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Should I be freaking out right now, where's the vection based aiming?

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Seriously, I'm not seeing it and I'm getting an awful sinking feeling that we're going to have a lot of shitty random number generated dispersion compensating for its absence.

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No, because its basically been in every game since OFP

Your weapon tracks independently of your perspective.

This has been pretty much the definitive hallmark of the series.

I'm watching some of the videos of the gameplay recently and I had completely overlooked amid the fantastic visuals the fact that this critical element to the game seemed to be missing.

My face:


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You seem to be all over the place. What exactly is your problem?

If you're trying to eliminate the floating zone, check your game options.

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No, I'm aware you can modify this with ARMA 2.

I prefer it on, turning it off makes it feel like I'm playing quake or unreal.

However have they completely abandoned this for A3?

They don't seem to showcase it in their promotional videos.

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Oh, I see. You're saying that you're concerned there is no floating zone in ArmA 3.

I don't see why they would replace the floating zone with something less sophisticated than their current system. Even if they did away with the floating zone, I don't think they would remove the way their gun barrels work. They just got weapon zeroing put in with OA!

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Oh, I see. You're saying that you're concerned there is no floating zone in ArmA 3.

I don't see why they would replace the floating zone with something less sophisticated than their current system. Even if they did away with the floating zone, I don't think they would remove the way their gun barrels work. They just got weapon zeroing put in with OA!

Yeah, pretty much.

Not one of the videos as far as I've seen yet features the traditional dead zone, so I guess for demonstration purposes they've just disabled it.

Still, I had a moment where I thought the worst. I probably shouldn't have such little faith in BIS, but stranger things have happened in this industry to companies that have become successful.

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Well, maybe there's no floating zone anymore. The logical leap from videos to that, and from that to they've replaced their ballistics system with a hitscan one is pretty large, though.

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I suspect (and hope to God) that the floating zone system makes a return - it is one of the things that, for me, defines the series. The fact that your rifle isn't surgically fixed to where your eyes are pointing and the fact that you can move the rifle without turning your whole body is so damn refreshing in a genre where a dot in the middle of the screen is forced upon everyone 99.9% of the time.

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When asked a question "is there going to be an aiming deadzone" Ivan Buchta replied "we are not cutting anything out".

So at least when it comes to aiming deadzone ArmA3 should be fine.

Seems like the same thing happened back when ArmA was getting worked on.

ArmA + future games = dropping vection aiming?

Oh my - even BF bashing is there :D

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Excellent! Fears allayed.

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I think a lot of people disable dead-zone when TrakIR is being used (I do certainly) so maybe that's the reason you saw no evidence in the video.

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I think a lot of people disable dead-zone when TrakIR is being used (I do certainly) so maybe that's the reason you saw no evidence in the video.

I keep floating on, the movements feel more natural for me this way, even when using TrackIR.

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IMO the floating zone should have a minimum value greater than 0. Is just idiotic to have the gun glued to the center of the screen.

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I suspect (and hope to God) that the floating zone system makes a return

Makes a return? It never left :confused: Or are we talking about something totally different :/

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IMO the floating zone should have a minimum value greater than 0. Is just idiotic to have the gun glued to the center of the screen.

ze truth! unfortunately, NGH...

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Is just idiotic to have the gun glued to the center of the screen.

Now I really look forward to read a explanation / reason of this! :)

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i think it will be just liek the trailers and stuff for ArmA 2, if you look closely the devs played it without floating zone, so maybe it will be the same for A3

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Seriously? I mean, we're talking about BIS here, they are trollin' us as usual. If there wont be (vection? dafuq is that anyways?) at release, rest assured it'll get modded fast. Oh and I know what he meant by vection, it's just I've heard that word for the first time...

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Yeah, I don't know about the word vection either, but that same word was used in that arma thread linked to by Nicholas. I didn't know what it meant back then either. I think it must be a non english word, or a false cognate.

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Now I really look forward to read a explanation / reason of this! :)

What? Having your barrel poiting at the exact point every time is jsut bad.

But thats in my opinion. I could just zero the float zone and have the advantage that it brings, but I would be cheating me!

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Vection is the illusion of personal movement apparently When there is none .

Not sure if the op is worried about the mix of recoil and floating zone amounts lacking in the videos ?

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Now I really look forward to read a explanation / reason of this! :)

It makes aiming way too easy?

BIS should work on extending the firefight time, not shortening it.

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