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I'm just glad we're finally hearing about the next step. This period of (heaven-forbid) planning seems like a long time and even longer tease :)


For starters, just give me my vanilla squad radar :huh:

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I reckon (hope) more game mechanics additions like FFV or VIVT. Although I really don't know what they're going to come up with this time! ^^


Oh VIVT - sync localized physics grid.That would be something - standing in helis, or perhaps loading cars on plane itself,

walking on boats etc..

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I reckon (hope) more game mechanics additions like FFV or VIVT. Although I really don't know what they're going to come up with this time! ^^


Probably fastroping and females

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Probably fastroping and females

May God hear you!

Anyway, I'm hyped again ;)

I can't wait to know what these new things are.

I just hope they won't do like Apex - like giving us a piece of information every 3 months. :(

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I just hope they won't do like Apex - like giving us a piece of information every 3 months. :(

There will probably be some time between the roadmap (upcoming week) and the release of announced things. I would say several months.

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I hope the planned "content additions" will be synonymous with "content overhauls" as well.

Poor ol' Mr. RCWS has been waiting for 3 years for a proper replacement:



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There will probably be some time between the roadmap (upcoming week) and the release of announced things. I would say several months.

I was talking about the information ;)

For Apex, it was like:

"hey guys, we announce an extansion".

3 months later: "here is the first screenshot".

3 months later: "there will be vtol"

2 months later: "there will be a coop campaign"


I just hope we'll get the informations or a few screenshot more often.

I mean, I know they are developping something, but posting 2 or 3 screenshot every 2 weeks is not that hard, is it?

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For me the only good news would be the announcement of Arma 4 everything else is waste of money and manpower in an already 3-4

years old game. Put everything you've got to build a new Arma game based on the enfusion engine.

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There's games that keep being updated after 8-10 years.

I dont think that will be the case for Arma but i definitely think that what we'll see in the next DLC/Expansion wont be completely discarded when the next game comes out.

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There's games that keep being updated after 8-10 years.

I dont think that will be the case for Arma but i definitely think that what we'll see in the next DLC/Expansion wont be completely discarded when the next game comes out.

Some content of Arma 3 comes directly from Arma 2 DLCs (Also DayZ for Apex content). Some content from Arma 3 will probably end up in the next Arma, especially the newer content.

I don't think that they will discard any feature.



//EDIT :

+ the Game Capture Artist position might be related with a will to share informations in a more fluent manner

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Oops sorry, I lost control.


Spoilers :

 64bits exe, full single player Apex protocol, more ruins and interior for Tanoa, audio fidelity improvements, documentation improvements,

Jet DLC - free, focused on jets //edit : ok maybe/probably not free

Orange DLC - no detailed announced

Malden DLC - free, additional map

TAC-OPS DLC - paid, focus on playable content and authentic military gameplay

tanks DLC - paid, focused on armoured vehicles.

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work on a full singleplayer conversion of the 'Apex Protocol' co-op campaign starts soon

Where's that banana dance icon again...

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Where's that banana dance icon again...


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Fuck yeah!!!

These are great news!!!


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Jet DLC - free, focused on jets


Jet DLC will NOT be free, just the engine updates (same as usual)


Only Malden DLC will be free. Let's not let that mistake turn into a 'fact' like the nonsense where some people were certain that APEX would be free if you had bought the DLC Bundle when Bohemia had NEVER said that.

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Jet DLC will NOT be free, just the engine updates (same as usual)


Only Malden DLC will be free. Let's not let that mistake turn into a 'fact' like the nonsense where some people were certain that APEX would be free if you had bought the DLC Bundle when Bohemia had NEVER said that.

Ah indeed it was not specified. However it's weird that they specified it for Tanks DLC.

So Jets probably paid, Tac-ops and Tanks confirmed as paid, Malden free, Orange unknown.

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So, Jets DLC doesn't excite me too much, although I'm glad to see the aerial aspect getting some attention. I'd love to see BI give the aircraft the same sort of attention to detail that we've seen from the mod community - features like carrier hooks, optical targetting/tracking packages (video in cockpit screens), not vital stuff but it would raise the bar higher.


Tanks DLC has to include improvements to interiors of existing tanks and IFVs, doesn't it? Curious to see what this will bring, more exciting than Jets DLC for me.


Malden DLC - Nice, those of us who have been here since OFP will appreciate that one. Not sure what they mean by 'vanilla assets' - I'm hoping that doesn't just mean they'll reuse the old assets without improvements to models and textures. I preferred Nogova, not least for it's inland water, variety in forests and larger scale ... but I understand why they've chosen Malden.


Orange DLC - Hopefully as interesting as they are hinting it will be, even if it's the small DLC.


Tac Ops DLC - This one has me the most excited. I can't wait for more details of this one and I hope that they involve Dyslecxi and other key community mil sim members. I for one pray that this is the DLC which will improve grenade handling (ala ShackTack's script)

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Ah indeed it was not specified. However it's weird that they specified it for Tanks DLC.


Well the paragraph before all the DLCs mentions that they will be paid content (premium packages). Which is why the Maldon DLC is the only one which has 'FREE' in the title - any other free content would just be included in game updates, they wouldn't need to put it in a DLC.


I assume the only reason Maldon is a DLC is because it's an old island that's more for the benefit of those who remember it, it doesn't come with any campaign and doesn't fit into the Arma 3 story line so it's more of a standalone addition.

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I'm very pleased to finally read the roadmap and it's wider than I'd imagined but honestly given the scale of most of Arma's maps, the Jets DLC doesn't make much sense.

C'mon a Naval DLC makes much more sense, especially given that many maps are islands (Apex!)...


I'm not asking for battleships, nor carriers but RHIBs, LCA (troops, APCs & tanks) and LHD (USS Khe Sanh) all seem realistic and reasonable. Not to mention an expansion on the existing underseas assets that seem rather overlooked (SDV <cough>).

Unless of course that's the scope of Orange DLC...


After all the Dutch have a long and distinguished tradition of naval operations. At the very least, they're more familiar with it than the Czechs ;)

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well played A3 team! 


i don't say this lightly. lots of good stuff in there and great to hear about the modder and docu emphasis as well.  :wub:


only thing missing to me is further improvements in server browser (dropping of the outdated internal, only servers (with missions) for the current mod/modsets active),

mod sync (sync to mission rather sync to server), as well as better debugging tools (performance, network traffic, diag.exe).  :ph34r:


good speed the realization of your plans!

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Maybe 'Orange' will be the naval assets?

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