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cool haha. Let me know if you need any help with anything, research and stuff on this or anything else.

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Finished Killhouse #5

killhouse51.th.jpg killhouse52.th.jpg

The balcony was a bit too short, so if you destroy that door, it turns into a handy ramp. Now if there only was a way to get a motorcycle inside...


Turns out it wasn't a problem at all! So here we go:


I bet this beats every fast-roping maneuver as means of entrance by a hundred times!

Now, Ontopic:

Next on is the Warehouse, though I am unsure about the roof-lights. To make them good for fast-roping, they need to be open by default, so that excludes having glass windows as roof openings. Any ideas how they should look like/be made of?

Edited by Mondkalb

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I think I mentioned to you before, one option is to make them as hatches that can be open/shut similarly to how attic trapdoors are usually done (and then perhaps on the warehouse have a few of them open by default)

This would make sense on the warehouse roof as skylights

Putting some of these in the upper floors of killhouses would also make great opportunity to drop grenades/shoot down or up through or make a different method of entry

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found a site that you can use to bypass youtube restrictions, yes it is real lol


---------- Post added at 10:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:19 PM ----------

---------- Post added at 10:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:20 PM ----------

there is more footage than that 10 sec part if you watch the whole thing, beware it is kind of cheesy though.

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Next on is the Warehouse, though I am unsure about the roof-lights. To make them good for fast-roping, they need to be open by default, so that excludes having glass windows as roof openings. Any ideas how they should look like/be made of?

Well i'm not sure how weather tight a kill house realy needs to be, so a simple hole may be an option, or you could use an industrial style saw tooth roof profile or something incorporating clearstorey windows that keep your windows (minus glass) vertical, and extend eaves to keep the worst of the weather out.

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Maybe you could make a building, based on military structures? Like a military HQ. All those seems like civilian buildings.

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Create a fully airport :)!

And please give to buildings, more different textures (colors, type of material)

- My proposes of objects:

shop store


mini caffe

Great caffe building

And Bank house :)!

Good idea create a little or middle cottage houses

Some like that : Houses or thath: views


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Excellent effort :bounce3:

More custom buildings and objects is what arma needs for more believable

and interesting locations. :)

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oh bugger, I forgot the most important reference of all


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Doesn't look that far off how Arma 2 characters handle CQB movement :p

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Create a fully airport :)!

And please give to buildings, more different textures (colors, type of material)


-> MBG_Buildings_3

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And done...

This warehouse is probably the last building I've completed. No more to follow.

Now the pack features 7 unique killhouses, which, to be honest, should be more than enough.

This warehouse is also the biggest so far, the last picture shows the second-biggest killhouse inside the warehouse. The first two pictures have an M1A1 to give you an idea of the scale.

arma2oa2011083102210842.th.jpg arma2oa2011083102211786.th.jpg arma2oa2011083102223349.th.jpg

Now I am gonna chill back on a nice and easy, stress-free 2km x 2km terrain to give this addon a dedicated terrain. Also, this will be most likely my last addon ever, sadly. But the reasons to give it up are more than worth it. More details on that, for those that are interested, will follow soon-ish.

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now that I am taking on (Ho-ho!) the map, I had a couple of ideas and I'd like your input on those:

The terrain will be divided by a dry river into two separate sides, the western side being along the layout of Copehill Down, and the eastern part will be ficticious.

Also, I am thinking of giving each house a unique number, though I am not sure about that. And should they be numbered on the map by default? What do you think? And what's the military-boffin's opinion on this?

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I've used many air/sat photos that gave every house a number (usually a 4-digit number, for compatibility over a reasonably large sector), but actual maps never had them.

Since in-game zoomed map view is basically an air/sat photo I suppose it would make sense to have house numbers in that view. Would be cool to be able to tell someone "house 3124" instead of having to mark it on the map. Of course it is probably a good idea to follow some kind of convention when giving numbers, so that most often you will find close houses also be close in number, making it easier to find said house.

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CDV (Copehill Down Village) houses all had numbers, so that would be in keeping. Not too bothered about the fictional bit, but if it makes the map more attractive/fun/interesting as far as ArmA2 goes, then no probs. He could of course just model more of ATE(SP) (Army Training Estate Salisbury Plain) area around the village, since it's pretty good training area anyway.

Translated from officer acronym english

Also, this will be most likely my last addon ever, sadly. But the reasons to give it up are more than worth it. More details on that, for those that are interested, will follow soon-ish.

Shame, you're part of a dying breed of 'old school' community facing addon makers (but of course, big decisions mean good reasons)

Edited by DaveP

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Just a little idea - is it possible to get those numbers on buildings could be selectable from mission design? That way people don't get too comfortable with it and it would increase the surprising element during training/playing.

Maybe you can name the towns or parts of them on the map like "Hells Kitchen", "Kill Park", "Fastmovers Heaven", "Bullet Circus", "WTF Area", "Boomers tomb"....

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Currently the map title is "Cindercity". :eek:

Seeing that I'm stuck with placing picket-fences and the like again, I might as well just ditch the fictitious area and do a 2km x 2km of the Salisbury Training Area with CDV centered.

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@ Mondkalb

If you can figure out how to make the ultimate natural killhouse (a cave with two or three different entry points and a few internal caverns where AI could camp then you will make my world).

Still love all your other work though - but the cave man, the cave!

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Mondkalb also check out the Layout of Shughart-Gordon MOUT Site in Ft. Polk LA. It is a pretty nice MOUT Village. Also there is the place in Israel that is a true Cinderblock City.




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The terrain was finished yesterday. :cool:

Now all that is left to do is to playtest the buildings & islands (That also includes making missions, *hint*). Release is probably a week ago, as I'll have to chat up some chaps regarding some ITAR related issues that may appear in this particular case. Nothing serious, but better safe than sorry. In the meantime I'll use the time to rearrange some trees and walls, and maybe some more terrain indentations for cover purposes.

Here are some pictures:

island002.th.jpg island003.th.jpg island004.th.jpg

island005.th.jpg island006.th.jpg island001.th.jpg

Facts so far:

  • 0.5m Satmap resolution
  • 4m terrain cell size
  • 2km² size
  • Lifesize Copehill Down FIBUA village with authentic structures
  • Mixed with BIS structures
  • All buildings are enterable
  • No dead-end backyards
  • All civilian cars on this terrain will have british license plates and will be registered in Brighton...
  • Comes with built-in rainy shitweather.

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