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About duke_N

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  1. duke_N

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Yes that's something I wanted to test or ask but I somehow forgot it. :( The player should definitely be influenced by physx especially to make collisions and interactions with objects more realistic.
  2. duke_N

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I tried arma3 on gc. But I have to admit I didn't really "test" the infantry controls. There wasn't just enough time for everything and I wanted to try some other things first like the new physx driving model, diving and the improved lighting. After that I tried the infantry showcase and the firing drills. The controls and movement felt like arma2 but with some improvements. The movement was a bit more fluid and faster and all in all it's slightly better than in arma2. But in my opinion there should be some deeper changes in controls to make them more fluid. As already mentioned movement speed could be controlled by mousewheel and leaning by shift + mouse movement. This would free some keys for other things. It also would be great if the action menu is only accessible if an additional key is pressed because I sometimes open it accidently. For example shift + mousewheel. The animations are definitely better than in arma2 and I like them. All in all arma3 felt like arma2 with important and necessary improvements. In the short time I played I didn't find changes I dislike and I think I will buy arma3. But I hope for more improvements. :p
  3. wow great! never understood sqs/sqf really but i wrote some java stuff cant wait to try it out!
  4. duke_N

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Yeah finally diving is possible. Now we can have real navy seals!
  5. duke_N

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    that's mine .,..` .,,___+cwaKyaayyuuLL;L___. . ....` `._+Ls4F2uxqwffKydbkPPPkea#oaHEyuLL__LuL, JaGGGqayyyyyyysuyaqyyyaqpbL_L3fdNaaaaeaOyaePakaqmyyUUuL_ *fPh$DpqqWDbDQQpD#MffT55ja3XF[jWHHHHOHK4jffPPaqP7$Gay44us..__,. `3qqqWDDDWppqQBpqqqqqqppDqyyaqhTfPSPZfqqayyjjqh;c3f0EyappyayyyusL;__,.` 7DbDWDDDDQQQBB8QDQQR6##hft}Fxy.JojjyyWf50NmDpqyyyyqqqb#faGGGeeGGEyyyyysLLL____,.` `09WWWWWQQQQbbDQQBQppppppppppp;_J5*"""'*fHEG#f$6NdbQ#MaaHHGGGOGqNNGEeHHGWKaeeaaayyuy_ *WpQQDDQQQQQQQb%%%8Qb%$9bQfffuyaqL `Jqppf*'*TjqMhyKKaeeqqGGGOGGGGeeeqmKaeeeeeeeqb' `fDDDWpQQQDQQQppqqQQ8QpQQbCJQBQ%hk_____lf* 'l%EaeewGEKd#GNNqqNGWNGOhffffPHEeeGQF ?Wm6DDDdD6D6DR%8QQRGdQMfPCjhfC`_yqqaaqpgpqy_ -uu35KSqOaEaGNNNNNGmNEeeGGaaqEyyUfG" "0NNmWNWWWWWmqWDR%bQQBM%ppQQpF 'fhqpQBBg@&ggy.`lOHGwyPaNNGGGqNNNGGGGGNOGEGDOHGEqM` `3qNGGNmN$$mqmN$NNW6KuL))}*?uuLLyyggg@&&&&g&&L ~aGHHHeGNOGNNNONNNGGEGWEGG$$GGGGQF ?$OGGNMHeGNmmOeGdR#$NGqqq"?dWqWqQgggg&&&&&&&M_=SkKaeGGNmqNGGGGGGHGGmWGNNGGGGGWQ* "KGGGOGGNNNNNGGGGOaaaks)l,/???l98ggg&&&@g&&@*^a44SKKGOHhOOGGHGGqqGO$NGNGGGGGEd8' `zGGOGNNNNNNNGNOGN$0$fXyy1jq,`(aQ@&&&&g&&&@f+cfFVoXShheeKkHNeGNdNGeHGHHGWNGGGWM` TeGNNNNNN$$NGHeGOKKusyySZaf` *fh#98@@@@fflcT}sAuf34AXSaSeaNGGNNNNGGGGENWNNNWQC ^OGNNNNNNGGGGGGGEKaeaaEoSyyuy; _qqqaL_._Laya4u[sV[u4yGweEeOGNNGGqWGGGHhGNNWQ" -fG0M0GNGGOGGNKKeeeeeHSwawZa%" ?fPfffEa$fPC*l35]jaoyHheeeeeHNGOG$NNNNGGGNOdM` '"*?ffhNGNG0EaeHOKeKaeGwwSyLLLyyyyuaC?f}sssLys?fkaaeeeeGeeaNNGGGGGGhNNNNGQT `"*?TfPGEKKeeeaekSwwwZdR8b%%Mff_<sussaKyyyaeKPSeGMGeHGGGGNGGEaWqNGNQ* `""7?fPPPSaaeZSwP1uci?}UUu1s$PwhwwwaKeaKwaeeeGeeHEGqOGGGNNNOqR' `'"*?TfF5fXoKyyyyyyjuoKwaKwaKwKaGOeeHHGGGGeaeOGGGGeGNOqF ``""*?T5ffXXGywaaaaKSaeeaaHOeeeeeGqNGGGeGNNNGGNNb* `"*7lfSaaaKeKwwHGeeeeeGNGee0GGNGNNNNNNNNNm, `"*?l5hPaeeGeGGEeGMGGGGNNGqNNNNGOGH$E>;,. `'"?Tfkk$qHGGaGNNGGOGWNNNOGGNGWt^^^^;__,. `"*?fPGGGNqNNOGNNNNOGNGGWr^^^^^^>^^;_,... `'"?lff0hhHNNqqNNNGM>^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^;_.` `""?lfh0h0NGWF^^^^^^^^^^^^^|^^^^^^;;__,. `""?fff7>;^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^;^^^^^;^;_ ``''"""""***^^^>^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ```''""""***^;;^^ ``'"