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SOPA - Internet as we know it about to be gone?

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Thanks to Anonymous efforts in Poland - the media actually write about ACTA and it's consequences to normal users! Prior to the attacks they didn't really care about ACTA, which is pretty sad.

I guess it's the only way to draw attention since the govt don't listen to normal people,the government only care about big industry & business first.

Listen to this... Spokesman of The Polish prime Minister lies openly in the eyes - this morning he said - we were not hacked, our servers are still intact - MILLIONS of people just WANTED To ENTER the prime minister's website AT ONCE (We Love the Iraqi Information Minister stuff). HA HA HA :D:D:D I don't know either they are dumb to understand what 'Distributed Denial of Service' is or it's just another form of their pathetic totalitarian propaganda. We have very weird ruling regime in Poland - they are almost like the EU version of Belarus.

Millions of people are still trying to 'reach' the www's of Sejm & Prime Minister. Sites are defunct :bounce3:

Edited by Sudayev

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Yep, i used to consider Anonymous as funny cranks but now i really begin to think they are useful.

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Sudayev - in PL mainstream media lies - how do you want people to know truth if opposition medias are cut-down, for example right-wing catholic TV station was refused to be present in the air ? some time ago all not liberal journalists in TVP1, TVP2 lost jobs, they were fired and all not-pro-liberal-pro-homo-pro-rich-pro-business journalists went underground (salon24.pl, niezalezna.pl, etc)

providers (businessman) want to cut from cable TV all what is not not-pro-liberal-pro-homo-pro-rich-pro-business

few weeks ago 2 cable tv cut all Russian TV stations (showing news not like TVN "our great friend , USA, taking care about our good and free market... bla bla bla work harder , do not demand bigger salary you lazy commies" )

people telling about social rights are cut by moderators on all biggest www web-pages which belong to 2 big concerns (ITI, which is onet.pl and TVN tv, and second group which is interia.pl, wp.pl and tv Polsat)

so how do you want people to know it ?

only things that "mainstream media" do is:

- lider of opposition is stupid,

- we have prosperity, but you must work harder

- it is not truth that social is existing in the west, it is all bullshit, noone gives flats, noone gives cheap medicines for elder people

- all is okay, our lawyers are wise, there is no corruption (so accorind to our media Sweden, Norway, England, New Zealand, Kanada do not exist in real life with their unemployment support, with their transparent law, with their 5 dollars medicine for seniors etc. )

weird ruling regime in Poland - they are almost like the EU version of Belarus

with one big difference - in Belarus, when burglar will broke into your home, he will be imprisoned, in Poland not, cause in Poland judge took bribe

i have family in Belarus (my roots are on pre-1939 Polish territory, now Lithuania/Belarus) and i know what my family tells my "don't belive in your tv, we do not have as bad life as your tv tells Poles"

once upon a time to home of my family burglar broke - Militia caught guy, he was sentenced for 4 years imprisonment

in 2005 burglar broke into my father home, neighbors seen him, called me and police, patrol police caught guy -

- prosecutor dismissed case

- judge dismissed case, guy is free

in 2004 i was cheated on invoice

i payed for product and i didn't get it, case was dismissed too

in 2003 my previous employer do not payed me for my work, case was also dismissed

in 2009 my friend was cheated on allegro (polish eBay) and case was also dismissed, instead of it, Police wanted to "look for piracy" on my friend's PC !!!

can you imagine ? you come to police station, ask for help "officer, i was cheated on ebay"

policeman says "we need to check all correspondence, please give us your PC"

guy comes with pc (why ??? all messages are on server ???) and police starts to check his version of Windows ???

"znikoma szkodliwość społeczna czynu" - "low criminal danger" < this is often used by PL courts and prosecutors to have free time in job :/

when someone will steal from you 240 PLN, none of policeman will take action, why ?

because "poniżej 250 zł, znikoma szkodliwość społeczna" < belowe 250 PLN (60 EU) our law prescribes it as "low danger" and do not hunt it !

my father was probably killed , his body was found 3 days after he was last time seen in work, but state of decomposition was like 2 weeks (i have 3 doctors in family, thats why i know, cause they had seen photos and forensic report and they claimed, just like Police detective that it looks like 2 weeks stage) , and internal organs were so rotten that forensic wrote in report "i cannot prescribe reason of death, internal organs are too decomposed"

and ... this case was also "dismissed" and i never found what happened to my father (i can only suppose) but one guy suddenly "has his testimony" and i lost house (i am the only son, so i should get house, but... someone has it and already won case in court)

if it was Belarus, guy who suddenly appeared with testimony act after strange death - would be suspected of murder, in PL ? nooo, all is okay because he is rich (he left territory of Poland, he is abroad and me ? i lost house),

media will not wrote about it, because it is against law system "they" built

this is Sudayev difference between PL and Belarus

when someone steal, in Belarus he will be in prison for sure

in PL thief will give bribe

thats why they so much hate Belarus in our media, cause in Belarus there is order

and our rich business leaders are not like rich people in west who build money generation after generation leading companies

our rich people get money from crime, so those who rule hate clear law, law that cannot be interpreted in 2 ways

also our rich are from ex-commie leaders families (built big money in 1989/1990)

thats why sometimes people from US do not understand our hate to rich, cause in their country (US) money is from hard work, in our country money is from crime (including strange privatizations) or being son of commie party or commie secret police (keeping dollars in 1988, when it was forbidden for usual people, who lost all due to 1000% inflation 1988-1991)

law must be clear without possibility to interpretative

btw Sudayev, i read on internet (i don't know if it is true) that already some people asked for asyl in Belarus , sounds strange and weird (i do believe in property protection by law, haha, Hans Ludwig would be surprised, that in this issue i am much more close to Republicans than to others, but its too much offtopic)

for sure (back on topic)

they cut Russian tv stations from my cable , so i lost "information from second side" now i have only information "from one side" (pro-US, liberal)

and for sure it is opening gate to 1984

Edited by vilas

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This man obviously took some wrong pills.

I wouldn't say that he took the wrong pill, more like he took money (bribe) from the wrong people. It's actually pretty easy to get a deal signed in Eastern Europe... All you have to do is pay an attractive sum of money and the door is open to you. Therefore it makes sense that they wanted to keep quiet about this and sign it behind our backs. If they were really serious and legitimate about this, the first thing they would/should do is open up a debate.

TV stations are also bribed or owned by pro-Western people. In the Czech Republic we have TV Nova which spills out enough American propaganda to make you wanna throw up after five minutes. That means they will cover up or lie about anything they need them to.

America can choose to decline with the dinosaurs or it can come into the 21st century.

All these big corporations keep the US running and people in power, especially the media industry is important for obvious reasons so naturally the government will go down their path until letting them go outweighs the benefits.

i have family in Belarus (my roots are on pre-1939 Polish territory, now Lithuania/Belarus) and i know what my family tells my "don't belive in your tv, we do not have as bad life as your tv tells Poles"

I’m half Ukrainian and I’ve been to Belarus :smile: I can tell you right now that everything you see in Western TV about that country is absolute pathetic bullshit, and the “poor citizens†that talk shit on TV… bribed… all of them have been bribed and turned in to dolls. That’s the reason why I haven’t been watching TV for at least 6 years now.

Edited by -Martin-

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I’m half Ukrainian and I’ve been to Belarus I can tell you right now that everything you see in Western TV about that country is absolute pathetic bullshit, and the “poor citizens†that talk shit on TV… bribed… all of them have been bribed and turned in to dolls. That’s the reason why I haven’t been watching TV for at least 6 years now.

many of my friends were visiting Belarus "too see how it looks" and they were very surprised too "how ? in tv i told like there is poverty and regime"

i am 25% Russian, 25% Lithuanian, 50% Pole :P instead, but before 1939 there was Polish territory, half of family left there (now it is Lithuanian/Belarus border)

but my family joined army and fought (including division 304 in Great Britain battle, where brother of my gramma fought too and he is in credits in movie Battle for Britain from 60s, thats why now i am in Warsaw, normally i would be writing from Minsk of Vilnius )

thats why i know that media must be free, internet must be free

we cannot rely only one side of information !!!

(guess who lead our cable tv ? upc, foreign concern)

such "piracy" acts are trying to forbid "other views" and "other materials" and force our gov. to make law against us (our pockets)

why Microsoft software is so expensive in poor countries ?

why it is cheaper in UK, US, Germany ? why ? and they say they want fight piracy ?

why i have to pay 10-20% more than German (who earns 6 times more than me )


1 PLN is 25 eurocents

4 PLN is 1 EU

compare it to yours US, DE prices

i remember discussion year ago, when one German was very very surprised seeing our prices, cause he had for 70 EUro things (operating system, licension box, not oem), that i have to pay 300

he earns 3000 EU or 5000 EU, i earn 500

for him operating system is 5% of montly salary, for me it is 50%

piracy cannot be win, unless people will not be earning bigger money and prices won't go down in poor countries

how much of people is enough honest to buy legal soft instead of eat or paying for flat ?

you can fight piracy , when customer has money to buy things

i know how much people in my country use torrents, i know how much of them would prefere to buy it... if they could afford

PIPA, SOPA, ATAPA, whatever name of act will only make "majority of population criminals in the name of Sony, BMG, Hollywood, Microsoft" etc.

and another problem - will be quoting

i repeat myself for third time, do you realize that such "ip" can allso affect any interview in media ?

any quote , etc.

when politician will lie in interview - you will not be able to use part of this interview to prove it, cause "station X do not allow to use interview, cause it is our ip"


my post about it

Edited by vilas

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why Microsoft software is so expensive in poor countries ?

why it is cheaper in UK, US, Germany ? why ? and they say they want fight piracy ?

why i have to pay 10-20% more than German (who earns 6 times more than me )

This is capitalism now :tongue: corporations like Microsoft exist because they get money from consumers, and because Microsoft is a worldwide company it sells products everywhere in the world.

This means that they have to keep their product prices more or less the same in every country regardless of the minimum wage and all other social factors, because if Windows 7 costs £170 here in the UK and £30 in Eastern Europe, what will happen?

Everyone will buy it there and nobody will buy it the UK, this will mean less money for Microsoft which won’t be good for Microsoft because they need this money to exist and expand.

So this is why minimum wages in Eastern Europe are still somewhere in Communist times but goods cost the same as they do in the West. I remember a few months ago that business man came on TV and he said something along the lines "I'm a business man, my job is to make money, I don't care about politics or anything else".

The secret in capitalism to get something done is to turn off the tap with money.

You have to agree, what will any company or the government get from raising minimum wages? Nothing… It doesn’t matter to a company if they sell 10 CD’s for £10 or one that costs £100. The only thing we can do is stop buying the CD’s, if we do that the company and government will have no other option but to listen :wink_o:

People don’t realise this because they fooled us in to thinking that we are just pawns on a chess board, but in fact we are the most powerful on the planet and if we all act as a single body we can shut down any business man whenever we want without even leaving the comfort of our own sofa (literally). :smile:

The answer to stopping these anti-piracy laws is simple: Boycott anyone who supports them.

Don’t go to cinemas, don’t buy movies, don’t buy stuff on itunes.

Surely you can live without these things for a few months or years, but can you and the generations after you live oppressed for decades to come?

Edited by -Martin-

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nope, in PL prices of soft are bigger than US

if i will buy US Windows - according to EULA i will be pirate, cause US windows in only in US (but it is cheaper than PL windows with PL language)

if we do that the company and government will have no other option but to listen

no my friend, no

they will send policeman and judge "if you not want to work like slave to buy our product, you go to jail"

thats why they want to make such law, that will FORCE you to buy

now you can download something for free less legal , when you choose "to eat or to have it"

in future (they are preparing for us) "you will have to work twice more to buy it"

and we will become slaves "working all day long just to have something" (cause without PC you will not get job, it is essential in many jobs, so you must know PC, you must know Windows, you must know MsOffice, not OpenOffice or Linux )

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Hehe I agree with you vilas :D There is also one difference - The Belarussian regime is pro-Belarusian while Polish regime led by Donald Tusk and his gangster clique is anti-Polish, Pro-Euro, Pro-German.

Anyways guys lets speak about oppressive bills like SOPA,PIPA and ACTA. Let's stay away from major discussions how much sucks here in our countries.

I'll try to inform about current developments regarding ACTA signing in Poland

Meanwhile I heard few interview with the officials. They speak the same - We were not hacked - that's just a site malfunctioning due to high traffic (Prime Minister Donaldo Tusk is such a huuuuuuge beacon of light almost like Kim Jong Il The Great that everyone want to enter his site and pay their tribute!). They also speak of how good they are prepared to repel the hacker attacks HA HA HA.

They also stated that the president is allowed introduce martial law when there is a cyberspace breach? They say all NATO countries have such rule. Ain't this too much ?

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They also stated that the president is allowed introduce martial law when there is a cyberspace breach? They say all NATO countries have such rule. Ain't this too much ?

yeah, another martial law after 1981 ?

first generals who made martial law were free by court (and only one who was arrested was Adam Slomka, ex-opositionist, sone of mother killed during martial law) for "making rumors in court"

ye, ye, next martial law in PL

some time ago i was criticizing US people here for their guns-law attitude, now i fully understand that it would keep democracy in such situation

now we are force-less, helpless, they have police, army, courts, money, we have just truth

i have in block 2 lawyers, all get "permission for gun", while i can't :/

seems like "all system keepers" are armed, all "against" not,

in Egypt people won cause they had guns, in Czech Republic and in Hungary people chosen in election wise governments , we don't have free media, so 40% of 48% who votes (52% not vote) chose ... what they have chosen (and now many of them regrets)

many years i was not realizing this :(

btw. is it true that Polish (and most ex-commie countries, except Czech) has most strict guns law in Europe ?

we cannot make mutiny, we have only bare hands

i just cannot imagine such corporations ass-lick like proposals of martial law

in 1981 Reagan supported us, who would do it now ? Putin ? history irony ? i doubt


and when you will be hunted for piracy, you will get sentence, noone will give you job after

so it is corporations regime "obey, work harder, buy our products"

Edited by vilas

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Murdoch is desperate for he knows his business and his power are on the wane.

Interestingly though, both Sky and the BBC have internet TV solutions ready to go once there is a larger take up of them. The BBC's at least looks something similar to iPlayer. Basically will scrap the TV license and have a Pay on Demand system instead.

EMI has shut down due to bankruptcy and others will follow.

Pretty sure EMI hasn't shut down. In fact aren't they filing a lawsuit against Ireland at the moment lol?

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few US corporations try to force law that will make whole world their own

do you remember Alien movies ? do you remember AVP games?

was there a STATE ? a NATION ? no, there was Weyland Utani corporation,

simply few dozens of people from 2-3 countries want to have earth globe for own

few permiles want to rule 7 bilions of human beings and make them slaves again (not formal slaves, but credit slaves, customers slaves etc. cause if you cannot afford something which you must have, you take credit to buy it )

but don't say to me bullshit "man can live without Microsoft"

try to get job, when you not know MsOffice or Windows,

when you know only Linux, you will not get job, cause every company has Windows, Excel, Word

if you are not hand-worker but office-worker, you must know it and have it (i say about all educated people) otherwise your job application CV will be in trash can

so since the young age you are forced to have some products

those products cost and to buy them legal many people are/will be forced to take another bank credit and work

it is just one of examples (operating system, office software) , but we have many such examples

if those act enter life, than "one or another american company" will make FBI arrest people in other part of globe for downloading something , which they had to have (to get job)

is it not slavery ? for me it is

they made crisis to give banks owners extra money

now when people are down (due to crisis) they want force people even more "take another credit"

soon people will be bank-slaves (it is domino effect, when you take credit, you have less money for other things, soon you have to take credit to pay another credit to pay another credit)

few banks + few companies will poses the globe, 1 permile will force 99.9 % of population to obey, i hope that majority will stand against

cause real democracy is "will of majority" not "will of minority"

Edited by vilas

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SOPA is simply censuration,for example to prevent US people talking about revolutions just as it' the case now.Everywhere in the world people knows we have to change from liberalism economy but the most powerful people don't want this.They ask the corrupt US government to block sites with new ideas.This is censure, and it's not only for forbidding illegal downloads but it will be the same as Iran,China and many other "communist" for American (even if they're not) ! So you want USA to be like a dictatorship of corporation !!!! Hell NOOO !


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Interestingly though, both Sky and the BBC have internet TV solutions ready to go once there is a larger take up of them. The BBC's at least looks something similar to iPlayer. Basically will scrap the TV license and have a Pay on Demand system instead...

Hi all

In reply to STALKERGB

In the past there were vast Barriers to Entry to the distribution of all data based media, TV, Film, Music etc.

You Required a Broadcast medium, VHF, UHF, aerials on roofs, chains of broadcast attenas, vast offices to run it all, Satellites, Space launch vehicle slots, dishes, I know I used to work in it. TV in the UK closes down its last analogue broadcasts this year and digital has taken over. This means that you have many more channels to receive your media on the methods the data of each program gets to you have proliferated.

Murdoch was a major investor in those old fashioned limited channels of distribution and now he is stuck with them and desperately trying to sell them. Internet based distribution of TV, Film and Music are wiping him and his old technology out. He has gone from being the biggest source of media on the old Broadcast media to being a bit part player on the Internet providing what is thought by most to be the worst Internet offering there is, I have never used it and I do not know anyone that does. When compared to the big Internet players of the likes of Megaupload it is not even in the same ballpark. And that is what all this is about.

You are watching the Dinosaurs Death Throws.

The Artists who create TV programs are leaving Sky in droves and setting up their own media distribution channels and distributing world wide at a fraction of the costs they were having to pay the Murdoch empire for its antiquated tech, keeping the advertising money and pay per view all for them selves.

I and most of my friends rarely watch broadcast TV. I tend to watch 90% of my TV via broadband and it comes from all over the world. I dip in and out of it when I want, pausing it, rewinding it, fast forwarding it, as I need. Yes I have to pay for some Channels, but I used to do that before, its just now it cheaper and I get to watch it when I want to and I am not paying through the nose locked into a monthly charged two year contract when I only want to watch one series, or like My Dad paying for the Sports Channel only for Sky to split the Channel into 3 and move all the stuff he is interested in on to the other new channels, and then being forced to pay another higher subscription for those too.

With the New Internet TV Boxes it just got way easier. HDMI in 1080P via an Android Box with Ice Cream sandwich or whatever it gets updated to next, and it costs less than 100 UK pounds. And virtually every New TV for sale is offering as standard.

Nobody needs Sky or it sky high monthly contracts, and its dodgy scams any more.

It is a full scale open capitalist market. And that is what Murdoch and his Ilk fear most. We do not have to go through their turn styles any more.

I think Murdoch's whole business will be dead within 3 to 5 years just a brand name adjunct sold at a knock down price to some New Media company who understands the tech, like Megaupload or any of the tens and hundreds of other new distribution channels using a vast range of tech to distribute and monetise the media. Ask around the Blood is in the water for Murdoch's empire and the Piranhas are circling, people are already calling it a takeover target.

Read this article from Forbes then you will understand:


Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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Thanks for the explanation walker :smile: I completely agree with you.

You said that you used to work in the media industry so you must have a very good understanding of this, so what do you think will happen with megaupload? Will they stick it on them and shove them in the slammer or will they get out of it and put megaupload back on line?

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TV stations are also bribed or owned by pro-Western people. In the Czech Republic we have TV Nova which spills out enough American propaganda to make you wanna throw up after five minutes. That means they will cover up or lie about anything they need them to.

Well, I wouldn't take TV Nova as an example (because... you know, nobody watches it :P, expcet girls watching "Ordinace v Ruzove Zahrade"). Czech Television (state television) news is exellent example. One example: On the 10th anniversary of 9/11 they also covered "conspiracy theories" (I'm actually a truther). There's a a documentary called "Loose Change" (which has now 3rd revision) first created in 2005 covering reminding all the "mysteries". They (Czech TV) instead aired "9/11: The Conspiracy Files" which is documentray created by BBC in 2007 with evident goal to discredit anyone who dare to raise any question. Also in Hyde Park (an 1 hour talk show on current events) they invited "conspiracy theories specialist" which was also an astrologer (predicting woman periods from stars or something like that) so 60% of the interview focused on his astrology skills. So in the end it created impression that all who question official version are actually complete retads. Occupy Wallstreet has like 1 mention? And of course USA presidental elections 2012 coverage goes like: "So we have 1 minute left. There's also Ron Paul. He's unelectable. Ye, he's unelectable. Thanks for watching". I rather eat pro-Russian propaganda of RT.

Edited by batto

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Polish prime min. Tusk has a daughter and she runs a blog dedicated to fashion and all this girl crap. She has the best coverage in media belonging to ITI group which is privately own company favouring Tusk regime (ruling party, but thats mutual story btw). Onet.pl sports her blog at the title page, while TVN (tv) shows her creation while doing ooohs and ahhs over her style. Both she and her boyfriend like spend taxpayer money by ordering both govt limo's and airplane for trips all over the place.


Someone will update her webpage very soon leaving a proper message for her dad, Comrade Tusk.

Polish president's page,Polish DOD, Ruling party website, Police, Polish FBI, Internal Security Agency, Justice, Polish Secret Service - are down

update: euro parliament site down

Do you remember this regime speaker I was telling you few posts earlier? The one who commented the attack in Poland - not an attack just increased traffic in prime minister website! There's a hell lot of traffic on his webstie too haha:D http://pawelgras.pl/ - down

damn! that's so massive!!

Edited by Sudayev

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Hi all

Looks like Anonymous are getting serious they just nuked the CBS and Universal web sites. :eek:


How will such companies survive in an increasingly hostile internet market?

I can see their shareholders slapping their boards around for allowing this to happen and making all their customers so angry.

And all because they locked up this guy:


Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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CBS and Universal are still standing firm

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They are back again. Wow never expected such a killing spree from Anonymous

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I love Anonymous, great respect for them, it goes to show that no matter how big and scary a corporation or government looks there is always something that can be done against them if only you have the will and knowledge.

I'm glad that this happened because if I told anyone only a few months ago that the US government represses freedom of speech, democracy and human rights I would get ridiculed and labelled a communist, as I often did.

But now you got your proof that this is in fact true, and I've noticed that a lot of people have given up their old views now and united over this issue. Which is a good thing, keep it up :wink_o: What the US government has accused so many of has now returned to their own plate, it’s going to be interesting to watch how this escalates.

Also thanks Sudayev for posting the news :smile:

EDIT: I love how the BBC is keeping quiet about this matter, I haven’t seen shit from them today about this at all.

Edited by -Martin-

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Same thing in Germany. I've seen some coverage about the criminal mastermind and founder of megaupload who has been arrested (ridiculous BS) but no coverage about anonymous activities at all. They must think that we all don't know how to use the internet...


Edited by Tonci87

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Filesonic is all but shut down now as well, you can only access your own files.

RIP file hosting sites.

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