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Figured out that its related to SMK Animations (aka "PvP animations"). Without SMK you cant run up the stairs, your character walks up the stairs no matter what. With SMK you can run all the way up or down them, but if you do you take enough damage to die. I'll report this in the SMK thread as its most likely related to that addon, and not anything wrong with the Killhouses.

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Hey was testing the map/killhouses out. LOVE IT.

Noticed a few things.

There seems to be a some geometry issues with the warehouse. Mainly in one of the corners I was able to go through the wall. Using the wooden stairway in the main warehouse to go to the 2nd floor on CinderCity the game kind of bugs out for a few seconds showing blank space and then finally goes through, think it's a geometry issue as well.

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Very awesome buildings and island, nice work!

But there is one problem, which may be gamebreaking. AI can see through killhouses. They see you through walls, and instead of walking to the window or exiting the house, they just sitting inside and shooting the wall. Also, they can walk right through doors.

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But there is one problem, which may be gamebreaking. AI can see through killhouses. They see you through walls, and instead of walking to the window or exiting the house, they just sitting inside and shooting the wall.


So far I haven't come across that behavior. But I'll have a look.

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Great addon again, Mondkalb. I'm tempted to request an addon from you, but that'd just be silly. Instead, could you please make a house making tutorial, including memory point setting etc? That would potentially help a lot of people and perhaps start a trend of building making for Arma2 :D

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Mondkalb, I'm using ACE + ASR AI + FindCover/GLx/netcode/sys_AI modules from zeus, i don't know the behavior with vanilla AI. That may be the case.

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Mondkalb, I'm using ACE + ASR AI + FindCover/GLx/netcode/sys_AI modules from zeus, i don't know the behavior with vanilla AI. That may be the case.

when you test something, make sure you use vanilla. Otherwise you send the author ghost chasing

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Very awesome buildings and island, nice work!

But there is one problem, which may be gamebreaking. AI can see through killhouses. They see you through walls, and instead of walking to the window or exiting the house, they just sitting inside and shooting the wall. Also, they can walk right through doors.

Sounds like generic Arma 2 behavior to me :)

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With vanilla they don't shooting through walls (don't know if they actually "see" player through them). Vanilla AI so awesome, they just standing at their buildingpos's forever and don't shoot at all, except you walk right in front of them. Unable to test "AI walk right through doors" with vanilla, because AI don't move at all.

Edit: Well, for rainbow-six-like mission that's awesome, i guess. Tacticool and stuff. I'm fine with it. But if Mondkalb will suddenly find a fix for non-vanilla AI. that will be awesome as well.

Edited by Dominges

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I haven't looked into this thread but I played your map using the building and I notice the ground floor doors/doors that are near a wall, if you open the door from the inside of the building to go out and your on the side of the door that opens "out" toward you (normally your position to the right of the door) you get stuck completely and have to shut the door to get free.

I know that sound stupid but, hey you have to report anything even if it seems stupid :) Just that if people are stacking at a door and someone might be to the right for some reason (fast CQB mid action and not realising door opens that way .. yeh rare I know but if your being shot at ... ) and has a door in the face there no manoeuvre room to squeeze out quick unless door is completely shut again (limitation on BIS part with that as Id love to see partial closing/opening with mouse wheel like RVS ... ooh quick, one for the Arma3 request section!).

And I know the answer is not too :) But, thought Id say anyway.

Edited by mrcash2009

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Is contemplating how to build a simple SP mission against AI. Any good ideas on how to place AI in these structures, UPSMON perhaps? But wouldn't want to have have them move around too much though ...


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Absoulutely easiest would be UPSMON with "fortify" parameter. But of course it's far from the only way.

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Old_Painless, there is example mission comes up with cindercity, with script that randomly spawns AI in buildings. That's efficiently enough, i guess.

Also, i've done some more testing with vanilla AI. They do see player through killhouses, and they do walk through closed doors. That's kinda sad.

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Been busy with RL stuff so didn't get a chance to finish my missions for release however I'll see what I can do in the next week.

As Galz said, the easiest way to populate the buildings is using the UPSMON fortify parameter, nomove would also work but less effectively IMO.

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Also if you want them to mostly stay in the buildings, make the groups smaller (2-3 members in each).

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Greta work!

Not sure if this has been mentioned thus far, but the various building patrol scripts I've used (e.g. Tophe's), the AI ignore the interior wooden doors, and just walk right through them.

Specific reference building MBG_killhouse_5.p3d

though I fear this is a BI issue.....

So they never actually manipulate the doors at all....

ahh Dominges beat me there.

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Before you stop modding and move else where. What about a small tutorial on how you have done your work, as per program used and how to make a simple sqaured house, what your misstakes have been and your best trix to get some done ? :)

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Love the work on the Tutorial, is it my connection or is there alot of pictures that have been corrupted/deleted ?

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I've noticed one is missing, The one about what the project looks like in Photoshop. Haven't noticed any others but I have not progressed beyond that point in the process yet.

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So, after this being released for over two months now, how's everyone using it?

I'm quite keen to know how/where these Killhouses are used. Whether the effort was worth it.

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Trying to make them fit into a map of Belfast, how ever they just don't look right at the minute but its the best buildings out there,

Come to think of it any chance I could re-texture some of them to look more Belfast.

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