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ArmA 2 site hacked

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Analysis of CIA Cryptonyms from "Phase 5" Map

So I had not realized until today that MKSEARCH was, in fact, the new name of the MKULTRA program. With that in mind, it seems like a fair bet that this is a page from a CIA intelligence estimate. Judging by the top of the page, it is regarding an operation codenamed "SDREAM", presumably an operation to do something unpleasant to the Iranians (if SD is the diagraph for Iran, and 'ream' is taken to have metaphorical significance).

Finally, the bottom indicates the source of the intelligence: SDDUSTER (perhaps the CIA codename for Iran's own operation in the region), via LCIGNITE. Presuming LC is the diagraph representing China, this would perhaps indicate a Chinese captive was interrogated under the MKSEARCH program. I am making a bit of an assumption with the last part.

But the addendum saying "ref. to p. 215-248; reliability disputable - SDREAM #000019" is beyond me. At first I thought perhaps it implied that the intel was gathered through some form of torture, rendering it unreliable. But this is not something I have any faith in whatsoever.

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We are monitoring his actions closely which is why we haven't done anything. Could be just a copycat though.

Cute. :p

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Sorry to repeat this, but there's been confusion due to using incorrect terminology regarding www.arma3.com

The site may very well have been originally created by someone who does NOT work for Bohemia, hence the disclaimer. That means nothing.

www.arma2.com has only ONE registar (Bohemia got it first, and have kept it, Mark Spanel ain't going anywhere soon)

www.arma3.com has had THREE registrars. Therefore ownership has most likely changed. Considering it was last updated 20th April, same date that www.arma4.com was registered, and almost same dates all this ARG stuff started being created... a little too coincidental?

Anyone want to bet it's not ArmA3, for the odds to be even, you must guess at what it will be (you can't say I bet it will be anything BUT ArmA3 as that is not an even bet).

From what I can tell, all these little hints and clues only give us bread crumbs. Nothing concrete, nothing really very rewarding. I think they are all just hints at to what is going to be included in ArmA3 (storyline, location, units, etc). The real 'prize' is knowing that it's ArmA3 and it's ETA.

P.S: BIS started with 2 employees, and had 8 when OFP was released. They are now 140 staff so they have more mouths to feed which means they 'can' create sequels in shorter time-frames, and they 'must', so they can pay staff. BIS blew us away with OFP, not so much with A1 or A2, so time to repeat their original success with A3. I'm not underestimating them this time.

Edited by Freeborne

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I think there was some conjecture over what SD and LC actually mean in CIA code as they seem to be used in things with no relation to China or Iran, but I've got no real idea.

Side note, the Red Pegasus or "Flying Red Horse" as they call it is the symbol for Mobil. From what I remember they got that symbol from the Magnolia building in Dallas. There was always an argument over whether they should call it a "flying red horse" or a "red pegasus" because the Pegasus from Greek mythology was always portray as a white flying horse.

Not sure if any of this has any relation, but it kind of raises the question of why the hacker was called "Red Pegasus" and not Pegasus or white Pegasus.

The reason could be in support of the co-ordinates theory in that they needed the "red" part to give them the extra word that allows them to put up the coords for Iran and China.

Of coruse there's also the link with Red being related to both China and Russia.

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I guess he did not want to read through 4000+ threads to catch up... lol

Edited by gonk

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Prepare your anuses fellas.

btw if anything of tonights hack involves asses, it was purely coincidental.

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it won't .... probably only involves numerals like 455.

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Then, what if his spaming mean something then? maybe the number of messages, the number of those post or the tittle of the topic, whatever?

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On the Armaenigma wiki.

Maybe nothing...

Nah, it does that everytime time is running out...So it's nothing you're right

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I saw that too, hehe, maybe it's just a bug in the timer?

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Already mentioned.

It is a mistake in the code. Don't bother, it is not related

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They hacked the timer.

Says the next hack is yesterday at 5:00 CEST

Told you it's time travel!!!

I'm bored, hack please!

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They hacked the timer.

Says the next hack is yesterday at 5:00 CEST

It counting up)

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Hmm... arma2.com, arma3.com all seem the same. Redpegasus isn't online... hasn't posted...

strange...? Seeing as though last hack, right at the moment, it started. Now it's late...? hmm

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Hmm... arma2.com, arma3.com all seem the same. Redpegasus isn't online... hasn't posted...

strange...? Seeing as though last hack, right at the moment, it started. Now it's late...? hmm

Im a bit afraid that the link to the nex hack was in the last one...Hopefully not, and they l8

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I was thinking the same so I did a quick search for Greek related ArmA stuff but couldn't find anything (except that there's a hotel in Greece called "Hotel Arma")

Although you may want to look over the mod section for Greek related mods. But yes, they were almost 45 mins late with the email hack

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So the Wednesday hack is officially past due as far as we know?

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So far, but they never stuck to an exact time for each one, just a fairly predictable one.

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Just to clear somethings up. According to the arma 3 website, under the contact tab, at the bottom of your screen it says "Copyright © 2009 ARMA 3| Designed by Free CSS Templates| ARMA 3 fan site

This is not the official web site of ARMA 3. This site has no connection with Bohemia Interactive or IDEA Games. " So I do not believe BIS has anything to do with arma3.com

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But as others have said, registration has changed 3 times. Recently updated on April 20th of this year along with arma4.com.

I believe BIS owns it, but has not changed anything.

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It has been the same page for years 5LEvEN. But apparently it has switched registrars / possibly ownership so maybe if BIS acquired that domain they just left the old page on there for a surprise later ;)

Dice sniped me :(

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remember that most of the hack files (txts, images, etc....) were created, edited, whatever on April 20th -21st.

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