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ARMA 2: OA beta build 87105

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wow! I wish also bis would include John's Fire&smoke addon. I can't play without it, so nice effects there!

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wow! I wish also bis would include John's Fire&smoke addon. I can't play without it, so nice effects there!

that is why BIS allows us to so easily use mods..

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the problem is online, alot of server won't let u in with some fan addons like smoke. You have to play on servers only, where it's enabled hoster.

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Help needed with testing:

Please could everyone test aircraft, AI and player, especially take off and landing etc. as much as possible in this beta?

I appreciate the effort and this great new improvement in Arma 2 flight model, I am worried it could break some aircraft procedures. :cool: I am currently investigating who is responsible for sneaking this new feature in the build so late in the patch 1.60 development. :cool:

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Help needed with testing:

Please could everyone test aircraft, AI and player, especially take off and landing etc. as much as possible in this beta?

I appreciate the effort and this great new improvement in Arma 2 flight model, I am worried it could break some aircraft procedures. :cool: I am currently investigating who is responsible for sneaking this new feature in the build so late in the patch 1.60 development. :cool:

Let us know when you find the guy, we will strap him to the chair, for you to apply punishment :devil:

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Let us know when you find the guy, we will strap him to the chair, for you to apply punishment :devil:

Hahaha Sickboys kinky side is now showing :P.

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Let us know when you find the guy, we will strap him to the chair, for you to apply punishment :devil:

I managed to gather more evidence. This allowed us to paint a portrait, that should allow us to find the individual:




Now he should only hope that this "improvement" did not break anything. But even if it breaks anything, if you manage to identify it soon so that he still can fix it for final 1.60, it is much better than if it breaks final update release. His destiny is in your hands now.

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It's Suma! It has to be. :D

Btw. nice to see features like that making it into Arma2. Now we can plz haz volumetric clouds n PhysX k thx bai?

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Ground effect is very slight, it is barely noticable because of the small throttle range with a analog throttle. But thee is definatly some cushion now at 4m Altitude for a UH-60 and at the same setting it will stop climbing at 10m in a hover of its own. Have not seen this affecting A.I. in any way.

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Apparently this is the result of a furious, stealthy, and unauthorized burst of creativity by Suma. Busy for too long in the plebeian task of improving MP, he had to create something new that sparked his interest, like butterflies in the past. Well, more power to him.

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too hard to tell when flying choppers with only half the axis working on anologue mode... and digital is even harder to test ground effect. Take-on uses the whole axis but arma2 only the top half...or bottom half...not the whole range



Edited by gonk

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I managed to gather more evidence. This allowed us to paint a portrait, that should allow us to find the individual:




Now he should only hope that this "improvement" did not break anything. But even if it breaks anything, if you manage to identify it soon so that he still can fix it for final 1.60, it is much better than if it breaks final update release. His destiny is in your hands now.

It must be Suma, or a dopplegänger...

We shall keep punishment for another day, first confirming implementation quality, if bugs are found we shall report them with great conviction!

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While testing this beta with RC1, I noticed that an AI piloted A-10 cannot seem to land at Takistan's SE airport (ID 1). A C130-J lands fine. It's not this beta, as it happens when just the RC is loaded.

The A-10 will make an approach, almost touchdown and then take off again and fly around - repeated. I am using;

plane1 landat 1;

In the onact field of a move waypoint. If I change the plane to a C130-J it lands as I would expect.

I can't recall ever trying this before on Takistan and I can't run non RC now, so is this a known bug. I will link an example mission if it helps.

Other than that, AI seem to have no problem with take off and landing with this beta in various craft. Also as a player pilot I found the ground effect barely noticeable, but not broken!

EDIT ---> Landing at the other airport in the North is fine with the A-10.

Edited by Jedra

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Check if it's a known bug @ http://dev-heaven.net/projects/cis/issues. If you can't find any, just create a ticket.

No need to be hesitant, especially when so close to full patch release.

It's easy to close a ticket as Duplicate or Rejected, it's not so easy to fix bugs that aren't reported :P

Edited by Sickboy

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I managed to gather more evidence. This allowed us to paint a portrait, that should allow us to find the individual:




Now he should only hope that this "improvement" did not break anything. But even if it breaks anything, if you manage to identify it soon so that he still can fix it for final 1.60, it is much better than if it breaks final update release. His destiny is in your hands now.

My goodness - That look like's someone who works at the Development Studio I work for - Must be twins :D

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While the ground effect implementation is very cool (assuming it doesn't break anything), it is surprising to some, not just Maruk, that it made it into a 1.60 beta when a fix for this vital issue:


did not. Just sayin'...

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While the ground effect implementation is very cool (assuming it doesn't break anything), it is surprising to some, not just Maruk, that it made it into a 1.60 beta when a fix for this vital issue:


did not. Just sayin'...

It's pointless to fantasize about the reasoning IMO (Why THIS, but not THAT).

It depends on several things, including how trivial it is to fix something, and how trivial the effects are of the fix/change to existing missions, and also severity etc.

Furthermore features for other games like TKOH/A3 could be merged back to A2 (or introduced in A2, for testing, in preparation for implementation in TKOH/A3), otherwise there's probably Mood and other concerns.

Edited by Sickboy

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OK - Raised bug related to my previous post with mission attached.

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