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ArmA 2 OA Beta Build 82948

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A new OA Beta is out.


[82939] Fixed: AI vehicles could spot previously known targets even out of their visual cone (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/18846)

[82928] Fixed: Occasional visual artifacts caused by rabbit animation interpolation since 79670 (thanks to Sniperwolf572 and F2k Sel for finding the repro).

Edited by Miller

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Did the bullet effects come back?

EDIT: Nevermind, answered in previous thread:

Fixed in 82910

Edited by MavericK96

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Hey you say there fixed but do they now get broadcasted over network to other players over a further distance?.


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Bullet impact effect back as far as i can see (SP).

Noticed another thing:

AI seem twitchy at times. Noticed an eAI lying down and were twitching back and forth like there are missing movement animations when lying.

Second animation problem was my own AI (BAF in this case) when looking at them looking around with their heads the animation looks "laggy". When turning their head it looks like the game is running at 10FPS although the FPS is very high and gameplay very smooth.

EDIT: Forgot to mention the above is when the AI is in a vehicle. Outside the vehicle their heads turn fine without the laggy look.

EDIT2: Seems trees being knocked down also has this laggy look. Before it could happen trees fell with laggy look, but to me atm all trees fall this way. Even up close.

FPS for myself as mentioned looks very good so far.

Edited by Alex72

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When you use a flashlight and turn it off, the light cone stays put:


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When you use a flashlight and turn it off, the light cone stays put:


Happens with NV lasers too. (The ones on the rifles.)

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Noticing twitching animations on almost all movement of AI's. Ordering AI to go crouch/stand for example reveal some missing or twitchy animations. This has been reported in the previous beta so i guess this is known to you guys by now.

EDIT: Think i notice the good ol' scope stutter re-appeared(?). Noticed it when scoping a unit - not building like before. Stuttered for a brief time and went smooth. Tested a few times with a new unit everytime.

As a sidenote it also looked like TKOH CP also stuttered way more when running this beta, but im not sure if it's related.

Edited by Alex72

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I had a CTD with this beta, report sent to [email protected]. I was flying (as pilot) somewhere near Feruz Abad, then I died. I don't know how I could die, I wasn't hit or something, I just died, a table with kills/deaths (I was playing online) appeared for maybe 1-2 seconds. Then there was a crash to desktop.

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anyone plan to run servers with this build yet?

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I updated my test server with this beta update, but i didn't update my client PC. I still get kicked "wrong signature for file pmc\addons\xxxxxxxxx.pbo

Do I also need to update my client PC to run this beta to get ride of this wrong signature error?

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yes you need the beta on client too, as it's client-side fix

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yes you need the beta on client too, as it's client-side fix

Thank you very much Dwarden :)

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Can someone try the following:

In a multiplayer game, on the client, give an AI unit a stinger and start the game. Check whether he has the actual launcher.

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Some triggers I am creating by code don't work anymore. They trigger as soon as they are created.

If not using the beta the triggers work as expected.

EDIT: Disregard this.... Not sure what the hell is going on.... need to give it a rest for now I think.

Edited by twirly

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As a sidenote it also looked like TKOH CP also stuttered way more when running this beta, but im not sure if it's related.

What do the TakOH CP and this beta have to do with each other?

They're two different executables with two different datasets.

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where can i find the rpt file and other files to help diagnose crashes?

I've got a reoccurring crash where it will stutter for a second or two then CTD

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ai movements seem jerky animations at all distances. other than that it seems pretty fine to me- this new way of interpolating characters sure seems to have loads of potential so i understand bis will have to owrk through and fine tune the bugs.

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What do the TakOH CP and this beta have to do with each other?

They're two different executables with two different datasets.

I guess nothing - as i said.

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I have mentioned some time ago that the cpu usage seems to be concentrated mainly on one core in OA while it was spread fine fine in Arma Vanilla.

After a short test with the current beta this doesn't happen anymore.

But I had a funny bug in the intro to "The Battle Of Zargabad SP". The soldier was running away out of the door instead of going up the stairs while the camera was moving the usual way.

Anyway thanks for the great improvements.

Edited by Black Russian

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I guess nothing - as i said.

Okay, just wondering whether you had somehow mixed the executable from one with the data of the other, or something. Sounded a little weird. :D

Btw. all in all, performance and visuals in this beta are excellent, except for the slightly jittery AI animations.

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