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Near death experiences/intense situations.

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Anybody hear have a near death experience or be in a real intense situation or both?

Just today I had one. I let 2 of my dogs outside when I get home from school and im home alone. 5 minutes later I hear alot of barking and I see them barking at the neighbors dogs behind my house which are 2 very huge pit bulls and mine is an english bulldog mix and a mutt. Vicious barking is going and and I get them seperated. Im walking away then I hear vicious barking again. I turn around to my both of MY dogs are fighting each other. And when they fight its pretty vicious. I grab the mutts dog by its hind legs and I keep punching it but nothing works. I remember that pouring water on them will break up a fight so I rush inside my house, out of breath and full of adrenaline. Grab a water bottle and go back to pour the water on their heads. Doesnt work the first time so i pick up the mutts hind legs again and try to drag her to the front of my house whiles shes latched on to the bulldogs face.

While Im dragging them both the neighbors fucking pit bull somehow crosses the fence and comes into MY YARD. This dog has HUGE muscles and walks right up to me. Im standing there holding two dogs fighting each other while being watched by a huge pit bull. Walks up to us, about 8 feet away from us and I yell at it to go away. It actually works and it turns away and tours my yard.

Finally I get another water bottle and squirt the entire thing ito the mutts face and she lets go and I get them seperated.

WOW this was pretty long. Just wanted to share this experience. Its scary being home alone when shit like this happens and not knowing whether to call the police.

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I had two...

The first one was when I was fighting in Chernogorsk and dove inside one of the houses to reload my M16. I was shocked to discover a ChDKZ soldier there that my teammates have somehow missed. I quickly bolted out of the house as he raised his weapon to shoot at me.

Tried to take him out with a grenade but I bounced it off a door. That's when Near Death Experience #2 occurred.

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I had 5... all before breakfast.

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Geee, way to be negative, bro's.

I, for one, think it might be nice to hear some stories from people around the world. Especially, when they share the same hobby. Don't be assholes.

Solidsnake - I had like... 2 or 3, but nothing I'd be able or what would be worth to reconstruct\share. Except maybe that moment when I was like 3 or 4 years old and tried to pee on some electric installation, as reported by my dad. Few centimeter's right and I would be dead.

You don't need much to die...

Edited by JonPL

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Oh come on guys, don't be a-hats.

I had 2:

I was hit by a taxi while ridding my bike when I was 15. The driver wax exiting the parking lot of a hotel. The driveway that intersected the sidewalk was flanked by tall bushes so she couldnt see me untill he rammed me and I became a hood ornament. Lucky for both of us that she wasnt going that fast and I only got a scrapped leg and a pain in my left elbow. The taxi's front bumper only had a small dent from the bike pedal. Sadly the pedeal fell of on the way home and my folks found out about my little secret.

Second one was last year while mountain hiking in the Carpathians . I was carrying way more then I should have and that gradually weakend me. We reached a vertical climb section where you zigzag on the slope for like 20-30 meters while holding to a chain. There were severeal parts where you had to bust yourself up using your legs and the chain. I'm a tall guy and I sometimes get dizzy or blackout for a second when I stand up fast. Guess my blood decided to stay in my legs for one of the boost's and it all went black. Lucky me the chain was tight and I had enough common sense to crouch as much as the wall in front of me permited.

Good times... :)

Edited by Maio
Onion and sour creme sauce with oregano

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Let's see... there was that time I was driving with my cousin's friend through the woods, on a road that consisted of about 15 hairpin turns, in the dark, and it was the first time I had been in a car (car, as in 6 inches off the bleeping ground) in 8 or so years. Oh, and he was speeding. :D

@Solidsnake - Been there, done that, got the bloody t-shirt. My mutt and my german shepard got in it one day, completely took everybody by surprise. By the time we broke it up there was blood all over the carpet, on the walls, the patio, the back yard, even the goddamn ceiling. That was one screwed up day.

As far as legitimate near death goes, I suppose my spinal fusion surgery counts. I remember this sort of weird out of body type experience, but no details. I remembered it vividly when I first woke up after surgery, but I was out again 10 minutes later & the details evaded my grasp.

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Geee, way to be negative, bro's.

I, for one, think it might be nice to hear some stories from people around the world. Especially, when they share the same hobby. Don't be assholes.

I'm sorry you don't understand my sense of humour. :cool:

@solidsnake2384 Crossmix... Staffy? My mate had a staffy jaw lock onto his dog and literally... it took a hammer to get it to let go, nevermind some water.

Near death experiences...

I fell down the stairs and hit my head on a the edge of a radiator when I was around 10. Yummy.

I'm a to-be paramedic..... CPR gets your adrenaline pumping. First time I did it I couldn't stop shaking for the rest of my shift.

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A couple, illustrated here by comics:




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Hi all

Too many.

It makes you really understand the old Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times."

The nature of life is that one of them will eventually get you but the fun is dodging them.

And Ohh! The tales you can tell.

Kind regards walker

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As a child i was riding horses on a vacation in spain. Something must have startled my horse, as it was suddenly going full speed and kicking like it was mad. The saddle loosened and i slipped to the left side of the horse, clinging on to the saddle. Thank god though, my mother was able to get a grip on me and got me outta there *phew

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I had one last september. I was driving to work on my Mountainbike and was hit by a car on a crossroad. The funny thing is that my last though before the crash (I saw him coming from the right, it was only a splitsecond) was: "Shit I don´t wear a helmet" Then I crashed into his windshield and was thrown up in the air. I was flying with my face to the cloudy sky (only a second or two, but it seemed like an eternity) and it was really surreal. Then I hit the ground pretty hard and waited for the ambulance. Result: Destroyed Car, Destroyed bike, a few broken bones. I never wan´t to experience something like this again.

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A few years ago when me and a couple of friends were travelling home late at night from another friends house, on a street in the countryside. We were listening to a benny banassi mix at full volume with the sub woofer shaking the car, which was an old '88 VW Golf, for some reason my mate decides to pull the handbrake at 70mph not knowing we were going that fast, we subsequently spun around roughly 3-4 times, we ended up hitting the other side of the road facing the opposite way, hitting the curb which destroyed the rear nearside wheel. Thank god the car has a wide wheelbase and there was no oncoming traffic or I wouldn't be here today.

It was an adrenaline rush, but also frightening at the same time, the fact I had to change the wheel after the incident was annoying enough :D

What I learned? Never listen to benny banassi late at night on a country road with zero light sources. :p

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Used to be an adventurer like you .. then i took an axe to the head.

I was young, lot´s of blood, mom frightened, rushed to doc, some sort of glue (which hurt like hell too!) fixed the drama.

Lesson learned: never attend someone chopping wood who´s not aware you are there!

Another time, at the same place and roughly same age when the axe happened, i was licking some leckmuscheln in the sun having a good time being a kid, until the damn leckmuschel popped out of it´s case, slid down my throat and god damn nearly suffocated me. Somehow choked it out though :rolleyes:

Lesson learned: leckmuscheln are fucking death traps!

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A few years back I almost got shot at during a battue. It was just buckshot but it was way too close for comfort. It's unbelievable how moronic people with guns can behave.

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Was in a harsh winter in 1995 I was driving down a sepentine road when I realized that the road got Ice under the snow...maneged to pass fist of the sepentines but relaized that neither braking nor steerign realy had an effect...was already prepatring for impact, indeed i got faster all the time downhill...at 70 steered the car into the roadside ditch...just to see a concrete drain pipe from a sideroad come closer and closer....car finally stopped half a meter in front of than....now I only had to walk 10km thought the night to get help...in thin shirt and jeans at -10°C. Short before gettign to town I really began to feel i was going to die when someone picked me up.

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I stuck a piece of metal in one of the two holes of a wall connector when I was really small. If i stuck it in the other one, I wouldnt be typing now. :D

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Up in the Coasta Rican Cloud Forests lookin for monkeys and snakes, I was chopping thru dense foliage to get to a river that I could hear. Next thing I knew, my feet slipped up hard over my face as I tumbled outta control down a slick mud creek bed until I finally hooked my arm around a root. Now i was face down, covered in mud and my feet were dangling over a probable 400-600 ft drop and I could hear the river below. I refused to move for maybe ten minutes and finally clawed out of there sinking full hooks in on every move. Thats what I get for exploring alone and thinking I was too cool to take a day out with Monkey Tours.

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almost drowned...that was scary shit

was only young at the time so i did panic at first..but something just made me tell myself to cop on and relax and just swam back up

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Two off the top of my head :)

Mate was driving a Astra GTE (Old one) a fair few years back and lost control at 90mph outside the dome nightclub in birmingham, in the underpass we spun 4 times and missed everything and just bounced off the wall gently, was insane and seemed to take forever to stop spinning!

Another time I was driving a 205 GTi at about 80-90mph on an unlit dual road, missed a turning and hit the central reservation at about 70mph, myself and girlfried and car jumped through the air and landed on the wrong side of the main road facing on coming cars, not so fun.

205 Gti went to Peugeot to fix a handling problem after this jump, they said the damage to the front torson bar was consistant to damage rally cars get :)

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Another time we decided to go for some self made fireworks ... involved lots of black powder and as a special gimmick - electrical fusing! We were so determined to pull it off that our argument about the only 3 meter short power line was put down soon enough. Before we could bury it and ready up in some guys garden, his dad came, luckily! Told us we´d kill ourselves with the thing, and we should rather break our propellant into a very heavy baseplated non enclosed, mortar like, cylinder - best advice ever - had one hell of a bang, all lived :D (the fuse line was still only 3 meters short, i didn´t volunteer to do it) :rolleyes:

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Ah, a fireplace storytelling thread :-)

Edited by fraczek

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Now that you mentioned fireworks, when I and my best friend were 8 or so, we'd try making rocket launchers from cardboard funnels and go around after New Year's with those sparkling sticks to detonate any leftover firecrackers. It was then that I realized that I belong in EOD. I never followed that realization through.

All in all, I'm happy I still have 10 fingers.

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