PuFu 4600 Posted May 7, 2011 I'm late, I only quickly read all posts, you are talking about some ballistic animation, is it this videos? http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1624314&postcount=38 no. -> bullet physics engine Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
glowbal 13 Posted May 7, 2011 All of them? Edit: Atleast mosts, not sure if it's entirely in the right order. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slatts 1978 Posted May 7, 2011 (edited) ;1916199']Yeah not far off. What would be the state in the white area? great lakes maybe? EDIT: also i think maybe we shouldnt see persia being iran as much, it could be that they mean persia as in arabic race, as in maybe takistani or a near by country Edited May 7, 2011 by Slatts Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UnuldorCZ 10 Posted May 7, 2011 what about the 'Hajji' writings? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
archer-brad 10 Posted May 7, 2011 great lakes maybe? No, its nebraska above it is great lakes but in the centre is nebraska Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Flamewave 10 Posted May 7, 2011 .<LL<__.._,,,,,. 'yyyysypCvVVVVtuy_L;__.. .,__;LyqpQpRRbgbpppppqpqayyu[u5s; ._L. ` `.+su3aqNN$pDL'*?TFcQ8BBBBBBBBQppqqpr=zaas. _uyyyyyyyyyyyyyVuyapqf?7*".`_uqDQB#%BBBQBBQQQBBQR'"5aKKy, "%QQQQQQppWDpWDQ#fT?;_<LLcqLfbpMf?'/GGqqd8bQbDb%R.,<PaKPu_ ._;__. lQBQBBQQQQppqqqqqqqqaqqpQB#;fL__ "%Q%pQDf"lfffF(ccTPKyqE~ayyuuscL__,. `0QQBBBBBBBQpQQ8888bb%b%#PFsuuua. .l?"""' `*[aayuyqqdlLuGeaeeayyuuuCsL+;____.` *8QBBBBBBQBBBQpQQpQpppQQDQpQpQR+Lsuy_ <aPRl98QQM1oaefhHEeqGNGGewaqEyyyyuscL;__ 3QBBBBBBBBB88bQbbb%b#mEaqqQ*"[jyqp#r.` '"?* "jQpGwaaayqGaG0GG$EGGWbGqNGHeayyyqF '9bbbQ8b8BBQQQBQBQQQQQBBQDbL_3D%f"`,syayy_`__;_,`"?lffKakabMGNGGGGqGOhhP0NqqqNNqQBr lWqNDRm9666#6#$%6$qqQqp""yyyyyy` "uqQbmqpgBg@gq; '3yaaqaEaGOGNEdNGeaaaayaqGGGN%b' "$6NNmNNNNqNmqqbQQBQBQR"`q%###h' `'""?qQ8ggg@&@gL "fhKyaGNNNOGGGGGGHGGGNDROGO9QP `zNGGGqqN$$mWWN0$GqW|HysLL;` `<yyyqy` cQBBgg&@@@&p, .zHeeGNO$OGNGGOkGWmmN$MGGHqBL l$ONmmMHeGNmNEeGq#MlGGGeEM' "n0mWpf" lBgggg@@g&@b`,cafaM0MEeHHGGO0aqWGNmEeGGGpBr "KGGNOGGNNNNGGqqNEyyGqF54F__.*?7"*<;.'$g&&&&&&&@7 `?GZaPoSPKKaKqOGNNOGNOeHEHG8B, `XGGGGNNNNNNOKHOOGkffhyyjjUxq, `73uaL'T@&&&&@f"._<aPs44XX4aeea9NGNGOOOGqEeeqpR` (eGNNNNNN$$MeeeGGKuuLL0hfPhF` *f#fL;``"";__<kfPfTxtjyXzGGGGGGGGGGeENDOeGdQf ^NGNNNNNNGeeeeeHHkwwoyeZzwoyyy. "yqQy. ,ySt"Tss;;}uGywwkHHGGGGNqmGEHhHeGmQ7 -fNm$ONNGGGGGGEkeeeaKKPUwZXAHf` __;=55dy,|ffL,vTTxHPPPaeeeaKGMHGNNNNGEaeGHqp' '"*?ffh0GNOHkaeeEawwwwGZzz4scL,cxj5Ayd?vcttTcaL"5owwSKKeKaeGOaGGeGGhGeGNGQf `"*?TfPHOKKeeewwkUz4UUGM.?fTlTst;5hqqqEyyujwwSwwwNaeeHGHGNGGEaWGNOqQL `""*?fffXSwwaZzyZCLL+>+}VVssyPPfzwwwwSaawweEeeKeeeGqOGGGMhGG$b" `'"*?lfT354AwojuuuayyyaywwwwaaZXaheeeeeeGeEeeOGGGGGGGNqM;___` `""*?lTT554ayjoeaaawaGGwwaeeeeeeaNNGGGeGGGNNNNNWF>*"` `'"*7TfSwKKaEwweEaeeKaHGGeaHGGGGeGGGqNNGGbr^;;_. ""*?TfkweeeeGGeaGMGGGGGGGGOeGqNNNGNM^^^^^^,.` `"7lfPkqNEeGeGGGGGGGmNGGOGGGOWF^^^^^^^^^;;_. `"*?TPGGGNqNNOeGNNNOGNNGbr^^^^^^^^^^^^;__,.` `'"7lfP0GHHNNqqNNNqM>^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^;_. `""?lfh0h0NGWF^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^;|^^^^;__,. `""?fff7>;^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^; ``''""""""**^^^^>^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ```''""""**^;;^^ `''" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Varanon 892 Posted May 7, 2011 oh god, someone says: physics and everyone jumps in the BAN(d)waggon? common.. What's the problem :confused: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sergeantshizzle 10 Posted May 7, 2011 What's the problem :confused: Everyone is singling out Physics as the explanation for the ball hitting the wall as opposed to other possibilities. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
contrails 10 Posted May 7, 2011 hopefully no one beat me to it: I may have missed some, but it gives the general idea :) (ignore the ugly red/green lines from word spellcheck) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UnuldorCZ 10 Posted May 7, 2011 (edited) hopefully no one beat me to it: I may have missed some, but it gives the general idea :) (ignore the ugly red/green lines from word spellcheck) +1 on this Edited May 7, 2011 by UnuldorCZ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sergeantshizzle 10 Posted May 7, 2011 Now we should focus on translating that small sentence from the email. Can't believe we haven't got that already tbh. Google translate > Auto-detect language > Translate English > ??? > Profit Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
anc 0 Posted May 7, 2011 Mine: `_. ______.______ ._. =Dpqy;, ,uL_, `.._LuyyyywyyqqayyuL_yqqaqD%bbM' .qpqaL__` 3qpqWmqWQBQQQBbQ8Q8B8#hkhMP"jWyL_. .. `y8Bppqqet` *TfTTll0%MP$M9$RlhqhhHaaewayWN$NMF _sus+_. "*T%QWpDL_.._L, 3aGGqEweHyyMSaSaOGKqQWf?fXsL____, *fyjAUa_.___,. -f98bZuSqpQQE. lGNNGKweea%ffqa5WpqQmWL<EwKwaKqqC. '*TP7ssussas` _;__.(tFtXkZ$QQ#f` ?NNNNGGNHeawqpMjQQQ#9Rf3qqaaKf9#ku_ `*yjUU[yZL;.'TfwjqfcVtffSqp*` `__.,__ :GNNqOGEeeee0Mh4DqWqffCapBQpE'7uuauLLL+++<ye?fKKf"ff" `'"""Tssscqf5L;__,.` =EFLcaWy. 'GNN0eGGGNEeHaay#N8Bpy;""*lT" <qqf[4nnn1qB#G;(3L` `_+_. `_cuusaP]jAUXyCjGsLc0Nq6r"hf" `3NNGGGGGekaEe$M9pQQ#eZ` `'"'"jaayFfffGr!Fl...=yQqL`_=ss]F5fF3F5Xo4faPoyoqP0qC '''' ($OeGNOh0EGwaeayqRhPSycL_ `?f?^!"""""""""">\Tf3fLV]xx][2Vxusx4AAuyqEwwWFl[7~___. ^HGGNNOaqEwwaeee#FSayowaC.yqyyy; ``_><;_. . _ssc}t{yuxu]]CtuyuakyFjqQMPyqRyqRL ``` "fG0NNNG0OeH0kSwSwaMAZX4scyffP9F J3F2s3,.=cLss}TTcnf]11s}yafzoX1zyPhPwSodr`***!. '"*lffeGGGeeeawa9MSwyyyaMuuuGs;~_..TffKkarl[suppqyyyssxx1uxfozXXyaKwaywwwaP' '"7?ffeNweyyywFs5ffKeaajy>^*"|^^/!*^7(aQ8bpQPKHyu[31xs3yaaWMoaGaaeKqr `'"?T5SPOeayyy44fffF>;;LL>>L;____wP9%MPwywaayyjsyqpmbfowoPKKKa#' ``''*?lfPNOGeaaqFzyyyyjaawyySSwaawSqKaKeeGGpQbMGMowKwwwwwak,_.` `'*?TfPflTffPPZ1jwwZSwSGeawkwaKEeHG6kwaEaaeeEaeeHQ7'``` `""*^^^73awwwyawSwhHHHKSeaNaekHKHGEeeEaGeeeKR. '""""*lffwNGGeawwaaweGMGGEwaeeaaeKaNGGEqk^^;_. `"";;;;_,. `'"*?TffHKqkHeGGGheaKeaWOGGaaGGEdC__.` `-!|^^^^^^;_,. `'"7?fhGGGeqEaaaGGGOGGNOem>^^^;;____;;^^^^^^^^;,.. `""7lfh0GOGNGaEGNGqk>^^^^;___~^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. `"?TfPH$PHGEdF^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^;|^_,. `"""**7lfPf7^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^;^ `""*^^^^^^***|^^^^^;;^^;^^^^^^^^ `'"*^;^^;.'*^^^^;"""""^|^^^^^ '*|^^;;__^;^^^;_. `""**** '"^;^^;;~""****"' `""*^^^*:` `` Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[frl]myke 15 Posted May 7, 2011 got received 20 usable mails, i think this will do...i'll finish this, even as Contrails beaten me there ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sergeantshizzle 10 Posted May 7, 2011 hopefully no one beat me to it: I may have missed some, but it gives the general idea :) (ignore the ugly red/green lines from word spellcheck) It looks like it's got some sort of visual artifact that rolls up from the bottom as the animation goes on? What's with that line? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tempusmurphy 10 Posted May 7, 2011 A quick idea out there..... but could the bullet mean a better armor model for tanks ....with round penetration rather than the old hp system ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WackyIraqi 2 Posted May 7, 2011 Now we should focus on translating that small sentence from the email. Can't believe we haven't got that already tbh. Google translate > Auto-detect language > Translate English > ??? > Profit Looks like an image signature. Might be able to use google goggles to translate though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PuFu 4600 Posted May 7, 2011 A quick idea out there..... but could the bullet mean a better armor model for tanks ....with round penetration rather than the old hp system ? if by bullet you refer to the physics engine, then not really no Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
contrails 10 Posted May 7, 2011 It looks like it's got some sort of visual artifact that rolls up from the bottom as the animation goes on? What's with that line? the line is from the word formatting - I think it copied over some of the forum formatting when I copy pasted Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-TNA-BlackHawk 10 Posted May 7, 2011 It looks like it's got some sort of visual artifact that rolls up from the bottom as the animation goes on? What's with that line? No, that line isn't BIS spy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
archer-brad 10 Posted May 7, 2011 RECAP: for all those uninterested in 280 pages of reading What we know/think China will be featured as as conquering force HMS Astute may be involved Naval insertions of spec ops teams may be present Possible New bullet physics or destructible environment what we have Wierd texts strange arbabic emails, lil bit freaky to get me thinks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gammadust 12 Posted May 7, 2011 hopefully no one beat me to it: I may have missed some, but it gives the general idea :) (ignore the ugly red/green lines from word spellcheck) If this ^^ is not something about physics... I really don't know what might be more significant in this animation! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sergeantshizzle 10 Posted May 7, 2011 the line is from the word formatting - I think it copied over some of the forum formatting when I copy pasted oh my bad I saw that thing in the bracket afterwards :bounce3: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aidas2 10 Posted May 7, 2011 It all leads up to one big mystery. The Sub, Sbs guy, map, this. I think we're going to get either one heck of a massive awesome update that adds new campaign and some nice engine updates. Or a new Standalone expansion like Arrowhead was or maybe a new game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
duke_N 10 Posted May 7, 2011 that's mine .,..` .,,___+cwaKyaayyuuLL;L___. . ....` `._+Ls4F2uxqwffKydbkPPPkea#oaHEyuLL__LuL, JaGGGqayyyyyyysuyaqyyyaqpbL_L3fdNaaaaeaOyaePakaqmyyUUuL_ *fPh$DpqqWDbDQQpD#MffT55ja3XF[jWHHHHOHK4jffPPaqP7$Gay44us..__,. `3qqqWDDDWppqQBpqqqqqqppDqyyaqhTfPSPZfqqayyjjqh;c3f0EyappyayyyusL;__,.` 7DbDWDDDDQQQBB8QDQQR6##hft}Fxy.JojjyyWf50NmDpqyyyyqqqb#faGGGeeGGEyyyyysLLL____,.` `09WWWWWQQQQbbDQQBQppppppppppp;_J5*"""'*fHEG#f$6NdbQ#MaaHHGGGOGqNNGEeHHGWKaeeaaayyuy_ *WpQQDDQQQQQQQb%%%8Qb%$9bQfffuyaqL `Jqppf*'*TjqMhyKKaeeqqGGGOGGGGeeeqmKaeeeeeeeqb' `fDDDWpQQQDQQQppqqQQ8QpQQbCJQBQ%hk_____lf* 'l%EaeewGEKd#GNNqqNGWNGOhffffPHEeeGQF ?Wm6DDDdD6D6DR%8QQRGdQMfPCjhfC`_yqqaaqpgpqy_ -uu35KSqOaEaGNNNNNGmNEeeGGaaqEyyUfG" "0NNmWNWWWWWmqWDR%bQQBM%ppQQpF 'fhqpQBBg@&ggy.`lOHGwyPaNNGGGqNNNGGGGGNOGEGDOHGEqM` `3qNGGNmN$$mqmN$NNW6KuL))}*?uuLLyyggg@&&&&g&&L ~aGHHHeGNOGNNNONNNGGEGWEGG$$GGGGQF ?$OGGNMHeGNmmOeGdR#$NGqqq"?dWqWqQgggg&&&&&&&M_=SkKaeGGNmqNGGGGGGHGGmWGNNGGGGGWQ* "KGGGOGGNNNNNGGGGOaaaks)l,/???l98ggg&&&@g&&@*^a44SKKGOHhOOGGHGGqqGO$NGNGGGGGEd8' `zGGOGNNNNNNNGNOGN$0$fXyy1jq,`(aQ@&&&&g&&&@f+cfFVoXShheeKkHNeGNdNGeHGHHGWNGGGWM` TeGNNNNNN$$NGHeGOKKusyySZaf` *fh#98@@@@fflcT}sAuf34AXSaSeaNGGNNNNGGGGENWNNNWQC ^OGNNNNNNGGGGGGGEKaeaaEoSyyuy; _qqqaL_._Laya4u[sV[u4yGweEeOGNNGGqWGGGHhGNNWQ" -fG0M0GNGGOGGNKKeeeeeHSwawZa%" ?fPfffEa$fPC*l35]jaoyHheeeeeHNGOG$NNNNGGGNOdM` '"*?ffhNGNG0EaeHOKeKaeGwwSyLLLyyyyuaC?f}sssLys?fkaaeeeeGeeaNNGGGGGGhNNNNGQT `"*?TfPGEKKeeeaekSwwwZdR8b%%Mff_<sussaKyyyaeKPSeGMGeHGGGGNGGEaWqNGNQ* `""7?fPPPSaaeZSwP1uci?}UUu1s$PwhwwwaKeaKwaeeeGeeHEGqOGGGNNNOqR' `'"*?TfF5fXoKyyyyyyjuoKwaKwaKwKaGOeeHHGGGGeaeOGGGGeGNOqF ``""*?T5ffXXGywaaaaKSaeeaaHOeeeeeGqNGGGeGNNNGGNNb* `"*7lfSaaaKeKwwHGeeeeeGNGee0GGNGNNNNNNNNNm, `"*?l5hPaeeGeGGEeGMGGGGNNGqNNNNGOGH$E>;,. `'"?Tfkk$qHGGaGNNGGOGWNNNOGGNGWt^^^^;__,. `"*?fPGGGNqNNOGNNNNOGNGGWr^^^^^^>^^;_,... `'"?lff0hhHNNqqNNNGM>^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^;_.` `""?lfh0h0NGWF^^^^^^^^^^^^^|^^^^^^;;__,. `""?fff7>;^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^;^^^^^;^;_ ``''"""""***^^^>^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ```''""""***^;;^^ ``'" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites