion and say, this is the most long lasted troll-plan I've encountered to date. Well played. :D

Edited by colossus
added picture

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So who would be the enemy?

My guess are Chinese, Koreans or Russians xD

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We are receiving alarming yet unclear reports directly from the battlefield. Unfortunately the specific area of interest is covered by a very thick FOG OF WAR blocking our optical sensors. Unknown forces are on the move; their origin and strength are unclear.

WARNING: present recon photos are inaccurate; we’re waiting for better weather conditions to get an exact report.

Anyone else wondering why FOG OF WAR is capitalized? Something key?

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Well, you know they are now Bohemia Introllactive™. They are trolling us, all because of a post that was made yesterday. Karel Mořický even tweeted about it.

I'm sure it's Czech forces.

Edited by Nicholas

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Excellent observations here! :)

Break-Break, FOO Bravo, this is Checkmate 7 actual, abort mission, repeat, abort mission, find a better FOV and report any visual contact ASAP, send traffic, Checkmate 7 actual over.

Edited by PurePassion

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Could be that the are running with this story. Even if it's not the JSDF and the Pacific, it can still prove to be a good bridge between A2 and A3.

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BI-> simply the best at trolling their own fanbase :notworthy:

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Why japanese DLC? That's like not even an army there since they are still limited by the treaty of 1945. What's the point?

Or is it trolling? I'm kinda a bit late to the parteh

Edited by metalcraze

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