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No DX11?

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I'm not too sure about the abilities of tessellation but from what I've gathered it really seems like something based on displacement maps, rather than reducing something down to one polygon. It seems like adding additional detail to LOD 1 is more or less what it's all about. Maybe there is information I'm missing, though.

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I've heard of it being reference with displacement mapping on several occasions, but the tech won't matter if it's not implimented and judging by the soldiers pant leg here http://www.arma3.com/screenshots/scr03.jpg I doubt it is. Unless it is optional to use between DX9, 10 and 11, sole 11 features would be a risky cost for a business, I doubt the majority would own DX11 cards.

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Well it seems like they are not using displacement maps in that screen shot but perhaps it's not like I think and dx will automatically perform down modelling functions on a mesh. At any rate, only dx10 has been confirmed.


From http://www.realtimerendering.com/blog/tag/tessellation/

The tessellator is a fixed-function (but highly configurable) stage, which uses the tessellation factors to tessellate (subdivide) the patch into multiple triangle or quad primitives.

Edited by Max Power

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http://developer.download.nvidia.com/presentations/2008/GDC/Inst_Tess_Compatible.pdf I wonder if particle enhancements will be taken into account with the DX10 capabilities, soft particles, physics based particles
2:10 (I forgot how to set the timeline up in the post) and perhaps some reflection of environment in water.. I mean heck kegety made a mod for it to work in OFP, why can't it exist now? http://screenshots.filesnetwork.com/15/files2/49296_10.jpg Edited by NodUnit

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I think DX10 only means if you even have X1950 XTX CF or WINDOWS XP, you can't play ARMA3 either.
True. But try playing ArmA 2 with an X1950. Good luck. ;)

Windows XP. Are you serious? Poverty will be history and world peace will be truth at the same day Windows XP is whiped from the last hard disk.

True story.

middle to end. If memory serves, the tesselation takes a high poly model but subtracts more and more the farther you are away, but as you get closer it adds more to keep the model looking as sharp as possible, it's sort of like the system doing the LOD control fluidly rather than jumping from mesh to mesh.

better wireframe example

and some others


Tessellation could solve alot of bandwidth problems and TMU stress. No need for redrawing and compositing textures. It needs to be widespread first though.

The third generation of Direct3D 11 hardware is coming soon. Usually widespread adaption of computer hardware starts at the 3rd (or later) generation.

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I sure do hope so, if nothing else the old crysis trick could probably be pulled, when they said you couldn't use DX10 unless you had vista and a DX10 card, and the community said "Oh heel no".

So DX10 features..volumetrics, either they are using clouds from TOH or made very similar ones, is this perhaps a very pretty skybox or are the clouds actually being effected by sunlight.







and TOH clouds


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Multi-threaded rendering --which IMO is the best feature of the new APIs-- would probably catch on quicker if vendors would bother to release drivers that support it.

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The clouds seem to be particle based. Looking pretty good from some angles, but less so from others (mainly edge-on).

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DX10 and DX11 don't bring any visual improvements over DX9.


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I think metalfatigue... ;)

Dx11 is a must imo and a huge improvement performance wise over Dx10. Dont even wanna start about Dx9..

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would be cool, but i really doubt they'll take that road. besides, as you say, it is a bit late now i guess

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It costs thousands for OpenGL licensing to display/graphic cards...


It costs money for hardware manufacturers, ATI and Nvidia, to implement OpenGL into their video cards, but for the end user who wants to program an engine in OpenGL, OpenGL is free.

Nvidia and ATI have OpenGL support for all of their cards. The new OpenGL 4.0 works on all DX11 cards. OpenGL 3.0 works on all DX10 cards out there. The difference is OpenGL runs on all platforms, while DirectX is secluded to M$'s new operating system every 3 years.

This means, you can get Tessellation on Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Mac OSX, Linux, and nearly all other OSes out there that support OpenGL. While you only get Tessellation on Windows 7, with Direct X 11.



Plus the fact that OpenGL is faster and open source. And it has first access to new GPU features with vendor extensions. Tessellation, a feature M$ has been promoting for DX11 was possible on OpenGL 3 years beforehand as a vendor extension.


Edited by Cookieeater

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BIS is probably looking into adding it as a patch after Arma 3 ships like some other developers, wouldn't count on it though im happy with DX10 alone.

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It costs money for hardware manufacturers, ATI and Nvidia, to implement OpenGL into their video cards, but for the end user who wants to program an engine in OpenGL, OpenGL is free.

Nvidia and ATI have OpenGL support for all of their cards. The new OpenGL 4.0 works on all DX11 cards. OpenGL 3.0 works on all DX10 cards out there. The difference is OpenGL runs on all platforms, while DirectX is secluded to M$'s new operating system every 3 years.

This means, you can get Tessellation on Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Mac OSX, Linux, and nearly all other OSes out there that support OpenGL. While you only get Tessellation on Windows 7, with Direct X 11.



Plus the fact that OpenGL is faster and open source. And it has first access to new GPU features with vendor extensions. Tessellation, a feature M$ has been promoting for DX11 was possible on OpenGL 3 years beforehand as a vendor extension.


OpenGL isn't "faster" it's just an API. As for tesselation, it has been available for a lot longer than that (today it has been removed) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TruForm

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As an API, OpenGL does have faster draw calls than DirectX according to Nvidia. And for tessellation, you're right it seems. The problem now though is that tessellation is back. On DX11, you can get tessellation on Windows 7. On OpenGL 4, you can get tessellation on your Windows 7, Vista, XP, Mac OSX, and Linux. Plus the fact that you're supporting open standards when you use OpenGL, while with DirectX, you're supporting a proprietary, closed API that only runs on Microsoft platforms meant to prevent new games from coming onto older, and other operating systems.

Edited by Cookieeater

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OpenGL is heaps better. Seriously, some ps3 exlusives have better graphics than pc exclusives on DX11. Yet ps3 and xbox have shit graphics for mainstreme games due to being developed on xbox first with DX technology. OpenGL is the way to go.

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OpenGL find itself at the v4.1 with full support for shadder tesselation(like Dx), in fact today OpenGL is far ahead in integration with other api's, such full parallel calculation support, mobile and web support.

Hint here, get ready for DirectX12 next year

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OpenGL is out of question even with consideration of its qualities.

It's huge amount of work/fixes/tweaks/optimization to rework engine from DX9 to DX11.

I can't imagine we'd make OpenGL in a real scope. ;)

And yes, we are targeting DX11, hovewer DX10 should be supported.

Although... We are not in the end, things/ideas can be changed.

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OpenGL is out of question even with consideration of its qualities.

It's huge amount of work/fixes/tweaks/optimization to rework engine from DX9 to DX11.

I can't imagine we'd make OpenGL in a real scope. ;)

And yes, we are targeting DX11, hovewer DX10 should be supported.

Although... We are not in the end, things/ideas can be changed.

The BI gods have spoken.


Tis a shame OpenGL won't go in though.

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Tis a shame OpenGL won't go in though.

Yesh. Unfortunatelly the best choice is not the optimal one always. Euphoria, OpenCL, Bullet, OpenGL... There are many many issues here. From technical over marketing up to licensing.

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The BI gods have spoken.

All hail.

Ander perfectly understandable if there are less obvious technical difficults with OpenGL, good luck making Arma3 Damu, have fun :)

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Thank you so much for participating in the thread. It's always a thrill to have official word from the developers, whatever they may contain.

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And yes, we are targeting DX11, hovewer DX10 should be supported.


Damu, thank you so much for the information!


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