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Does anyone know if it is possible to use ACE Spectator with ACE prevtime?

I've tried to get it to work with respawn 1/4 (works best with 4 since it allows JIP connection). But have had no luck with getting it to work with ACE wounds enabled.

After a person goes down (unconscious/blacking out) the script activates and you go into spectator mode (regardless of ACE wounds with Spect true/false). But once the prevtime runs out and the player dies the script does not run since you are already in spectator mode. It says in groupchat that the spectator script is going to run but nothing happens.

I was going to post on the feedback tracker but nothing looks like it has been updated for a while so I will post here first and see if anyone else has had the same issues and know a fix.

I have had some success with the original script made by kegetys but that doesn't function as well with ACE.


MMMM when the timer runs out it should just respawn you(if enabled) or totally kill you(if respawn disabled), but no idea, i never got that problem :S, but we haven't used that respawn type ever either. You can try my script if you want, it may workaround your problem.

Edited by columdrum

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Does anyone know if it is possible to use ACE Spectator with ACE prevtime?

I've tried to get it to work with respawn 1/4 (works best with 4 since it allows JIP connection). But have had no luck with getting it to work with ACE wounds enabled.

After a person goes down (unconscious/blacking out) the script activates and you go into spectator mode (regardless of ACE wounds with Spect true/false). But once the prevtime runs out and the player dies the script does not run since you are already in spectator mode. It says in groupchat that the spectator script is going to run but nothing happens.

I was going to post on the feedback tracker but nothing looks like it has been updated for a while so I will post here first and see if anyone else has had the same issues and know a fix.

I have had some success with the original script made by kegetys but that doesn't function as well with ACE.


I had this issue aswell I ended up having to make my own mod to work around it. I can't remember the details but I believe the game still thinks you're unconscious and doesn't seem to load the spectator correctly

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I had this issue aswell I ended up having to make my own mod to work around it. I can't remember the details but I believe the game still thinks you're unconscious and doesn't seem to load the spectator correctly

That is what it seems like too. Because you're already in unconscious state the spectator script doesn't run again.

MMMM when the timer runs out it should just respawn you(if enabled) or totally kill you(if respawn disabled), but no idea, i never got that problem :S, but we haven't used that respawn type ever either. You can try my script if you want, it may workaround your problem.

What script did you modify? I tried to do it with original one by kegetys but even that didn't fix it.

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I keep getting this view when respawning after being shot down in a plane. Any ideas how to fix this?


My view is like as if I was trying to pull a tight turn and was about to black out. If you get shot down again while in this view mode, the black edges get bigger making your view smaller.

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I wanted to ask a question, if it's no trouble. When ACE wounds is active, the AI is usually given 1 of each healing item in reserve (this apparently changed on the model, which I assume means ACE support). What I wanted to know was outside of the use of a medical crate, was there a way to be able to take items from corpses? Say for example an AI is loaded and starts with morphine in his reserve. Is there a way to take his morphine without him having another one in his inventory? I don't believe you can drop the healing items in reserve, so I'm assuming what I am asking isn't possible.

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Someone please, for my sanity, help me. Heeeelp me. ;.;

Right, begging done, I'm tryinh*** to launch a dedicated warfare server for myself and some friends with ACE and ACRE. Sounds simple, right? ACE and ACRE were installed with play Withsix. They work fine on the client but for reasons unknown, I can't get them working on the server. Infact, I can't even launch the server.

" File x\ace\addons\settings\identities\CfgIdentites. hpp, line 1:/CfgIdentities.ACE_Original_Identity: Undefined base class 'Identity' "

Tried using: Arma dedicated server tool.

This. This is the message that now haunts my dreams and makes me want to cry tears of bloody rage. I've googled this line over two dozen times in the last 24h and I've yet to have a solution work. Someone, for the love of all things holy, save me from this hell and explain what stupidity I'm committing so I can get past this and sleep again. Please.

-port=7777 "-config=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\ARMA 2 Operation Arrowhead\TADST\test6\TADST_config.cfg" "-cfg=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\ARMA 2 Operation Arrowhead\TADST\test6\TADST_basic.cfg" "-profiles=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\ARMA 2 Operation Arrowhead\TADST\test6" -name=test6 "-mod=BAF;PMC;@cba_co;@cba;@ace;@ace_a2;@acex;@acex_pla;@acex_ru;@acex_usnavy;@jayarma2lib;@acre"

My current and last attempted launch params for the server.

Edited by meyar

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You aren't using the correct version(s) of CBA.

CBA_CO is a standalone compilation for use when you are using the expansion beta patch. You are not using the expansion beta, so you need to use the original trio: CBA, CBA_A2, and CBA_OA.

That said, all hits on the error:

return a fix regarding running ACE Clippi. A dedi doesn't need to run Clippi as it is used by the client only. How are you hosting your dedi server?


is also an issue..

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Thanks for the help thus far. I'm running (or trying to~) it with Tophe's Arma Dedicated Server Tool.

Also: Unticking ACE_A2 pops anerror "Addon 'map_eu' requires addon CAsigns2'


No entry 'bin\config.bin/cfgSurfaceCharacters.crgrassWClutter.'

However, it does actually RUN now, and loses that clippi related error. But now to figure out what's popping these two.

Edited by meyar

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hi everyone :)

i wanna ask some question about sniping on ACE....

yesterday when i sniped using Tac 50 in Hazar Khot map, i experienced some weird thing...

although there was no crosswind/sideway wind at all (only tailwind), my bullet seemed to deflect 1 - 1.5 MoA (0.3 - 0.5 MilRad) at 1500 m

how's that possible? no crosswind at all so i don't have to adjust my windage knob, right?

what kinda deflection did i experience? the only thing i know that in real life there's a side drift effect called "spin drift / gyroscopic effect" where your bullet deflects due to the rotation of your bullet regardless the wind drift....

so is there any spin drift / gyroscopic effect on ACE? or it's just a minor bug?

please someone help me out here :(

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I don't believe that either spin drift or Coriolis effect are modeled. As for crosswind, keep in mind that the shift+K vector is only accurate to the sub-cardinal level, so you could possibly be dealing with up to a 45-degree crosswind when you think you have none. If you aren't already, use the Kestrel.

@Harzach: so what you're trying to say is that the wind arrow is not accurate for Tailwind & HeadWind, right? although the wind arrow shows Tailwind & HeadWind, i still have to deal with any crosswind?

i pressed shift + K, the arrow shows that the wind is coming directly from behind (↑)

i'm sure there was no full value crosswind (90°) or 3/4 value crosswind (45°) or 1/2 value crosswind (20°)

i know for sure that the only wind blowing was a TailWind (0° directly from behind)

at 0 - 1400 m, the deflection didn't really show up....

but beyond 1400 m, the 1.5 MoA (0.5 Mildot) deflection started to appear :butbut:

so even if the wind arrow shows TailWind (↑) or HeadWind (↓), do i still need to use my Kestrel to check any crosswind??? :confused:

my final question is: how do i know which way the crosswind blows if the wind arrow only shows ↑ & ↓

please help me master :bounce3:

Edited by vekongmaster

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OK, let me clarify. There is only one crosswind component you have to deal with - the one you measure at your location. It is, however, present everywhere. If you had wind flags set up every 100M to target, they would all be indicating the same wind direction and speed. Your round will see the effects of that crosswind all the way to target.

The shift+K vector is equivalent to sticking a wet finger in the air - it gives a general idea of wind direction and speed, and is fine for making shots of opportunity at short-to-midrange targets. However, the granularity of the data it gives can be misleading.

Let's say you are looking at a target on a bearing of 020. Your wind vector is pointing straight up. Since the vector is only accurate to the sub-cardinal, we know it is pointing north (0 degrees) and not at 020. However, the actual wind could be blowing to anywhere from ~338 to ~22. In our example, let's say the wind is actually blowing to 340. That means we have a crosswind that is blowing 40 degrees to the left of our heading.

Again, we're looking to 020, wind vector indicates north (which includes all bearings within the red area), actual wind direction is 340:


So how to get accurate wind data? Use a Kestrel 4500!

Here's the SwissMAVERICK sniper tutorial:

It's a little outdated - some of the GUI items are different now - but the underlying information remains relevant.

oww i see now, thanks for the information Sir :)

now i know that we can't rely too much on the wind arrow coz its data can be misleading especially at extreme long range...

don't worry Sir, i always use kestrel all the time ;) but afaik Kestrel doesn't provide data on wind direction, Kestrel only shows you the final value of the wind speed (CMIIW) :o

the only feature that shows the wind direction is the wind arrow(turns out to be only accurate to the sub-cardinal)...

how do you know exactly which way the wind blows if the wind arrow is inaccurate (due to the sub-cardinal) & the kestrel only measures the wind speed? how can you tell which way the bullet is gonna deviate if the wind arrow only shows ↑ & ↓? (kestrel can't figure it out)

P.S.: please don't hate me for asking too much, & sorry for my broken english (i'm an asian)...

Edited by vekongmaster

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Don't worry about asking questions, that's what the forum is here for. Also, your English is very good! And stop calling me "sir". :D

That's the thing - you don't need to know the wind's exact direction. All you need to know is its general direction, which you get from shift+K, and the crosswind component, which the Kestrel gives you.

Suppose the wind is blowing 180 at 10m/s.

If you face 000, the Kestrel will report a headwind of 10m/s and a crosswind of 0m/s.

If you face 180, the Kestrel will report a headwind of -10m/s and a crosswind of 0m/s.

If you face 090 or 270, the Kestrel will report a headwind of 0m/s and a crosswind of 10m/s.

That last example is where shift+K helps us, as it will tell us whether the crosswind is 10m/s to our left or right.

omg, i got it now, i think i've understood the windage! :bounce3:

thanks a lot Sir, i mean Harzach, for your detail information :yay:

(pardon me for calling you Sir coz in Asia we gotta respect someone who's superior to us)

once again i thank you so much bro, you're totally my personal jesus! ;)

P.S.: i bet you're one hell of a sniper! \m/ :D

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How is the CCIP/CCRP HUD display enabled in ace mod v1.13?

Edited by Amx225

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In ace mod v1.13 for oa standalone there is error-"cannot open object ca\air\mk82.p3d" if a-10 is selected.

and the ccrp feature is missing in HUD,there are only lo/hi gau-8 sights in a-10.

Edited by Amx225

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Hi guys,

I have already posted this in the forum but it is said, that I got better answers here:

I have installed ace-mod (userconfig in arma2 folder etcetc) and used clippi-tool for configuration (windows-key you know...).

It works sofar that the configuration has changed in ace-option, but I can not activate any stuff. Neither self-activation nor weapon changes (shift-1, 2, 3...). The configuration is there, very confusing...

Can you help me???

Did you need my ace-userconfig? Could be uploaded with dropbox.

Did you need other info?



pps: I have reinstalled everything. Now my ACE-Config-File is totally empty and it is not possible to change a thing...

Edited by Predoc

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Ok - I have dealt with the key-problem. It seems that I have to use an Arma II launcher. With them the error does not appear.

The next prob follows quickly...

I have started the PMC campaign and, as I tested, I should not start bleeding (red flashes around me and I died some seconds later). Without Ace it works as it should. With ace the error occurs.

Did some experience the same or has an idea to deal with that?

Thanks alot!!!!

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I assume that happens because the PMC campaign assumes the characters loads with particular damage levels, and thus it gets converted to ACE's damage and thus they bleed out. The campaign starts with all out chaos, no?

If ACE breaks official content, turn it off for that mission or remove the bits you can deduce are the problem.

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Thx for that. I did so and finished 1st mission. Turned ACE on and started 2nd. Sadly same issue... I think I need no look into PMC campaign and check it out

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excuse me guys,

is there any news on ACE 3 (for Arma 3)?

when will it be out? are they even developing it?

Arma 3 needs ACE asap! without ACE, Sniping is way too easy :(

if they're making ACE, i wanna help them on the bullet ballistics...how can i join ACE team?

i can provide them some realistic ballistics tables /Range Cards as i'm a real shooters :)

here's an example of a 7.62 x 51 M118LR/.308 winchester match round which is used in M40, M24, M110

http://www.shootingvoodoo.com/files/1112/6057/0782/Maximizing%20the%20Milliradian%20Based%20Reticle-7.jpg (282 kB)

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Edited by Mitchell

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Hello everyone, I've been scouring armaholic, youtube, and BI forums to try and fix this problem I am having with my ACE Spectator. I hope someone here can help me or has seen this issue before.

So I have followed the guide set out by Rifling Matters located here -

I have Description.ext with:

respawn = "bird";

placed in the file.

I have onPlayerRespawnAsSeagull.sqs with:

[true] call acre_api_fnc_setSpectator;

_this call ace_fnc_startSpectator;


placed inside.

Finally I have init.sqf with:

//////ACE WOUND/////

ace_wounds_prevtime = 60;

ACE_NoBlackout = true;

ace_sys_wounds_noai= true;

ace_sys_tracking_markers_enabled = false;

publicVariable "ace_sys_tracking_markers_enabled";

ace_sys_wounds_withSpect = true;

publicVariable "ace_sys_wounds_withSpect";

inside it, so that I have a revive timer of 60 seconds for my mission.

Upon being shot, a player will be placed inside spectate and a revive timer will start counting down at the bottom of the screen. During this time ACE spectate works perfectly. Once the timer reaches 0, the player is then pulled out of spectate, and placed inside their dead body staring at the grass/sky until the end of the mission.

I feel that somewhere my mission is not re spawning the player as a bird, and thus they are not permanently allowed to spectate. I am at a total loss on how to fix this. I've tried numerous permutations of the script to get it to work, and been all over the forums. I hope someone here can help me.

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Thx for that. I did so and finished 1st mission. Turned ACE on and started 2nd. Sadly same issue... I think I need no look into PMC campaign and check it out

I have no idea if you're still looking into it, but I do have information regarding why that happens as I've finally gotten around to playing it this week. If you've player other Operation Arrowhead campaigns, some of the areas should look similar, though they're more destroyed. And it's that destruction that causes the ACE damage; the missions where you pass out at the start of the mission is because you are spawned too close to an environment that causes you and others damage. It's a cute trick; the missions have a black screen and showcase a word in the bottom right specifically because a number of these areas are being loaded with their environments being damaged, so you have something slick to look at as the thing behind the scenes happens. A solution to this is for those missions is to disable ACE wounds (can ACE wounds be enabled during a mission, or does it have to be started with it?), or if you know how to edit these missions (I don't) to move the spawning location.

Hope this helps.

I do have a question for ACE, though! Playing around with some various units shows a variation between selected healing items; for example, if I use CWR2, I am given 1 bandage kit, 1 morphine, and 1 tourniquet. However, if I use a unit from say, vanilla ArmA II, I am given 1 bandage kit, 1 bandage, and 1 tourniquet. Is there a way I can edit this selection for offline play? Like say, if I wanted the latter loadout on everyone, or the former. I am assuming something with ACE Wounds gives certain units certain items, clearly. :P

Edited by Foffy

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excuse me guys, please help me....

i can deploy bipod for all rifles except for the L115A3 :confused:

is it just the way it is? you can't deploy a bipod on L115A3? :confused:

or is it a bug/glitch?

L115A3 is one of my favorite long range rifles which is chambered in .338 Lapua Magnum but without bipod the sway makes it hard to achieve perfect accuracy :butbut: even holding breath doesn't completely get rid of the sway :( i need bipod for L115A3

thanks in advance ^_^

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