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About mycatsaid

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  1. mycatsaid

    AAF Desert

    No, thank you.
  2. mycatsaid

    AAF Desert

    I will see what I can do but it will not be a fast update, pretty much when I get time to do it or someone else decides to. I have had a few people ask me about releasing the code so they can carry on development of the addon so that might be an option for someone who is more active in the community.
  3. mycatsaid

    AAF Desert

    Not really. I haven't checked what needs updating exactly. There hasn't been any fault reports either.
  4. mycatsaid

    AAF Desert

    Thanks for the update.
  5. mycatsaid

    AAF Desert

    I've just tested the AAF Desert and AAF Desert Replacement pack and I haven't found this issue. Could you give me more information? What unit class are you using? What weapon? What other mods are you running? Have you tried running just AAF Desert and AAF Desert Replacement and see if the error shows up with just those ones active? The reason it shows up as three different uniforms is when the game was out (beta/early release) you were not allowed to wear the uniform of the opposite faction. Since the extra pack addon contains the OPFOR and BLUFOR version it creates further items in the arsenal. As for the donation link, I do not have one, sorry.
  6. mycatsaid

    AAF Desert

    I'll take a look at that tonight/tomorrow for you and see if I can fix it.
  7. As the title says. Using the module Zeus > Game Master. System > Default Addons Option > None In the 2D editor this option will remain at none. In the 3D editor the option will revert back to: All Addons (Including unofficial ones). Tested multiple times. Thanks. Fixed in dev-build.
  8. mycatsaid

    AAF Desert

    Late replies, first time I logged in to BIS in long time. I did try to change the inside of the helicopters when I made the mod but I didn't find anyway of doing it. I know a lot of the models don't contain texturable parts they are actually part of the model iteself like nightmare said. I think you would also need permission to repackage it so fat chance of that. I did think of doing the unarmed one as digi but I just decided to keep it as similar to the original as I could. If I ever do an update (doubtful) then I will add an extra digi version of it. Also you could try in the unarmed one init in the editor to make digi: this setObjectTexture [0,"\AAF_Desert\data\AAF_D_VEH_Heli_Light_Camo_IA.paa"]; I think it was tested at some point in alive. I've no idea. Sorry. Someone on armaholic asked the same question and I was told it ALIVE just read cfggroups.
  9. mycatsaid

    AAF Desert

    No problem. Looks good.
  10. mycatsaid

    AAF Desert

    You could always just give them the weapons you want in the init field of each unit. I don't think I will make any extra weapons replacement. Sorry.
  11. mycatsaid

    AAF Desert

    Hello, Could you try just running the base AAF Desert mod first then add the replacement in after and see if the problem still shows? If there is a problem then I will have a look at trying to fix it. Edit: I just tried all three addons (AAF desert, replacement and extra) at the same time with no other mods and I could load the Hellcat without an issue in the editor.
  12. mycatsaid

    AAF Desert

    Updated on first page. ---------- Post added at 12:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:26 PM ---------- As for updating the mod with the marksman DLC gear. I don't think it is possible to republish content from that DLC pack.
  13. mycatsaid

    AAF Desert

    The first page or the readme file.
  14. mycatsaid

    3CB BAF Weapons

    Well done mod team.
  15. mycatsaid

    AAF Desert

    Might do in future but not sure when I'll get around to adding the new classes.