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Yeah squad level UAV's have been mentioned a few times previously. Hopefully it's something that we'll still see given the relevance of UAV's in combat today.

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I'm actually reminded of that "extended units" list that someone found during the alpha, which mentioned "UAV small drone" and "MQ-4A Reaper". Now, if the big UAV hasn't been cut from the game and is the "MQ-4A Reaper", then I'm going to imagine that "UAV small drone" is the quadrotor... aww yeah.

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Nice trailer, I really hope the UAVs will be more usable than the one in Arma2. It would be cool to have a kind of BMPT turret on the new armored vehicle.

I don't think the big UAV has been cancelled, it would be a shame don't you think? :)

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BIS, ummm i found something I think you might have put in by mistake. I found Main Battle Tank textures...

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BIS, ummm i found something I think you might have put in by mistake. I found Main Battle Tank textures...

Tanks have always been a planned part of the game. There's nothing odd about having textures there for them.

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I went PBO diving again and dug out a few icons for units not in the game.

Namer APC had pics of its recovery/minesweeper version.


The blufor 8 wheeled APC had pics of the medevac and heavy versions.


Ghosthawk had an armed version in its folders.


Has anyone found where the text content for the field manual is stored? Lots of references in the UI pbo but no actual text.

---------- Post added at 21:13 ---------- Previous post was at 20:54 ----------

Why would a moderator merge my thread with this one? The above has nothing to do with the BIS development blog. Do you really want to reduce the forums until it's nothing but a handful of megathreads? That ensures the least growth & traffic.

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Those on the Ghosthawk definitely look like torpedoes... Could they be there to counter the mini-subs threat?


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Those on the Ghosthawk definitely look like torpedoes... Could they be there to counter the mini-subs threat?

Fuel tanks maybe ?

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Why would a moderator merge my thread with this one? The above has nothing to do with the BIS development blog. Do you really want to reduce the forums until it's nothing but a handful of megathreads? That ensures the least growth & traffic.

This thread is for development blogs and reveals. It has since been the source for newly discovered units, weapons and information regarding the campaign etc, meaning it's the perfect place to post textures found in the files.

The moderator's job is not to generate traffic...

And for the future, please take a look at rule number 18 from the forum rules

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Fuel tanks maybe ?
That was the first thing I thought about, but I wouldn't get why it was named heli_transport_01_armed if that was the case...


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There are pods or missiles racks there too.


This one even have a cannon, never seen that before.

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That was the first thing I thought about, but I wouldn't get why it was named heli_transport_01_armed if that was the case...

It is an armed transport version. With fuel tanks it can carry troops and the extra load of weapons further.

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Why does the crane have arabic letters on it (I guess it says- supports 2 tons)?

Probably Iranian? Textures look ok, but are these highres?.

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Textures are pretty HQ. There are textures for greenfor and redfor camo for the CRV too, and all have farsi (or arab indeed?) markings on the crane. It looks like some sort of company logo, maybe the supplier of the crane system?

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Has anyone found where the text content for the field manual is stored? Lots of references in the UI pbo but no actual text.


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Damn, how do i get this into my game too? :)

Use this config:

class CfgPatches {

class crvtest {units[] = {"crvtest"};};


class CfgVehicles {

class B_APC_Tracked_01_rcws_F;

class crvtest : B_APC_Tracked_01_rcws_F {

displayName = "crv Test";

model = "\A3\armor_f_beta\APC_Tracked_01\APC_Tracked_01_crv_F";



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Textures are pretty HQ. There are textures for greenfor and redfor camo for the CRV too, and all have farsi (or arab indeed?) markings on the crane. It looks like some sort of company logo, maybe the supplier of the crane system?

The Namer was initially seen as a OPFOR vehicle. Those markings could simply be "legacy" from way back. If you look at the AAF officer uniform it\s just the CSAT officer uniform with the green digi camo layered on top. I think the same thing applies to the CRV.

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The Namer was initially seen as a OPFOR vehicle. Those markings could simply be "legacy" from way back. If you look at the AAF officer uniform it\s just the CSAT officer uniform with the green digi camo layered on top. I think the same thing applies to the CRV.

From my research, this version of the Namer is a prototype, the manufacturer says only one was ever made.

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The Namer was initially seen as a OPFOR vehicle. Those markings could simply be "legacy" from way back. If you look at the AAF officer uniform it\s just the CSAT officer uniform with the green digi camo layered on top. I think the same thing applies to the CRV.

ACtually, the AAF officer is the CSAT officer's top with the pants from the AAF battle uniform. But yeah, I see what you mean.

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