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Invasion 1944 v2.6 (CO)

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WOAH! There's about 1000 reasons to love this new update. As a huge armor fan, I really love these new features on tanks. Panther is still my favourite. Especially now! New G-model is a masterpiece of a great artists. Thank you I44 team. I highly appreciate your efforts :bounce3:

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I cant find any servers runing the mod, what is up with that?:confused:
There's a bunch of them though;


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Well correct me if Im wrong here, but I still can find any DEDICATED INV44 servers.

I was just checking it right now. I use Add on syns to find all Arma 2 servers runing all kind of mods so they should show up if there is any... or?


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Here is a video I made after downloading the mod yesterday, I must say it's fantastic. I was playing with DomZ's High Command so it isn't really exciting, there isn't a lot of action until much later on, however just listening to the sounds is an experience in itself. Very atmospheric. Hope you all enjoy.

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Well correct me if Im wrong here, but I still can find any DEDICATED INV44 servers.

I was just checking it right now. I use Add on syns to find all Arma 2 servers runing all kind of mods so they should show up if there is any... or?


Apparently not, perhaps give Play withSIX a go and compare the list.

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Here's a quick something I put together while playing with myself (!) last night...

Again, loving the sights, sounds and brutality of this mod!

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For those that prefer a manual install the update from 2.61 > 2.62 archive version is now available via ModDB.

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Downloading NAO!

Thank you guys for the effort of making such amazing mod.

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Absolute fucking amazing! The new Tank Hud is so great!

just a quick test in this moment. Is the change stance feature in comander position in 1.62 ? I see it here in an video:

I dont find anything in manual. What keys i have to use or bind ?


Jack Unger


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2.62 ;) and no that trial was done on one tank, and the changes it requires mean all tanks need to have it implemented which there wasn't time for with 2.62 so its planned as a 2.63 feature.

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For those that prefer a manual install the update from 2.61 > 2.62 archive version is now available via ModDB.


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I'm getting an error with the new British Army (Winter) troops. The game can not find the BAF language (voice) file, There may be a typo somewhere in the unit config.

Has anyone else seen this, or did I have a bad install?

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When playing it, the gaming atmosphere is just like something a fucking combination of HollyWood action movie and real combat simulations. The new map is also terrific and awesome! The great 2.62 patch!

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I hope there can be a download link for all of us not using Six Updater.

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I'm getting an error with the new British Army (Winter) troops. The game can not find the BAF language (voice) file, There may be a typo somewhere in the unit config.

Has anyone else seen this, or did I have a bad install?

I've just re-checked this now and have no problem, the Brits use the BAF voices pack (I don't own BAF and it uses BAF_Lite voices just fine) so I'm guessing its a problem with your ArmA2: Combined Operations installation.

I hope there can be a download link for all of us not using Six Updater.

We highly encourage the use of Play withSix as its more than likely going to be the main source for our updates in the future at least for initial releases as it cuts down a lot of the work that is required of us to publish these releases, when you consider the files were ready over a week before release, that final week was purely setting up the various file releases, testing them, uploading them, only to have to download them, reinstall and test all over again to ensure the filehosts were stable enough for mirrors to then download from them. Plus creating installation documentation (which is often ignored or doesn't exactly match players different install setups) is another huge time sink, whereas Play withSix enables a much more straightforward set of instructions for all installs to be setup and followed much more easily. Our website will continue to push Play withSix as the preferred download method.

On a final note, the issue with the SMLE No.4 Bayonet, if you do accidentally attach the bugged bayonet, you can go to your gear screen and double click your primary weapon to drop it, this will drop the ghost K98k that is created and restore your SMLE No.4, hopefully this bug will be eliminated at some point unfortunately it appeared post-release and I have no clue as to the cause, while Mac who made the system is away there's not much that can be done just yet. It should however be an easy fix, but publishing said fix anywhere but Six is yet another problem with seperate archive releases, so yet another reason you should make the switch to PwS.

Edited by PacUK

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I get this error message in startup addon I44_csj_config requires I44_base_w

I downloaded everything again from Armaholic version 2.6.2 and I get this message, what can be done?

Thank you

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Download Play withSix and let it install it correctly for you...

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I see a server that run Warfare alot. My suggestion is that anyone that can port Warfare to this INV44 maps. Im so sick of Cheranus and also it has not 1944 feeling to it at all. Russian island in present time.

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I hope there can be a download link for all of us not using Six Updater.
You know you CAN use SIX just for updating, and use somethingelse to launch the game. :/ Thats what I do.

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I see a server that run Warfare alot. My suggestion is that anyone that can port Warfare to this INV44 maps. Im so sick of Cheranus and also it has not 1944 feeling to it at all. Russian island in present time.

I know how you feel

In fact, some chap was working on a MASSIVE Normandy map a few months back but I haven't seen jack since.

Incidentally does anyone know if TPW's Suppression mod is compatible with 2.62?

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I know how you feel

In fact, some chap was working on a MASSIVE Normandy map a few months back but I haven't seen jack since.

Incidentally does anyone know if TPW's Suppression mod is compatible with 2.62?

Making massive map take time and if he is gone, I dont belive we will see it at all. just work with what we got. :)

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Incidentally does anyone know if TPW's Suppression mod is compatible with 2.62?

Works phenomenally well, we had intended to hardcode it into I44 but as its still very early days we've only implemented it on the script level (LOS as well) in the new / updated missions included with 2.62. Highly recommend using them with I44 it really fits with the gameplay. Hopefully come time for our next release we'll have a more final version to include to save the hassle of scripts, as well as making more accurate use of weapons (currently we haven't implemented any non-suppressing weapons etc).

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Hoping to see some Battlegrounds PVP going on this weekend, I'm going to be testing a new version of Capture and Hold Battleground: Omaha this weekend which should hopefully address some balance issues on that mission, feel free to come help out on the Kelly's Heroes server!

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Do you plan on correcting the K98k sniper optics? ie: the reticules. If you've played Red Orchestra, Red Orchestra 2 or even Iron Front: Liberation 1944. You'll see the correct reticules.

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