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Hey, Xeno, sorry for the late reply. I am still having unlimited Bandages with the most recent update through SixUpdater.

Please be so nice and create a ticket at our bug tracker with exact repro steps, thank you.


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Guys thank you for this fix

More credible velocities of most guided missiles, especially anti-aircraft and air to air.

Stinger Missiles are finally of some use

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Does that mean they are much slower than vanilla, where they are almost laser-like?

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1. J-key + click on map


Error in expression <an2 (_y1 - _y2))) mod 360);

_baseLine = createMarkerLocal ["ruler_baseLine", _st>

Error position: <createMarkerLocal ["ruler_baseLine", _st>

Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected

2. In MP after MineE was defused by another player, that defused mine become local for this player. The others players can't see it.

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;2249763']1. J-key + click on map

I guess you are using either some older version of the standalone map tools or something else. There is not a single variable called _baseline nor a marker named ruler_baseline in ACE.


2. In MP after MineE was defused by another player' date=' that defused mine become local for this player. The others players can't see it.[/quote']

I hand it over to rocko.

Please, the next time report it at our tracker. Esasier for us to handle as there always the right person will look after it.


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Is there really no input from the community on this?

I'm trying to filtre a Magic Box i'm using so that it only displays weapons and ammo associated with a particular faction - in this case Russian or RU.

I'm feeling like a noob having searched the http://wiki.ace-mod.net/Guides site and have not found the switch.

As well, I'm quite certain that I saw this once before but for the life a me can't find it.

Any suggestions?


Thanks and hope someone has a suggestion.

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Is there really no input from the community on this?

Thanks and hope someone has a suggestion.

There are already Russian specific ammo boxes. Magic boxes are limited by class and the only scripting option for that is to either limit by class or not limit by anything.

Global Variables to be set:

Disable unit-class filtering:

ace_sys_weapons_lock set [0, false];

Remove all limitations, meaning all weapons and magazines will appear:

ace_sys_weapons_test = true;

Probably best to just custom make the crate contents yourself via script. That way you won't get a bunch of gear no one will ever use cluttering things up nor will you have delays in accessing the box like you do with magic boxes.

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I guess you are using either some older version of the standalone map tools or something else. There is not a single variable called _baseline nor a marker named ruler_baseline in ACE.

Sorry. My bad with maptool.
I hand it over to rocko.

Please, the next time report it at our tracker. Esasier for us to handle as there always the right person will look after it.

thx. i'll try next time.

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Is there any instructions (either tailored for ACE or RL but work) for how to properly use the mortars? Iv managed to get them to hit targets but I am struggling to understand how to hit targets when they are shifted left or right to hit things that are outside of the narrow arc of the mortar.

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Is there any instructions (either tailored for ACE or RL but work) for how to properly use the mortars? Iv managed to get them to hit targets but I am struggling to understand how to hit targets when they are shifted left or right to hit things that are outside of the narrow arc of the mortar.

I believe there were a couple of links posted and to video as well with the last 25 threads or so here.

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Is there any instructions (either tailored for ACE or RL but work) for how to properly use the mortars? Iv managed to get them to hit targets but I am struggling to understand how to hit targets when they are shifted left or right to hit things that are outside of the narrow arc of the mortar.

Like in real life

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I believe there were a couple of links posted and to video as well with the last 25 threads or so here.

I seem to remember them, tried searching for it and got about a million results. Its the downside of many ~200 page threads on the subject I guess :(

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I seem to remember them, tried searching for it and got about a million results. Its the downside of many ~200 page threads on the subject I guess :(

All ACE artillery works in the same pattern. Try this.

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Since you seem to be the authority on innovative Arma scripting, is it possible for you to have a look at the task of making the ACE wounds bandage/heal animations cycled/looping but still allowing the player to quit them at any time through Esc key (along with quitting from ACE focus).

Seems like a small change that would make a huge difference in terms of presentation.

(Source of this being the issue here: https://dev-heaven.net/issues/43193#note-5)

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All ACE artillery works in the same pattern. Try this.

He was asking about Mortars which I believe are a bit different. There are definitely Mortar video's out there. If I can find them I will update this post.

I believe this was one of the links I was refering to - http://www.tacticalgamer.com/armed-assault/187878-ace-artillery-mortars.html

This might help as well but Mortar section is not fully fleshed out - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1esAF2mvu09p99LOCn3hrs75i9dLuTQm0tvVzutYu1UU/edit?hl=en_US&authkey=CLiqqt8K&pli=1

Edited by Delta99
Updated with some links

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Since you seem to be the authority on innovative Arma scripting, is it possible for you to have a look at the task of making the ACE wounds bandage/heal animations cycled/looping but still allowing the player to quit them at any time through Esc key (along with quitting from ACE focus).

Seems like a small change that would make a huge difference in terms of presentation.

(Source of this being the issue here: https://dev-heaven.net/issues/43193#note-5)

Everyone who whats Xeno to do this before Friday post in big red letters " Xeno we love you!"

Xeno we love you!

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He was asking about Mortars which I believe are a bit different. There are definitely Mortar video's out there. If I can find them I will update this post.

I believe this was one of the links I was refering to - http://www.tacticalgamer.com/armed-assault/187878-ace-artillery-mortars.html

This might help as well but Mortar section is not fully fleshed out - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1esAF2mvu09p99LOCn3hrs75i9dLuTQm0tvVzutYu1UU/edit?hl=en_US&authkey=CLiqqt8K&pli=1

Thank you for both the links, the videos I found before only explained it for the old T/E system.

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Thank you for both the links, the videos I found before only explained it for the old T/E system.

Yup, you'll find a lot of that which are pretty well useless now.

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Is there a way to "orient" created ACE Rucks? I've tried but they always end up sideways, outside of the model.

class cfgWeapons
class ACE_Rucksack;
class FP_Rucksack_Green: ACE_Rucksack
	  scope = 2;
	  ACE_PackSize = 20250;
	  ACE_Size = 20251;
	  ACE_Weight = 1.15;
	  displayName = "FP Backpack";
	  model = "\FP\FP_PACK.p3d";
	  picture = "\FP\BACKPACK_FP.paa";
	  descriptionShort = "Green";

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Everyone who whats Xeno to do this before Friday post in big red letters " Xeno we love you!"

Xeno we love you!

Edited by Heaney

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Ive searched, looked in the .pbo, and read the documentation, but can't find how to check for damage with ACE Wounds running. Is there a way?

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