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About solarriors

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  1. Hello again, At first thanks for your help.So avout the installation and update process I'm done.In fact The Arma X version is already updated to A2 1.11 A2Co 1.69 and BAF 1.03;PMC 1.02 (or inverted between BAF&PMC). It installs automatically A2 and A2OA(+RFTs) into A2:CO.So I had no problem with that.By the way I want to thank BIS a lot for this, I was a little afraid about that, but it was simple, as every installation. Now about mods, I read a lot of things.Of course I want to add things I already played many BIS games.And I'm a fan of mod, I used to put them in most of the game I played on PC (FS:X;WRacing2;BF2;SW:EAW;GTAç,etc.) But I'm afraid of the possible crashing issues, and incompability, cause in fact I just want to add stuff (mainly vehicles,weapons and islands) to A2 and some little changes to improve my actual incredible experience.I'll try the campaigns and other things later.By the way it seems that BIS have included some "officialy approved" mods, like the enhaced effects,sounds mods, and no video intro,sniper tools,etc.
  2. OK, I just received my Arma X collection, and at first I want to thank a lot BIS because they do a superb work, they are the "good guys" in the video games "industry" :) So to simplify my questions , I'll rewrite them : When I'll install each game, what should I do just after.Do I need to install the patch 1.99 for Ama:CWA, the patch 1.60 or earlier patches before and then this one.Will I have to put special stuff to improve my game exprience (ACE mod, etc) and is something necessary to use Arma 2:RFT content in Arma 2 base game ? You know questions and stuff like this for a beginner. Any help will really be very appreciated. Thanks again BIS for the game, and the Community for being... a friendly Community
  3. Hello everybody, I recently bought Arma X and I have a couple of question about installing,updating,etc. : When I open the box what will I have to do first ? - I thought I'll install all the games included in the box, but how to be sure if Arma CWC contains his DLC, and consider them as one game ? What will I need to update ? In which order ? Are there files in need to download other than patch ? Any mods you could advise to me ? :) In fact I have those question for all the three games (Arma 2001+DLC, Arma 1+DLC,Arma 2+DLC) Thanks a lot ;D If possible send me a Private message with all the instructions and links. I am really looking forward to play these awesome games ;) Hello any answers ? In fact I'm just looking for a tutorial,info and pieces of advices to have the best possible experience on Arma X collection.So I ask for a step-by-step beginner about what to do when I will receive the game and what should I do to have the biggest content possible for example Add-ons,Mods recommandation. Best regards ;) Thanks for reading. next time you should create an how-toget-started beginner guide ;)
  4. solarriors

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    Thanks for yours answers Ooh No, I'm very very Happy about BIS, they are simply the best independant studio actually.I played most of their games, and not only Arma (or ex-OFP) I really like them. :ok:
  5. solarriors

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    Yes but what about the game content, and some features like reloading artillery ? Could be very interesting.
  6. solarriors

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    Hello, Can I ask what is the major difference between Arma 2 (and it's DLC) and VBS2 ? I saw there is missing content on Arma (the Tornado for example)
  7. solarriors

    SOPA - Internet as we know it about to be gone?

    SOPA is simply censuration,for example to prevent US people talking about revolutions just as it' the case now.Everywhere in the world people knows we have to change from liberalism economy but the most powerful people don't want this.They ask the corrupt US government to block sites with new ideas.This is censure, and it's not only for forbidding illegal downloads but it will be the same as Iran,China and many other "communist" for American (even if they're not) ! So you want USA to be like a dictatorship of corporation !!!! Hell NOOO ! ;)