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ARMA 2: OA beta build 88207 (1.60 MP compatible build, post 1.60 release)

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I get that too.


Here's the RPT

== D:\Program files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe
== "D:\Program files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" "-mod=D:\Program files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2;Expansion;ca;Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion" -nosplash -maxMem=2047 -cpuCount=2 
Exe timestamp: 2012/01/17 11:43:05
Current time:  2012/01/17 12:08:46

Version 1.60.88207
ErrorMessage: Error creating Direct3D 9 Graphical engine



Using spirited machine's ArmA 2 launcher v1.4.1.0


Never mind then.


Tried adding it via additional parameters, still broken.

Edited by b00ce

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b00ce - just add -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion into the the additional parameters in the launcher and it will start fine.

Edited by Kremator

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b00ce - just add -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion into the the additional parameters in the launcher and it will start fine.

I tried that, see edit4. No dice.

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I tried that, see edit4. No dice.

I had the same problem, I solved it by adding the -beta switch in the extra parameters AND checking the "Run Beta". Otherwise it runs the "old" 1.60 binary.

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Has anyone else noticed that sometimes 1 or 2 random AI in a mission don't die until up to 10 seconds after being shot since 1.60 or is it just me?

Just wanted to know if I was the only one before putting up a CIT

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Has anyone else noticed that sometimes 1 or 2 random AI in a mission don't die until up to 10 seconds after being shot since 1.60 or is it just me?

Just wanted to know if I was the only one before putting up a CIT

Happens a lot during warfare,need to reproduce it ... for now it is just desync imo.

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Happens a lot during warfare,need to reproduce it ... for now it is just desync imo.

It has happened in single player as well for me a few times, its hard to reproduce though

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Have tried launching the game with the 88207 patch, and upon just before the initial "receiving" screen, it give me this error: Error creating Direct39 9 Graphical engine.

The "stock" 1.60 works fine and the build 88027

I've tried adding the lines:



to my ArmA2OA.cfg.

here is the contents of my ArmA2OA.cfg





























any ideas for help?

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Has anyone else noticed that sometimes 1 or 2 random AI in a mission don't die until up to 10 seconds after being shot since 1.60 or is it just me?

Just wanted to know if I was the only one before putting up a CIT

Old issue, it's connected to some long'ish idle animation, which is not interrupted by death, similar to those with Rifle/RPG/Binoc switching.


---------- Post added at 12:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:29 AM ----------

Have tried launching the game with the 88207 patch, and upon just before the initial "receiving" screen, it give me this error: Error creating Direct39 9 Graphical engine.

The "stock" 1.60 works fine and the build 88027

https://dev-heaven.net/issues/27906 <- should be resolved by next build

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Ok new beta. Still there seems to be no addons folders in betas from 88044 and onwards.

Are those folders/files not needed any more? Thought that was for some post-1.60 fixes.

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Thx BI it is working now without to change the command parameters lines.

Unsing no mods as always suggested with beta.

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I had the same problem, I solved it by adding the -beta switch in the extra parameters AND checking the "Run Beta". Otherwise it runs the "old" 1.60 binary.

Doing this seems to work in SixUpdater both client and dedi-server side. Both launch without errors and report version 88207.

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Has anyone else noticed a few changes to tanks and wheeled armor lately? I was just driving a tank, and let go of the accelerate key, but the tank kept driving forward! Instead of holding down the keys like a gas pedal, it now works like selecting a speed mode. This is awesome! Aside from the recent changes to tank targeting (I don't remember that in the change log) I've also come across a few instances of wheeled vehicle crews NOT bailing out when loosing a wheel. I did this on 88147 Beta, but my real question is when did these changes get implemented?


wtf I reloaded ArmaAO again and now the tank driving is back to normal? I can't replicate what happened, I was using mods and jumping around from commander to gunner to driver. It was awesome though...

Edited by Sakura_Chan

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Latest Beta 160.88207 BROKE as hell!

"Error creating Direct39 9 Graphical engine".

This is what I get as well as a friend of mine.Unplayable .

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A lot of people can't get into the game... so can't test anything!

How could this be good in any shape, form or fashion?

EDIT: Back to 88027....at least can play! Like Android... bad App....uninstalling.

Edited by twirly

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I started about 10 different orders for my startup parameters and always got the addons loading first, not the beta.

Reverted to 88147 until this gets evened out. :o

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Works for me now using -beta=..., however I did not test with mods.

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version works very good so far was ble to test it on compatible MP server, no problem so far and new targeting command proceduriesmake the "tab" fight much more survivevable now. Lock for unknown targets is gone. I do not use mods.

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Using this build I get the D3D error at start...

Error creating Direct3D 9 Graphical engine

Using this command parameters:

D:\Games\ArmA II\Expansion\Beta\arma2oa.exe" -nosplash -window -noPause -mod=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -profiles=d:\games\ARMAII~1\ -maxmem=2047 -name=KeyCat -showScriptErrors

Reverting back to build 88147 and everything is fine.

Maybe I need to change to "-beta=" ?

Tested using -beta= and that seems to work OK...np will fix all my shortcuts.

"D:\Games\ArmA II\Expansion\Beta\arma2oa.exe" -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -mod=@CBA -nosplash -window -noPause -showScriptErrors -profiles=d:\games\ARMAII~1\ -maxmem=2047 -bepath=client1 -name=KeyCat


Edited by KeyCat

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