Wiki 1558 Posted October 23, 2016 Well considering you config radar and targeting all the same I presume it will carry over to all air vehicles. That's what I thought ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GBee2 68 Posted October 23, 2016 i hope they add a advanced flight model to the Jets, and more use for controls inside the jet, eg radars/screens. im assuming these Jets are going to be futuristic so might even have some new technologies, guided bombs, stuff like that. a co pilot would also be cool for something like that. They are talking about Air to Air combat in the roadmap, I'd not expect to see new bomb types. (We already have guided bombs anyway). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gibonez 18 Posted October 23, 2016 We already have the zodiac, the sdv, the armed patrol boats, the divers... Plus, helicopters and planes are more useful than ships. Transport, cas, support, recon... Naval assets will just be on the sea, off shore, doing... nothing but standing there. Concerning the boat you show and the patrol boats, they already exist. It's just I dunno how naval assats will improve the gameplay. Yea naval assets would be useless unless it somehow adds to the infantry gameplay. All in game aspects should revolve around infantry first. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted October 23, 2016 All in game aspects should revolve around infantry first. AFAIK, that's how the game is made, the game is focused on infantry and vehicles are only support for them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chairborne 2594 Posted October 23, 2016 Yea naval assets would be useless unless it somehow adds to the infantry gameplay. I really really disagree with this statement. Naval assets have several uses that complement infantry gameplay, although in the roadmap they are very specific about combined arms focus. Transports such as landing crafts are similar to transport helicopters in concept (ferry something from A to B ), they have the problem that they don't go as fast and can't land inland (for obvious reasons), however they can carry things that helos can't, such as tanks and other bulky equipment, or alternatively tens or hundred of troops (the LCU-1600 series is rated to carry 400 troops). Good luck loading an Abrams on your CH-53. Big static platforms like amphibious ships (think of the LHD in CUP/A2) are extremely useful as off-shore bases to launch missions. Considering most arma terrains are islands or have bodies of water, having a place to use as staging area is an exceptional addition. Combined with landing crafts they allow you to deploy literally anything on the ground. As a mission maker i felt the lack of such things tens of times, having to scrap good mission concepts because i had no place to start from, or no way of getting what i needed to the ground. Combat vessels such as frigates and destroyers also work as fire support platforms like any piece of artillery, with the side benefit that a single frigate basically does the work of three howitzers combined, plus AA screen, plus launch/recovery of helicopters/assault crafts. If you want to go on a smaller scale, the golden standard today is the Strb-90/CV-90 which carries tons of small arms AND 21 troops (that's more than most vanilla helicopters can carry). So yeah, there's lots of potential in this, if the Orange DLC is actually about naval assets (which i think it is btw). 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wiki 1558 Posted October 23, 2016 Well, we'll see. But I still disagree about the fact that naval is really needed. Short of transporting vehicles from 1 island to another, there is no use. It will just be useul as a taxi between 2 islands, but nothing more. Once it reaches the shore, it becomes useless. An helicopter can't carry a tank, that's ok, but it can transport troops, provide support (ammo, small vehicles, etc...), provide air support with the FFV, achieve recon mission, etc... just for 1 transport helicopter. Much wider range of missions than a boat. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lexx 1412 Posted October 23, 2016 Well, naval assets can be used as pretty backdrops, so we get rid of empty harbors. :627: 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GBee2 68 Posted October 23, 2016 Naval warships can serve roles as artillery (these days mostly Cruise Missiles) and anti-air defence (their primary purpose in most current conflicts). However ships of those sizes are simply impossible in Arma 3 - they are larger than any buildings, but would have to have realistically modelled interiors and there are just too many engine limitations that would need to be fixed (moving in vehicles etc). At the other end of the scale, we're pretty well covered for small boats - patrol craft, rhibs etc What's possible but currently missing is any form of landing craft, whether it's boat or hovercraft. Yes vehicle, that serves no purpose once it's offloaded (same with a truck) but not every vehicle needs to have a combat role. A lot of new mission scenarios would be possible with amphibious assaults that include large scale infantry and vehicle landings. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vass. 14 Posted October 23, 2016 i reckon your pretty spot on, i would not be surprised futuristic large hovercraft, i want to see some sort of large aircraft carrier. but with the state of the game engine, i dont see it possible or playable in arma 3 without a lot of work done to the engine and the models. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rich_R 1087 Posted October 24, 2016 I think Chairborne nailed the need for Naval assets. This is seen with all the attention around the excellent work done on Nimitz and the constant discussion around a working LHD. Look at the number of people who have asked for the ship to be released separately from the Spanish forces mod. A naval platform that takes advantages of the full arma 3 engine which reflects the modern navy's of the world would round out Arma 3. Just because some players don't make missions which are launched from the sea doesn't mean there aren't a lot of mission makers who would like to :) 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chortles 263 Posted October 24, 2016 Sounds like the new Enfusion engine is not until Arma 4, although 64 bit could bridge the gap in the meantime. This makes a lot of sense when you consider the ambitions/differences in Enfusion 'versus' Real Virtuality 4, i.e. DayZ's Brian Hicks talking about "legacy SQF (which will die a horrible death with the merge to Enforce Script)"... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HeroesandvillainsOS 1504 Posted October 24, 2016 I just have to wonder if any of the available maps between A3 and CUP are actually large enough to support jets and naval properly. I don't pretend to know one way or the other. It's just they all feel too small to fly at supersonic speed and hardly any has enough water to feel like it would provide much strategic use for for naval assets aside from just being a glorified dock and asset carrier (not that it wouldn't be cool to have a naval base. It would!). Would naval battles between two ships make any sense on any map in the game right now? Honest question because I have no clue (I'm no war expert). And what about most of the airstrips in the game? Would they even be long enough for a jet to touchdown properly? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
froggyluv 2136 Posted October 24, 2016 Anybody understand how exactly enfusion changes animation system? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chairborne 2594 Posted October 24, 2016 I just have to wonder if any of the available maps between A3 and CUP are actually large enough to support jets and naval properly. I don't pretend to know one way or the other. It's just they all feel too small to fly at supersonic speed and hardly any has enough water to feel like it would provide much strategic use for for naval assets aside from just being a glorified dock and asset carrier (not that it wouldn't be cool to have a naval base. It would!). Would naval battles between two ships make any sense on any map in the game right now? Honest question because I have no clue (I'm no war expert). And what about most of the airstrips in the game? Would they even be long enough for a jet to touchdown properly? Full blown naval warfare, most likely not. Naval assets as support for ground units (like a CAS plane), they're workable. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CaptainAzimuth 714 Posted October 24, 2016 Anybody understand how exactly enfusion changes animation system? No, but it would be amazing to get info on that. I'm also hoping somehow the new Dynamic Shadows make it into RV4. Would be nice for light not to shine through rocks, terrain and buildings anymore. So we could actually hide in dark corners. Though, i'd think that porting over the animation system would be too much, considering how far we are, and heck, just recently, updates have been messing up the current animation system. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kerodan 25 Posted October 24, 2016 Anybody understand how exactly enfusion changes animation system? I would suggest to keep an eye on the DayZ Standalone development and their devblogs. They are in the process of implementing a new animation system and it is very likely that we will see this system (or an adaptation of it) in future ARMA games. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
old_painless 183 Posted October 24, 2016 If they went with improved naval aspect, they *could* carve some rivers or smaller waterways into Tanoa. Really a crying shame that the island only has open water, river insertion with jungle missions would be so cool 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted October 24, 2016 If they went with improved naval aspect, they *could* carve some rivers or smaller waterways into Tanoa. Really a crying shame that the island only has open water, river insertion with jungle missions would be so cool They probably won't change existing maps, it could break too many community scenarios. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CaptainAzimuth 714 Posted October 25, 2016 If they went with improved naval aspect, they *could* carve some rivers or smaller waterways into Tanoa. Really a crying shame that the island only has open water, river insertion with jungle missions would be so cool There would be no need. The maps are fine and are already well designed as to be able to support Naval Assets, especially Tanoa. Being able to cordon off some Islands not connected by bridges, or transport supplies via. boat when no aircraft are available to sling load/VVT for example, would work as intended without the needs for potentially ruining a map. Would be cool if BI made another jungle map with rivers and ocean inlets however. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wiki 1558 Posted October 25, 2016 Waiting for today's sitrep ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted October 25, 2016 They will probably talk about the radmap, the new shadow texture and that squirrel. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AveryTheKitty 2626 Posted October 25, 2016 They will probably talk about the radmap, the new shadow texture and that squirrel. Shadow texture? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted October 25, 2016 Shadow texture? More precise informations Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wiki 1558 Posted October 25, 2016 Last sitrep is out. Now, we'll have a sitrep only every 2 weeks instead of every week. :( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CaptainAzimuth 714 Posted October 25, 2016 Last sitrep is out. Now, we'll have a sitrep only every 2 weeks instead of every week. :( Its good. Means more meaningful info per sitrep, because there isn't enough info to justify having one a week apart anymore. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites