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ARMA 2: OA beta build 88279 (1.60 MP compatible build, post 1.60 release)

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Derp. ???

Hehe, yeah meaning I was an idiot for not trying Very High textures since upping to dual video cards months ago. For some reason I got it in my head that setting lead to mad LOD pop ups -which it used to with only one nvidia 460 and before my 12 gig RamDisk. Today after changing texture to Very High, I could fly around Chernarus with some really crisp, clean looking trees when before they seemed splotchy like a messy impressionistic painting.


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Can anybody else not properly alt-tab from the game in this version anymore?

I alt-tab and the game still stays up, but I see the windows mouse. So then I alt-ctrl-del to get the task manager and it minimizes, but if I click anywhere it brings the game back up.

This problem makes EVERYTHING a big pain in the ass.

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Nope, Alt+Tab working normally here.

Ok it's not just me reporting it, I have a buddy with the issue too...

Maybe it'd help if I list my graphics card: GTX 560Ti

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Maybe it´d help if you list your GPU CPU and all the other stuff in a CIT Ticket? :)

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Maybe it´d help if you list your GPU CPU and all the other stuff in a CIT Ticket? :)

Wasn't at home, was at school on my laptop. I'm going to test a theory first. Then I'll make a ticket.

EDIT: Done https://dev-heaven.net/issues/28076

For the record, just tested betas 88251 and 88207, alt-tabbing works fine.

Edited by GossamerSolid

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I've never been able to reliably alt-tab back to the desktop. Sometimes I'll have to press it a dozen times. In that regard, this beta is no different from any others. I think it just seems to vary from computer to computer. I have a GTX460, maybe it is graphic card related.

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I've never been able to reliably alt-tab back to the desktop.

Same for me. It's hit or miss, sometimes it works but mostly not. Thankfully we have the Windows mode for editing/scripting...

I have a nVidia GTX260.


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I have the same problem but if I open armaedit first it's usually 100%

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Alt-Tab is switching between programs, if you only have 1 active program then I think it's normal you don't get anything done by simply alt-tabbing.

You could try ctrl+shift+escape for task manager, ctrl+escape for start menu, or ctrl-alt-del for Windows security, and start the task manager from there.

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Using FXAASharp>0 and HDR>Medium, I'm getting black borders around bright areas in NVGs:

Setting FXAASharp=0 or HDR=Medium fixes the problem.

Couldn't find a ticket for this in a quick CIT search. If none exists, I'll create it.

in upcoming build the FXAAsharpen will become disabled when NV and TI is used ...

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in upcoming build the FXAAsharpen will become disabled when NV and TI is used ...
That is realtime? nice!

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in upcoming build the FXAAsharpen will become disabled when NV and TI is used ...

Ah, very cool, thx. :)

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in upcoming build the FXAAsharpen will become disabled when NV and TI is used ...

Cool. That will give a nice effect to NV

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Alt-Tab is switching between programs, if you only have 1 active program then I think it's normal you don't get anything done by simply alt-tabbing.

You could try ctrl+shift+escape for task manager, ctrl+escape for start menu, or ctrl-alt-del for Windows security, and start the task manager from there.

The issue is that the display remains stuck showing Arma, even though the cursor has changed back to the windows cursor. The alt-tab, or ctrl-escape or ctrl-alt-del etc all actually work, but you just can't see them.

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I'm also getting weird LOD issues with this beta. It seems to be caused by FXAA and/or the Sharpen filter. I've tried both Very High and Default video memory, neither of which makes a difference in this case.

Another thing I have noticed is a lot of Z-fighting again on distant objects. I thought this was addressed in a beta pre-1.60 (not sure), but it seems to be back again.

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in upcoming build the FXAAsharpen will become disabled when NV and TI is used ...

Excellent!! :)

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The issue is that the display remains stuck showing Arma, even though the cursor has changed back to the windows cursor. The alt-tab, or ctrl-escape or ctrl-alt-del etc all actually work, but you just can't see them.

I'm getting this too, on 1.60 and XP 32 bit

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I'm getting this too, on 1.60 and XP 32 bit

See I'm not the only one!

I made a ticket on dev-heaven, please vote it up!


Alt-Tab is switching between programs, if you only have 1 active program then I think it's normal you don't get anything done by simply alt-tabbing.

You could try ctrl+shift+escape for task manager, ctrl+escape for start menu, or ctrl-alt-del for Windows security, and start the task manager from there.

Alt-tabbing used to move me back to my desktop quite easily and efficiently. I can't even get ctrl-alt-del to get me back to my desktop. Yesterday when I was playing, I'd click Start Taskmanager and it would just swap back into A2 anyways.

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