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I know you know what I mean.

I know what you mean.

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The wait for the aircraft was worth it, especially for the Wipeout, seriously get ingame and try it out if you haven't yet.

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...there's no such thing as a stealth A-10 (at least to our knowledge, who knows if they have one... they had a stealth UH-60) if you know what I mean. I know you know what I mean.

A-10s are anything but stealthy. They're slow, ugly, machine guns with wings specifically designed to kick ass. Go to F-35s if you want stealth :D

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If you don't have access to the devbranch, here's an album I made, showcasing some of the new content additions to the map :)

Nice pictures. Nice new buildings and nice to see all theses news locations. Perfect for little multiplayer party.

I wait Zeus to play on theme, (a moderator can delete my previous answer?^^)

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If you don't have access to the devbranch, here's an album I made, showcasing some of the new content additions to the map :)

Is this building available in the editor for free placement?

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You can find it with MCC Sandbox 3 - Dynamic mission creating tool for ArmA 3 under 3d editor objects(submerged) and the submarine it is called HMS Proteus also there is a new ship again under objects(submerged) called Trawler.


Edited by Macedonian gr

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Is it possible to have his classname ?

---------- Post added at 20:12 ---------- Previous post was at 18:29 ----------

Submarine_01_F thanks :bounce3:

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Is this building available in the editor for free placement?

Yes, you can freely place the big hotel complex, which comes in three sections and the small bungalows through e.g. Zeus.

Edited by PurePassion

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I hope somme reveal on next DLC/Addons Soonâ„¢

Yep, a standalone Addon loke OA would be great. With a new large, but different map (no island this time), Air supperiority jets for the two main factions (F35 would fit perfect into the stealth-style) and cargo planes.

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We haven't even gotten Zeus yet, relax. They have said they are in the planning stage of another map but I don't think we will see that until closer to the end of the year.

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Yep, a standalone Addon loke OA would be great. With a new large, but different map (no island this time), Air supperiority jets for the two main factions (F35 would fit perfect into the stealth-style) and cargo planes.

I will hope BIS offert with Addon a new pc for gamer :yay:

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We haven't even gotten Zeus yet, relax. They have said they are in the planning stage of another map but I don't think we will see that until closer to the end of the year.
Pretty these are all that BI is on the record as far as Arma 3 DLCs -- and Zeus is the next/most immediate of the two.
Air supperiority jets for the two main factions (F35 would fit perfect into the stealth-style)
You can forget about this, though -- BI has never done air superiority fighters, and the whole "infantry focus" with the devs only talking up jets as "close air support" (and conveniently ignoring any pointing out of the "plane_transport_01" files laying about in some of the official PBOs) only pushes the trend further away from representing air superiority fighters... realistically, anyway.

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The supporter edition included all future DLC.

I'd be mildly annoyed if they never made any.

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Well, you had the 3 campaign DLCs ;)

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The supporter edition included all future DLC.

I'd be mildly annoyed if they never made any.

The supporter edition was intended to support BIS. The free DLC is just a bonus.

Oh, and isn't the forum badge enough? ;)

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The supporter edition included all future DLC.

I'd be mildly annoyed if they never made any.

The supporter Edition clearly said: Includes all future DLCs if any.

If you bought the supporter Edition just to get free DLCs then you...

A) ... bought it for the wrong reason

B) ... are not good at math

Keep in mind that this doesn´t include DLCs for Addons. If they do the same thing they did with Arma 2 where they released OA and then DLCs you won´t get any of them.

As I already said I´m against many smaller DLCs. A big Addon like OA is just what this game needs and where BIS would really make some profit! Maybe the buyers of the supporter Edition could get a discount on that, that would be okay with me (and it is totally possible through Steam I just got a discount for Wargame RD because I already own Wargame AB).

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Another full - and good this time - SP campaign would be a good start

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Or maybe something in the feature to give more characteristic to the existing content. Civi reinforcements and such, its a possibility.

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The supporter Edition clearly said: Includes all future DLCs if any.

It's funny to see that the defenders jumping in are those that didn't actually *get* the supporter edition.

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