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ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

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Grappling hookfast /ropes - To fire from the groud/throw a hock. To go on top of buildings into windows and down from them. Similar to Battlefield 2 Special forces or a more complex system.

CQB tactics commands & tools - Command you're squad like in Swat 3 or 4 - breach that door with flashbang/clear room etc. Also explosives to breach doors, etc.

SHOVEL dig in and cover the ability to use a shovel to dig a small foxhole or to bury an IED.

the ability to use every door in buildings

Better command system - Christ I hated the commands menu on ARMA II. It isn't intuitive, it's slow & complex and simply annoying. PLEASE make a better command show.

better destruction models - much more detailed destruction when it comes to buildings. Like doors, windows, a floor collapsing, and not an animation of smoke. But detalied on the spot destruction. Also, bullets actually penetrate WOOD and for concret it should be harder.

better animations - like the ability to fire from cover, etc.

the ability TO FIRE you're weapon when on an helicoppter or any other open vehicle

Complex stealth system - amuch more rigores stealth system. Like fallout 3, just more realistic. Add a few stages, so they don't just see you and fire on you. first they think they saw something, and check out for it. Or maybe they are more sure and shoot in the air and/or call a friend to check out the area with them (that way you can destract them or move them around - with let's say planting an explosive device somewhere to distruct them).

customize weapons & self - like a flashlight and a laser on one weapon, personal gear & armor,

Easy and yet full EDITOR - like choosing on what floor I put a soldier, or what load out he will start with, WITHOUT ANY CODES.

Edited by Sblast

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Reflex sights working properly, instead of being a painted texture.

Faction / class abilities. A highly trained soldier has more control over their weapon, aims faster and moves faster with it out compared to an insurgent. Someone with bodyarmor moves more clumsily / slower. These would be subtle and not "+5 attack"

Weapons handle differently. An smg should feel totally different than a machine gun.

New UI for almost everything ingame. Commanding, actions, inventory. Especially multiplayer.

Clearer video options. Perhaps ability to turn on/off certain post processing.

More advanced particle effects. Smoke that feels like smoke.

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Wishlist for the campaign:

Be an ordinary soldier in a regular unit (infantry/mechanized infantry/airborne)


Be an ordinary person in a resistance movement.


Participate to something bigger than me, which I have no real control.


Attack, defend and retreat ... Win and lose.

Feeling the battlefield as a professional soldier


as person motivated by ideals, the vangeance or despair.


Change through time, experiences and encounters.


I just dont want to be again another super hero!

For now, that's all.

Thank you,


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Actually, getting the option to wear body armour (Kevlar and Ceramic plates), or parachutes and stuff would be cool. Realtime soldier customization even more so.

But, whatever you do, I beg you BIS, NO GODDAMN PINK RABBIT HATS. :bounce3:

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* Aircraft controls:

1. In mouse-fly mode aircraft's control must be not differential but proportional (stick and surfaces relatively to mouse) - i.e. mouse-joystick mode (like in "FSX" or "FlightGear" aviasims). When switching from mouse-fly to mouse-view mode and back stick must keep it's position (no auto-centering). It is useful when you switch in mouse-view mode only for a moment to change camera direction, while pressing Alt for example, and then continue control the aircraft.

2. Adjustable controller's (both mouse-joy and joystick) dead zones (including null dead zone) and curves (including linear).

3. Rudder must not move by itself. It currently happens after depressing rudder button or when you do roll on a plane. It is inconvenient for flight and unrealistic.

4. All plane's control surfaces must deviate both in the air and on ground - independently on plane's velocity (just like the rudder does now).

5. Throttle must keep it's position without auto-control on all aircraft. There should be discrete controls when using keyboard (i.e. "Q" increases throttle at ~10% with each pressing, and Z decreases it in a same way). Current auto-throttle mode must be additional mode on airplanes (velocity hold) enabled from menu (like gear,flaps e.t.c.). In that mode Q/Z keys must set plane's speed (as currently).

6. For VTOLs - thrust vector control just with two another keys (like the throttle, also keeping position, not auto).

7. For all aircraft - add trimmers.

8. Add altitude hold mode for airplanes (also enabled from menu). When this mode is enabled elevator's trimmers automatically hold altitude and mouse/joystick input at Y axis is ignored by plane.

9. Animated (moving) stick and throttle in cockpit

* HUD and views:

1. Collimated HUD on planes and helis that provide accurate aiming without parallax effect. Disable 2d ingame crosshair/dot at the same time on aircraft.

2. Variable FOV in aircraft's both internal and external views (without standart auto-reversing to initial value), variable distance from external camera to unit (without auto-reversing).

3. (for aircraft only) no limitations on external camera angles (ability to rotate camera around aircraft by 360 deg horizontally and by 180 deg vertically). And there must be no camera horizontal self-rotation while aircraft changes its roll (now it happens when camera is at any position except straight behind a plane) - Ñamera must be fixed relatively to plane's heading only.

4. Additional external chase view (for aircraft only) - when camera is fixed relatively to the aircraft by all X,Y,Z axes. And there may be some effect - like if the camera repeats all plane movements with little delay - to add some dynamics to flight process (i.e. like "LCtrl+F4" chase view in "Lock On" game with "Shift+J" mode on, or chase view in "FlightGear", or like the fixed external view in "FSX").

5. Cockpit camera, when it is controlled by keys "4"/"8"/"6"/"2" (mouse-fly mode), must have no auto-reverse to center direction (i.e. it must be the same with mouse-view mode). When switching from mouse-view to mouse-fly mode and back camera must keep its position, without auto-centering.

6. Realistic 1st person camera movements and shaking while maneuvering in aircraft (like in "FSX","Lock On" games)

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ability to urinate and waste

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I would like to see a dynamic mission system (like the Flashpoint Takistan/Chernarus missions from thomsonb, awesome stuff!), use it as a starting point, i think many people will like this.

Also the ability to use the tripod on the weapons to rest/lock on the floor or rest the gun on a ledge etc.. (like the vids from the upcoming RO2)

Better editor, don't want to type all commands and stuff (nice if people want to do that, but people who don't want it shouldn't have to).

More fluid gameplay, not like you have 80 fps and next thing you know, you're in the low 30's

Weapon zooming is pretty horrible most of the time (framedips for no apparent reason).

Much better explosions/fire/particles (they look very cheap but are still very hard on the system).

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i would like working turrets for class plane; (similar behavior for class helicoper would do)

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In ArmA3 could use more the Parallax Mapping - i know in ArmA 2 it is used only for ground - not bad ,but it needs to be deeper like in this video

With that you can create very realistic wall or bricks/Tiles or whatever heh :)

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In ArmA3 could use more the Parallax Mapping - i know in ArmA 2 it is used only for ground - not bad ,but it needs to be deeper like in this video

With that you can create very realistic wall or bricks/Tiles or whatever heh :)

The parallax ground was OK except for 2 things:

The impression that things were floating just above the ground.

The "wave" just ahead of the player as parallax mapping is applied suddenly. Maybe should ramp it instead?

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The parallax ground was OK except for 2 things:

The impression that things were floating just above the ground.

The "wave" just ahead of the player as parallax mapping is applied suddenly. Maybe should ramp it instead?

Yea , that's the reason it could be done better and alot deeper effect

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I would like to say, that enviroment and character moving and acting is perfect in FarCry 2 and I am SURE that if it will be possible change game engine on Ubisoft's Dunia engine (maybe its a expencive, but...) you will blow game world and will destroy all your competitor's. Because in Far Cry 2 you can fly, swim, crouch, fure and run very easy, as we breath, do not have to push many buttons to down or up on stairs, to jump etc. When you want run or sit, how many thing you do before? None, just sit, so let our virtual bodies do thing which easy in life, maybe little slower because of amunition, or wound, but easy. Also will be great to create possibilities to swim :). I love Far Cry 2 for freedom, for easyness, no time limits, you can walk and do your missions when YOU want, after campagn you can do many different thing, just play that game to understand what kind of ARMA 3 we want, easy fast, real. Just change your Engine, and we will make you rich


The FC2 engine is not near level of freedom and reality as the BIS engine.

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ability to urinate and waste

Normally i'd Say yes, but what would the indicators look like....

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I wish that i didnt have to spend 130 dollars on a new graphics card lol

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I wish that i didnt have to spend 130 dollars on a new graphics card lol

You are fine then, you'll need to spend 250. :D


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A command centre with video screens which will show camera from UAV/manned aircraft, or team commanders head cams. (Well it is the future?) Or the ability to take surveillence footage either video or stills, and send it to another player, replay it, save it etc.

(Stills would work better I think.)

Brian :)

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Wishlist for the campaign:

A good storyline, we follow from beginning to end.

A unique character. No sudden change between different characters.

A campaign in the past, the present or the near future.

Something I can relate


Interactions with the local population (alies, friends ... why not a love story? :))

Different responses depending on whether you are a soldier or a resistance member.

The possibility of winning/lose the hearts and minds ...


Complex missions and great depth.

Objectives that require multiple steps (mission 1, 2 ...) and keep the ground won.

Participate in a front who affects our objectives

I just want a good story!

For now, that's all.

Thank you,


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A command system like the one in OFDR !

No way for 7-1-2 to work in another game... :rolleyes:

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A command system like the one in OFDR !

No way for 7-1-2 to work in another game... :rolleyes:

... is this a troll post?

The current way to issue commands is SOOOOO much better than DR's one...

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Able to walk into a transport plane would be nice.

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... is this a troll post?

The current way to issue commands is SOOOOO much better than DR's one...

I'd like to see the ability to control AI commands with the mouse cursor. Firstly make sure they are all on one screen then just press a modifier and select the AI Icons or the AI themselves like desktop icons.. 1, 4, 8,9,12 .. Right click "advance to" then click on the map. Plus with mouse-ability you can re-order the icons to better suit your needs/strategy.

Edited by ZeosPantera

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I would love to see better physics with interaction between infantry and vehicles. An example is like they did it in the Joint Operations games and Black Hawk Down, those games and the way they did it in that engine. So you can just walk onto a vehicle and have it transport you, not have to get it in. This would be awesome, so instead of ejecting from the back of a plane to parachute, you could get out of your seat, walk to the ramp, lower the ramp, and then jump out yourself.

Example of what I mean from Joint Ops:

In this video you can see what I mean by people sitting in the vehicle and being able to move around while it is flying. None of that glitchy stuff

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I would like to see a documentation how to use the BI in game editor proper.

Write a PDF and/or make a editor edition with hard book.

Show the new guys that stumbled into arma how the editor works.

From placing units and synchronizing to writing scripts in notepad(easy ones explaining the basics).

Show us how make briefings.

How to use triggers and what kind of things you can do with theme how to connect theme with scripts and and and all the crazy stuff.

Maybe make a little completion after a few months search for the best beginner and pro mission maker give a prise(special forum banner/ t-shirt).

This editor is a magic thing and every one who uses its first time and wants to do something more advanced(not just placing some units shooting theme) doesn't know how and where to start.

Help theme! Make the first step.Who plays this a long time does know what to do since OFP but every one who is new might get problems.

From Editor built in Help to wiki so a basic knowledge is present.

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Please can we get a wind component for the aircraft.

As a real life helo pilot, this is one of the challenges I sorely miss in game.

An autorotation downwind is very different to an auto into wind.

Also getting in and out of LZ's with a crosswind will also raise the realism level that BIS's ARMA is synonymous with.

Also it should have options to be variable (i.e. wind direction and velocity) or to set it as a constant.

This would also attract many "new" prospective players who traditionally look for more than just a flight sim.

There are many flight "simmers" who want to be operational and not just fly around aimlessly like in FSX.

For me and I'm sure for many other RL pilots, we fly around in the day in RL but never get to experience military operations so this would be really cool for us.

Please can the aircraft also have an option for wind speed in knots and altitude in feet above both terrain and sea level.

Currently I suspect this is currently in kilometres per hour and meters for height in ARMA 2.

Lastly, some of the runway headings in ARMA2 are not correct and are swapped around.

Just some thoughts.

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Yes. Maybe making the flight experience as close to FSX as possible...

Lose the external displays, have pilots rely entirely on internal instruments, and allow pilots to interact with them via mouse button; similar to how it is done in Falcon 4 or FS series

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