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BIS saids "no comment" instead of just "no" when asked about console game.

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You forget about controls. Performance is not the reason console games are so simple and poor on features.

Besides why do you want it on consoles if you can play it on PC?

Exactly. IMO it's like asking to be able to buy a car with no windsheeld and no doors, while others got the full package.It just doesn't make sense.

Also, imagine the said salute button combo - A, X, L1, B, L2, X, X, B, A (lol) no way

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If it were on consoles how would it go with mod support and patches(because patching a console game is much harder than patching a pc game, thanks to greedy companies)

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You forget about controls. Performance is not the reason console games are so simple and poor on features.

Besides why do you want it on consoles if you can play it on PC?

I guess its a matter of convenience and location. My PC is in my office where I work (I work from home), my consoles are hooked up to a projector in my media room. Who knows what spec the next gen consoles will be and if they are capable of playing a future version of Arma and are capable of having peripherals plugged in (keyboard/mouse/joystick etc) then personally I don't care - it would be nice to play Arma on my projector.

I suppose the question is 'what is a console' - at the end of the day it's just a PC in a box, the same as a PC. They are just smaller and tend to have less cutting edge technology.

Bottom line for me really is that as long as the game isn't compromised to play on a future generation 'console' then I am all for it.

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Isn't Carrier Command scheduled to be released on consoles?


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Isn't Carrier Command scheduled to be released on consoles?


Not same game and not same engine.

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I guess its a matter of convenience and location. My PC is in my office where I work (I work from home), my consoles are hooked up to a projector in my media room. Who knows what spec the next gen consoles will be and if they are capable of playing a future version of Arma and are capable of having peripherals plugged in (keyboard/mouse/joystick etc) then personally I don't care - it would be nice to play Arma on my projector.

I suppose the question is 'what is a console' - at the end of the day it's just a PC in a box, the same as a PC. They are just smaller and tend to have less cutting edge technology.

Bottom line for me really is that as long as the game isn't compromised to play on a future generation 'console' then I am all for it.

My PC is connected to the projector, with a couch and a special table. You can play perfectly with keyboard and mouse , even lying down ;)

A few of old photos, today is a 1080p proyector




But I know this is not the solution for everyone. People need something more simple than a custom table . There is a interesting table to use mouse and keyboard in the couch in Ikea , "Dave" table , but is a bit small .

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But seriously, do you want to buy a game from a developer that support and encourage user made mod on a console. Console dont support mod and it does not support game from older console. Will you buy fallout 3 on a console knowing you can get mod for it if you use a PC.

Console does have its plus points, standardize hardware for 5-8 year usage. Just put in the cd and play while PC require an upgrade every 3-5 years. I play arma for the awesome user made mission and mod. Just compare the BIS original warefare that come with the game to Benny edition.

But things may change, who knows. Maybe console developer will be more lenient and begin to sell the addon as a DLC or maybe we will start seeing new controllers with much more buttons or a more creative way with the controls.

Heck with stuffs like onlive cloud gaming we dont even need to buy a console or PC anymore to play games in the future. (


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@Jonelo - in my case, my office needs to be my office - although you have now given me an idea!

@gunso - Consoles don't currently support modding, that's true, but who knows what may happen in the future. I played the whole of Fallout 3 and Fallout NV on a 360. Arma would not work without modding support so a solution would need to be found in future generation consoles before it is viable.

I do agree however that the future is streaming - I doubt it will be video streaming like Onlive, but games optimised to code stream. The days of physical media are numbered.

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Modding is the enemy of console manufacturers who are also game producers. Why?

Because how can you milk your "target audience" with $15 map packs where half of maps are from previous games in the series if it can just download mods?

Also no future console will be able to run ArmA3 optimally. Why?

Because that will easily skyrocket its price to $1000. Nobody will buy that console. Consoles are all about taking as shittier hardware as possible to be able to fit as lower price point as possible.

That's why XBox360 and PS3 were outdated on release and Wii was a total joke. New XBox goes for new AMD CPUs and GPUs. And you know what a fiasco new AMD CPUs are.

Future consoles will be on the same level as high-end PCs 2 years ago at best. Gotta fit them $300 man. Today a good videocard alone costs more.

CoD uses Quake 3 engine from '99 - its graphics are forever stuck in 2005. 12 mln sold copies of MW3 alone say people don't care if there's top hardware in their console as long as CoDs/Halos/BFs are being churned out every year.

Edited by metalcraze

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Modding is the enemy of console manufacturers who are also game producers. Why?

Because how can you milk your "target audience" with $15 map packs where half of maps are from previous games in the series if it can just download mods?

That kind of miking is hardly limited to consoles (or gaming for that matter).

Also I wonder if the issues are rather with dealing with content transaction between e.g a PC and the device, security, liability, etc.

Were custom missions/mods possible in OFP Elite?

Also no future console will be able to run ArmA3 optimally. Why?
The same thing was said in OFP era, and see here, there's OFP Elite.

I'll not go into how consoles and the games for consoles are more optimized and provide generally better performance than equilevant PC's (or how the resolution of even HDTV's is often less than PC gaming rigs, while many games don't go beyond 720p anyway).

I'm sure you can read about this about anywhere where consoles are involved :P

Lastly there should really be only advantages of having the game on multiple systems. More sales, more people, BI can improve / spend more.

You don't have to play them on consoles if you dont like it.

Also limited hardware should improve optimization which also could be beneficial again for us PC gamers.

I think the only important thing of note is that the PC version shouldn't get dumbed down because of the consoles. IMO that's one of the few possible issues with ARMA going console.

Edited by Sickboy

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Were custom missions/mods possible in OFP Elite?

Missions yes, mods/addons no.

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Sucks Elite came out late in the Xbox's short lifespan could've saw a lot more sales if it made it in earlier before everyone jumped to Xbox 360.

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Sucks Elite came out late in the Xbox's short lifespan could've saw a lot more sales if it made it in earlier before everyone jumped to Xbox 360.

or you can always thanks to certain publisher to refuse cover liftup to XBOX360 :)

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Arma is successful because of it's modability (just look at what's happened with DayZ), so as long as the core ethos of this is maintained, BI can release it on my Super-Ubuntu powered toaster for all I care! There's no point in getting hung up on what type of device it is played on, as long as (as Sickboy said) the game is not compromised.

Who knows what technology is round the corner and who is to say that a £400 device will not have the power to run Arma. Even now you can build a PC for less than £500 which will run Arma 2 OA (I know, because I did it last year). If I had more purchasing power it would have been less.

There is a lot of console hate around but this is more to do with the publishers and the type of games they release than the actual devices themselves. Sure they found themselves a winner with DLC but they would change that model if something else became profitable. Things can get interesting on consoles - just look at what CCP are trying to do with Dust 514 - totally new concept but with amazing possibilities. What runs on a console very much deoends on the developer/publisher desire to make it happen really.

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You have to have some sympathy for the console paranoia. Look what happens to games like Elder Scrolls. The devs port on version, then slowly they start designing with the XBOX in mind, giving PC gamers a UI that barely works, and finally the DLCs show up for console months ahead, the console is the 'main platform' and everything is subordinated to its limitations. In PC Skyrim, you can't block if you're holding two weapons because a controller doesn't have enough buttons.

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You have to have some sympathy for the console paranoia. Look what happens to games like Elder Scrolls. The devs port on version, then slowly they start designing with the XBOX in mind, giving PC gamers a UI that barely works, and finally the DLCs show up for console months ahead, the console is the 'main platform' and everything is subordinated to its limitations. In PC Skyrim, you can't block if you're holding two weapons because a controller doesn't have enough buttons.

Brilliance put into a flawed system usually results in degradation of said brilliance, and not in the reformation of the latter.

I mean the following: xbox/ps are flawed from the point of view of progress, which is governed by the relentless Moore's Law, and Microsoft/Sony/Etc perfectly know this, thus you get rigid, flawed systems that hadn't been updated in generations, as per the definition of a 'generation' found in the world of computing, all the while the former exercise their right to take in profits, milking the same 5-generation old CPU/GPU et cetera at the expense of the customers themselves, who enable said situation to happen.

Trading to the uneducated the same-old marbles for their tangible assets, such as their labour, time and sanity - ah, it has been thus since times immemorial. Don't wait for brilliance - become it: build your own PC. :cool:

Edited by Iroquois Pliskin

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Now tell me: How the game then shall run on a xbox or playstation with its ancient hardware?

There's a new generation of consoles are coming, a lot of developers are recruiting new people and in the job descriptions it often mentions "developing games for next-generation consoles" or something similar. Those next gen consoles are of course less powerful than current average PCs, but BIS can go the same way as DICE- just dumb down the game to a level that the consoles can run (and of course make sure the "lead platform" PC suffers the same limitations as consoles)

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There's a new generation of consoles are coming, a lot of developers are recruiting new people and in the job descriptions it often mentions "developing games for next-generation consoles" or something similar.

Then let these console manufacturers present a coherent description of said systems and provide specifications, road-maps as to your future upgrade plans of said consoles. WHAT? Not upgradeable? LOL

See ya, don't want to be ya. ; )

P.S. Google Moore's Law for God's sake, if you don't apply it in your business plan on churning out ready2play consoles, you will NOT end up with ArmA 3, but BF 3 yet again in such a rigid system. Nvidia is printing out Kepler gen GPUs, which are 28nm with new transistor gate design.

What manufacturing process was used in the hardware, that operates in your xboxes/playstations: former using 90nm, the latter 60nm? Does anyone even remember now? LOL

Edited by Iroquois Pliskin

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There's a new generation of consoles are coming, a lot of developers are recruiting new people and in the job descriptions it often mentions "developing games for next-generation consoles" or something similar. Those next gen consoles are of course less powerful than current average PCs, but BIS can go the same way as DICE- just dumb down the game to a level that the consoles can run (and of course make sure the "lead platform" PC suffers the same limitations as consoles)

Don't mean to be rude but this was bit over the top.

Sorry but -


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I concur, Bee8190. Dumbing down ArmA to the hardware specifications of consoles, thus becoming all it entails: reduced visibility, fake backgrounds, 10 km^2 'maps', absent co-op scene etc. Isn't this... Battlefield 3 in essence? Irony. :)

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Don't mean to be rude but this was bit over the top.

Sorry but -

missed the sarcasm in there i suppose...

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In any case "if" they did it would just be Arma "light" :)

ArmA 3 w/ 'Free version' textures on an island the size of Utes... there you go, my button-mashing friends. : )

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