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Is ArmA better than Minecraft?

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You can try it out.

The bricks are made with many LODS and in a way, that you can

stack hundreds on top of each other with very little performance impact.

I wonder with what creations you can come up with.

Thats my try:




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**Totally jumped to uncalled for conclusion**


My browser wasnt loading the stuff and just assumed it was a link to minecraft

(Damn I'm an ***hole)

Edited by wolfbite

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[smartass mode]

Since he provides a download link to his lego bricks, I'd say he challenges you to do the stuff in ArmA that you'd do in minecraft :)

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Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


I wonder if anyone cares?

Wrong thread and pointless.

Oh boy oh boy, are you wrong or what?

When you have nothing constructive to add to a thread just move along.

Some of you really keep the community spirit high! Sadening ...........

Don't like what you see? Ignore it, like I ignored those lovely chicks in the original mirror.............can you do that?


Edited by Guest

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Alah ackbarSSSSS....!!! BOOOM!!! but, this doesnt looks like minecraft, maybe dirt blocks? xd

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oh yes dirt colored blocks and other textures as well....

Then we start making huge nuclear reactors once you get the industrial mod going!

bwbwhahahahah it will never end!

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More colored bricks would be fun (specially in the actual colours they come in), although i find the notion of calling lego bricks "minecraft" a bit insulting to be honest (I've always liked playing with legos, hence my little complaint ;))

Edited by Evil_Brownie
needed to add some info
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Ah a nice, simple and silly addon, you don't see many of those these days.

I like it, definately creative in that it's not something you would normally see for a game like this...wouldn't quite equate lego bricks to minecraft however.

What is the point of this? >.<

To dick around and otherwise have some fun that you normally would not in this engine. An addon doesn't have to military, or have any relation to it (IE vehicle, weapon, outfit or anything like that), there is nothing wrong with something so different.

Edited by NodUnit

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Interesting idea. I'll try

By the way, this

"I wonder if anyone cares?

Wrong thread and pointless. "

and This

"Oh boy oh boy, are you wrong or what?

When you have nothing constructive to add to a thread just move along. "

are also not constructive, fox.

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When you wish to discuss my moderation you can do that elsewhere, not here!

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ArmedAssault.info Mirror and News:


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[url=http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=addons&game=1&id=1935]DOWNLOAD - DA Bricks (v.1.00) - [20 kB] from ArmedAssault.info[/url][/spoiler]

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This looks amazing...didn't someone make a whole Lego-themed mod back in OFP? (Not that it had anything to do with actually building things)...

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It definately has creative potential but it suffers from two major problems, the first being perhaps the more pressing in that it doesn't have any collision geometry. I tried to make a helipad in the sky only to find out that upon landing I went right through the blocks. If you are new to this just ask some questions, we'll be happy to answer :)

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spectacular..... i have not finished my arma stuff because ive been playing minecraft......... now ill be playing minecraft in arma and still not getting my stuff done........

PS its sarcasem :)

Thanks for the addon!

would be cool to do more hesco and sandbag componets in this style for battle positions and fortifications.

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