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Bin Laden Is Dead

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Osama Bin Laden's Compound Recreated In 'Counter Strike' Video Game

An independent developer recently made waves for designing a video game level based on Osama bin Laden's Abbottabad compound.

The developer, who calls himself Fletch, created the level as an add-on for the first-person shooter game "Counter Strike: Source."

The level is set in a compound resembling photographs of the bin Laden hideout, which last week became the site of a U.S. Navy SEALs raid resulting in bin Laden's death. Users can download the map as a backdrop for different plots within "Counter Strike."

The New York Times reported on Monday that "several thousand people" had downloaded the level.

"I can see how people would think it is in bad taste, but honestly if that's your opinion you may as well protest the whole game (as well as many others)," Fletch wrote Monday on customization site GameBanana, where you can view screenshots of the Abbottabad level map.

Last week, developers released an episode of "Kuma War II" that recreates the raid on bin Laden's hideout. Players can choose to enter the game as Navy SEALs who pursue and kill bin Laden, or as guards who defend bin Laden against the intruders. Kotaku reports that the episode doesn't truly follow the details of the raid but that the layout of the compound is fairly accurate.


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I read on CBS that they will "grill" Bin Ladens wifes soon and that one of them said, that she lived in hideout 6 years.

Okay, wait a minute. Why do they wanna examine them now, but on 9/11 they evacuated the Bin Laden Family(Also CBS)? Could they guess that they could have valuable information?

I saw this "Osama watches himself on TV" Video and it's so fake. Show him from behinde? And that should be a evidence for what? Their is no date or something else that would proof something.

In my opinion, this was staged from the word go.

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Okay, wait a minute. Why do they wanna examine them now, but on 9/11 they evacuated the Bin Laden Family(Also CBS)?

Bin Laden has a HUGE family. Bin laden himself has 54 brothers and sisters and 20 something children.

The ones evacuated after 9/11 were the family members he doesn't have any contact with since he was disowned by many of them when he became a terrorist.



Bin Laden's Son: Worst Is Yet to Come


Bombs and jetliners are hardly the real threat when you have people like this pumping out babies like crazy and possibly raising them to be terrorists like mom and pop.

Thankfully most of the Bin Ladens are more interested in making money then hating the west.

Edited by jblackrupert

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Bin Laden has a HUGE family. Bin laden himself has 54 brothers and sisters and 20 something children.

Imagine i would murder somebody, no matter who, and i would escape. I bet the police would show up by my mom and pa and would ask them some questions. And than they would show up by my brother and sister.

Thats logic.

But evacuate them? Because they and bush are so good business associates?

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conspiracy theories are getting funny, you might believe what you want but even on the 9/11 conspiracy theories non could be held for truth and where even redeculed in the end by those that spouted out those conspiracy theories.

All of a sudden it was a conspiracy by the government towards those conspiracy theories to make those conspiracy theories redeculed and

there for non valid. " go figure " these new conspiracy theories will be redeculed in the end also, what does it mather anyway?

If you are one to believe that the old US adminstration would plan the 9/11 attacks so they could enter in a war against terror? Fine If you want to believe they planned it to take away your freedom fine! If you believe they did that so you feel more secure? "Are you?" Non can be proven and it is all speculation of people with a more wider imadgination. Sure some stuff is obvious, now was there realy a fire fight betwean bin ladins people and the us SOF? hmmm where you or me there!? even Pakistanian officals where not there? with a valid reason why give a way an important operation when you know one is not trusted ;) so the news probbebly will tell you the truth huh, yeah right ^^

The only people that knows the truth are those people that where involved. If you are not happy with the info you have gotten from them thats your freedom right there :D For sure it is time to make some conspiracy theories and not to believe what is said, thats what people do! and ofcourse the US and pakistanian adminstration will do everyhing to make them selves look good, but can we get a hold on the facts? NO! The bothem line is he is death! thats " the only fact we have! "

Oh yeah i forgot he is not :rolleyes: lol djees get a life! I mean what do i or anyone care i think we have a lot more bones to pick then making up story's in our current lifes no?

kind regards

Edited by KBourne

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You used the therm "conspiracy theories" seven times. :rolleyes: And it looks like that you could imagine that even the "official", i mean the gov. version of the story, is also just a "conspiracy theorie".

If you are one to believe that the old US adminstration would plan the 9/11 attacks so they could enter in a war against terror? Fine If you want to believe they planned it to take away your freedom fine! If you believe they did that so you feel more secure? "Are you?"

Wowowowow wait a secound. What in the world let people feel more secure if the government is behind this, that their own/or allied gov. killed 3000 of their own people?

To know that governments did such things all over history let people feel more secure. What the hell man? Where is the logic?

lol djees get a life!

Okay, let us think about this just for 5 secounds. Does "get a life" means, that you should studie history and learn about things that the government does and learn to understand how live workes, or does "get a life" mean "get back to your TV, Playstation, junkfood and videogames".

I mean what do i or anyone care i think we have a lot more bones to pick then making up story's in our current lifes no?

That my couch chair have to be fixed has no meaning while there is a international war going on that burns my taxmoney. Hey, we are in a global crisis. Financial collapse, War and Terror. And every time in history, when people withdraw to their small crochet tablecloth, they get fucked. They get fucked realy hard. And i don't wanna get fucked.

And i'am getting tired about this "we will never learn what realy happend" BS. Thats propaganda to stay down and don't get involved.

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The government is spraying us with chemtrails from planes flying overhead making us stupid sheep but the conspiracy theorists are wise and hold their breath for 10 minutes

whenever a plane flies over.

The lack of oxygen to the brain has made them smarter then us. Oxygen is a CIA lab invention also.

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You used the therm "conspiracy theories" seven times. :rolleyes: And it looks like that you could imagine that even the "official", i mean the gov. version of the story, is also just a "conspiracy theorie".

If you read what i have said you will see written SARCASM MUCH all over it thats just the point!

Wowowowow wait a secound. What in the world let people feel more secure if the government is behind this, that their own/or allied gov. killed 3000 of their own people?

thats one of those conspiracy theories out there mate i did not made it up so don't shoot the messenger :D

To know that governments did such things all over history let people feel more secure. What the hell man? Where is the logic?

ask those that spouded it out will ya :p its not logic to me eather thats why SARCASM steps in for me :rolleyes:

Okay, let us think about this just for 5 secounds. Does "get a life" means, that you should studie history and learn about things that the government does and learn to understand how live workes, or does "get a life" mean "get back to your TV, Playstation, junkfood and videogames".

My life is to take care of my kid go to work earn money to buy food and just live my life.

That my couch chair have to be fixed has no meaning while there is a international war going on that burns my taxmoney. Hey, we are in a global crisis. Financial collapse, War and Terror. And every time in history, when people withdraw to their small crochet tablecloth, they get fucked. They get fucked realy hard. And i don't wanna get fucked.

LoL you can't do anything about it when your are making up story's is it? i don't want to be fucked eather, but as long it does not come to my dour step i will mind my own bussiness. I have bigger bones to pick like already said! I work for a living like many other people i try to give my kid a good life with what we have, so now and then i try to play ArmA (bis games) and do some mission editing and figure stuff out in this game devoloped by BIS. That does not mean that i don't care what is happening on a other part of the world but it deffinitly means that i care more about my own bussiness then off some one elses, Osbi is death well good! over a have a year it will be history.

And i'am getting tired about this "we will never learn what realy happend" BS. Thats propaganda to stay down and don't get involved.

Like you can do a damn thing about it!? i have the slight feeling you are acting way to serious anyway ( remember SARCASM :D )

Kind regards.

Edited by KBourne

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To expect crystal clear, 100% accurate information, on a recent event is ridiculous in the extreme. Discrepancies will inevitably appear but instead of recognising this fact people cry conspiracy theory.
Well if you think the neighbours are wrong near that compound (as in you must know better than they) because roul mote (cant spell his name at all) example that not an example at all, Bin Laden was supposed to be there for 6 "years". Me thinks if Mote was about in that village for 6 years it might have come to light at some stage, plus bin laden was the most wanted man in the "world" and all over the "world" news for longer periods that him, a bit different mate.

Also when you say not 100 percent accurate, have you actually seen this mis-reporting of this whole thing? Have you watched the video of him watching himself? Thats not about accurate info or even discrepancies, that's about complete laughable evidence of his existence when its clear as you like that cant be proven to be him. What you see is an exercise not in accurate info, but in "look he was here" evidence, so far evidence existing that could be put in court doesn't show that he was their apart from being told he was, ive yet to see anything that backs up all the claims thus far, I must just assume he was, becuase that's what happened apparently.

Im personally not shouting conspiracy theory, im shouting very firmly, the evidence to back up his existence at that place is currently in the "complete bollocks" tray, my view of course :), no hats of foil and no dribbling. Take all the evidence so far and prove he was in that building, im still looking to see so far, but lets ignore the residence who have live their because that's not relevant either I suppose. Look at this for what it is now and looking at the entire thing for 10 years you will notice the strangeness of it all, but going by the last couple of posts I doubt it will matter much, especially Jblacks recent edition to the thread ... dear me, cant get more off topic.

Edited by mrcash2009

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My life is to take care of my kid go to work earn money to buy food and just live my life.

Okay, how sounds that.: Getting cancer from GMO food.

Or that: The Kid becomes sick from healtcare vaccinations.

Or that one: You lost you job because Wallstreet now burns the US and every manufacturing goes to the new battering ram, to china.

Or that: When you kid becomes 18, hes get forced into the wardraft to fight terrorists and make some money for Halliburton.

Would this be near enough your doorstep? Because than its to late.

Like you can do a damn thing about it!?

Oh God look at the men in this country. Always getting whiny "Buhuhu i can't do anything about".

Where are the guts?

Hey, you can continuing with that head-in-the-sand manner, but than you shouldn't make stupid jokes about people who care about what happens.

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Okay, how sounds that.: Getting cancer from GMO food.

Or that: The Kid becomes sick from healtcare vaccinations.

thats firmly covered by my insurance so im not worried!

Or that one: You lost you job because Wallstreet now burns the US and every manufacturing goes to the new battering ram, to china.

Or that: When you kid becomes 18, hes get forced into the wardraft to fight terrorists and make some money for Halliburton.

already hapened twice recovered twice on my own without any help, thats why i said i take care of my own at the moment i need to take care of my own! dont BULLshit me with theory's mate im not a little kid you think i am.

Would this be near enough your doorstep? Because than its to late.

It was on my doorstep and i dealth with it, its never to late to do something when it has to be don as long you use

your mind and the right course to follow it. Ofcourse you will always have people that want to be caried by society but

thats not the person i am, Close enough!?

Oh God look at the men in this country. Always getting whiny "Buhuhu i can't do anything about".

If you are a grown up you're acting with a very childish niveau, if that's the case then i will end the conversation here!

Where are the guts?

Guts in which kind of sentance? When i need it i will use it :confused:

Hey, you can continuing with that head-in-the-sand manner, but than you shouldn't make stupid jokes about people who care about what happens.

Stamping your feet on the ground already arent you ^^

PS: i think it is best you lay down your arms mate ;) you have your ways i have mine, i will respect yours but i won't aggree on it nor degenrate you for it! long live freedom of speech hey but i urge you not to get personal because of my ways!

Kind regards.

Edited by KBourne

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Well if you think the neighbours are wrong near that compound (as in you must know better than they) because roul mote example that not an example at all, Bin Laden was supposed to be their for 6 "years". Me thinks if Mote was about in that village for 6 years it might have come to light at some stage, plus bin laden was the most wanted man in the "world" and all over the "world" news for longer periods that him, a bit different mate.

It is a perfect example that wanted people can easily hide in areas with a high concentration of population. Yes, the situations are different, statement of the bleeding obvious. Nevertheless, there are thousands of wanted people out there evading the authorities for years, the example stands.

In addition, it has not been stated that he was there for 6 years.

Also when you say not 100 percent accurate, have you actually seen this mis-reporting of this whole thing? Have you watched the video of him watching himself? Thats not about accurate info that's about complete laughable evidence of his existence when its clear as you like that cant be proven to be him. What you see is an exersize not in accurate info, but in "look he was here" evidence, so far evidence existing that could be put in court doesn't show that he was their apart from being told he was, ive yet to see anything that backs up all the claims thus far, I must just assume he was, becuase that's what happened apparently.

The event is too recent to get a clear picture and considering it was a top secret mission certain details will remain sketchy. Very simple to understand. Just look at the historiography of certain subjects, take WW2 for example. Do you think an accurate view of the conflict existed in the 1940s and 1950s? No, it was too recent and not enough source materiel was available to gain an accurate view. Only now are we beginning to possess one. The same applies here. Many agencies have reported different versions of the events. A good example is how the helicopter crashed.

Neither can you prove that it is not him. Unless you are claiming to have significant enough knowledge of Bin Laden to be able to determine what he would and would not do and what would and would not be going on in that compound. To be honest, I hardly find him watching Al Jazeera to be strange. It is well known that Al Qaeda and similar groups are quite reliant on the news media for information and the like.

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It is a perfect example that wanted people can easily hide in areas with a high concentration of population. Yes, the situations are different, statement of the bleeding obvious. Nevertheless, there are thousands of wanted people out there evading the authorities for years, the example stands.

In addition, it has not been stated that he was there for 6 years.

The event is too recent to get a clear picture and considering it was a top secret mission certain details will remain sketchy. Very simple to understand. Just look at the historiography of certain subjects, take WW2 for example. Do you think an accurate view of the conflict existed in the 1940s and 1950s? No, it was too recent and not enough source materiel was available to gain an accurate view. Only now are we beginning to possess one. The same applies here. Many agencies have reported different versions of the events. A good example is how the helicopter crashed.

Neither can you prove that it is not him. Unless you are claiming to have significant enough knowledge of Bin Laden to be able to determine what he would and would not do and what would and would not be going on in that compound. To be honest, I hardly find him watching Al Jazeera to be strange. It is well known that Al Qaeda and similar groups are quite reliant on the news media for information and the like.

+1 on this, and most likely they wont release to many info to early. I'm not sure but i see that the obama (administration) tries to be very carfull in how to bring this to the public, its just speculation of my side but thats the feeling i get.

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Guts in which kind of sentance?

You know, guts. Guts like spunk, gumption, bravery.

dont BULLshit me with theory's mate im not a little kid you think i am.

I count facetiously with a lack of knowledge as childish behavior. You repeat what the corporte media like the history channel or psychology today try to telling us about conspiracy theories(people fell them save when they make things up about a criminal governmet more than by the threat of a small gang of psychophats), but i should not "bullshit" you with "theories"(means an individual opinion by someone who does not profitiers from war) ? What kind of logic is that.

Looks like even the word "theory" gets more and more a bad meaning.

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You know, guts. Guts like spunk, gumption, bravery.

What has guts to do with the death of bin laden if i may ask you? because i don't want to believe that he is not death or even is death? or maybe already died in the past!

I count facetiously with a lack of knowledge as childish behavior..

You know as much as i do mate! we read and see and hear the same things, the difference is that i back down on it till i have more information.

You repeat what the corporte media like the history channel or psychology today try to telling us about conspiracy theories

lol i was repeating directly of a conspiracy theorie site, it had nothing to do with media or even corporating media like they show, btw i don't watch that much tv mate ;-) i read books in stead! Now you made me smile :)

(people fell them save when they make things up about a criminal governmet more than by the threat of a small gang of psychophats),

but i should not "bullshit" you with "theories"(means an individual opinion by someone who does not profitiers from war) ? What kind of logic is that.

If someone is repeating thoughts about something Minutemen, then it is you right here! this is not your individual opinion this is a repeating matter that is talked over and over and over again on those sites " this is a fact and not a theory " . Conspiracy theories and media are too one sided in my eyes! And then im not taking a side on with what you think is wrong! I just can not form my opinion on it because it lacks information!

Looks like even the word "theory" gets more and more a bad meaning.

Talk to those that uses theory's to make others bad, without comming with real facts that supports those theory's! The reason why i am oposed of those kind of debates is because "like already said" they don't show facts, and as stated above by snafu that is the reason why i react frosty on those theory's, they are too highly speculative without any prove. The media is jumping on it like crazy horses. And ofcourse a lot of the believers are jumping to conclusions and on the band wagon. Yes i will back down on it then! I nor you and not anyone else hold anough valid information to have any opinions in that matter. I can not say i can look to the info we have now like the info we have about the 2nd world war. The whole raid is not even booked as history mate.

If you think that i don't have the guts because i take care of my own! then yeah im gutless, show up on my door step with a gun and the intention to harm me or my daugther or anyone that i care about in that matter!? We will see who has the guts ;) Like said i will step up when i need to! Don't try to discribe who or what i am because you don't know me and even trying so makes the conversation to speculative without prove and it is just a theory from you about me :D

Now back on topic Bin Laden Is Dead you can only dicuss ones death till a surtain point, like i see it this thread is more a base to conversate the theory behind the death of osama which was not the soil perpose of this thread.

kind regards

Edited by KBourne
Gramma and refrasing!

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Yes, the situations are different, statement of the bleeding obvious. Nevertheless, there are thousands of wanted people out there evading the authorities for years, the example stands.
Well as an example its too small fry and certainly not large scale, and this was bleeding obvious hence the fact that we are talking about 1 man whos number one on the wanted list in the entire world by every agency known to man and country and its borders involving at least one major long term war initially about finding him, so, no it doesn't stand, but you can have that one for sake of argument.
In addition, it has not been stated that he was there for 6 years.
No not every quote, but google it and you will see that its occupation of it was stated as around 6 years (not a few days by moat that its was reference too) and we are also talking about staying in one place for a long period for time, as in 1 building, not caves or desert/jungle/forest, that has neighbours, by worlds most wanted man.
The event is too recent to get a clear picture and considering it was a top secret mission certain details will remain sketchy. Very simple to understand. Just look at the historiography of certain subjects, take WW2 for example. Do you think an accurate view of the conflict existed in the 1940s and 1950s?
We are talking up to date technology in 2011, surveillance and also note that it was reported they had a link to what was happening on the ground (hmm maybe) .. so to compare WW2 to now in respect to examples is yet another massive "bleedin obvious" one ... that was a world war this is one bloke in a house with a carefully planned raid of which carried out many times before no doubt with the people involved and as we are lead to believe monitored throughout.
Neither can you prove that it is not him.
Im not proving its not, its just that its isnt him, but to prove it is, look at it, does it prove it is? Does it prove thats the very man in question in that compound? Just as the news reports, its the media telling us that's where its from, I as a human cant have that tell me something that I see as its not. I see the side shot of an old man "resembling" him, at a location that cold be anywhere in the world. I dont see him sat watching up do date news turning to the camera talking, showing new papers with date on, walking around to get visual clues of location or, well, anything. A middle eastern old fart watching TV, its meaningless, but if you watch the FOX video of the announcement of it they "tell" you its is ... "look, its him, look his arm moves!" ... :) No "theory" in a video being stated as something that when you actually look at it doesn't quite stack up with what its claimed to be proof of.
Unless you are claiming to have significant enough knowledge of Bin Laden to be able to determine what he would and would not do and what would and would not be going on in that compound.
I claim to look at the current evidence brought to me via the media, based on what they are telling me it is, that is all.
To be honest, I hardly find him watching Al Jazeera to be strange.
Not even a point I made, the man in that video could be watching Friends season 1, not interested in what hes watching, im looking at the man in the seat trying to work out how that tells me this is him in that compound as fact and proof, as stated by the media. I mean look at the photo-shopped picture of the wifes passport shot ... I mean, if this was about any other person or subject it would be laughed at. Edited by mrcash2009

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Well as an example its too small fry and certainly not large scale, and this was bleeding obvious hence the fact that we are talking about 1 man whos number one on the wanted list in the entire world by every agency known to man and country and its borders involving at least one major long term war initially about finding him, so, no it doesn't stand, but you can have that one for sake of argument.

It is irrelevant that he is the most wanted on all lists (is that even so or just hyperbole?) and known by almost everyone. It somehow implies that it would be impossible for him to hide and that everybody was utilising maximum resources in order to find him since 2001. The war in Afghanistan is being waged for a multitude reasons too.

People evade detection. It is an indisputable fact and history is filled with examples. If you want something more current just take a look at the wanted list of the FBI. One person that immediately springs to mind is Ayman Al-Zawahiri.

You are also assuming he had no help from elements of the government and military of Pakistan.

No not every quote, but google it and you will see that its occupation of it was stated as around 6 years (not a few days by moat that its was reference too) and we are also talking about staying in one place for a long period for time, as in 1 building, not caves or desert/jungle/forest, that has neighbours, by worlds most wanted man.

I did. Still seeing conflicting reports all over the place, on more than one issue too.

We are talking up to date technology in 2011, surveillance and also note that it was reported they had a link to what was happening on the ground (hmm maybe) .. so to compare WW2 to now in respect to examples is yet another massive "bleedin obvious" one ... that was a world war this is one bloke in a house with a carefully planned raid of which carried out many times before no doubt with the people involved and as we are lead to believe monitored throughout.

The time and technology is irrelevant. It does not make people, organisations and governments all seeing and all knowing. You also fail to understand the WW2 example so I will state this as clear as I can.

It will take time to get an accurate picture of what exactly happened.

Im not proving its not, its just that its isnt him, but to prove it is, look at it, does it prove it is? Does it prove thats the very man in question in that compound? Just as the news reports, its the media telling us that's where its from, I as a human cant have that tell me something that I see as its not. I see the side shot of an old man "resembling" him, at a location that cold be anywhere in the world. I dont see him sat watching up do date news turning to the camera talking, showing new papers with date on, walking around to get visual clues of location or, well, anything. A middle eastern old fart watching TV, its meaningless, but if you watch the FOX video of the announcement of it they "tell" you its is ... "look, its him, look his arm moves!" ... :) No "theory" in a video being stated as something that when you actually look at it doesn't quite stack up with what its claimed to be proof of.

I claim to look at the current evidence brought to me via the media, based on what they are telling me it is, that is all.

It's obviously limited footage but it looks like him so the responsibility lies with those who argue it isn't him to provide evidence. Doubts aren't enough.

I also think we need a new law. It will be called 'Snafu's Law' and the first one to mention Fox News loses.

Not even a point I made, the man in that video could be watching Friends season 1, not interested in what hes watching, im looking at the man in the seat trying to work out how that tells me this is him in that compound as fact and proof, as stated by the media. I mean look at the photo-shopped picture of the wifes passport shot ... I mean, if this was about any other person or subject it would be laughed at.

You said:

Have you watched the video of him watching himself?

I naturally thought you put some significance onto it.

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Hi all

A video has emerged of what may be President Barak Obama exchanging a message or Challenge Coins with Brig. Gen. Burke E. "Ed" Wilson is the Commander, 45th Space Wing, and Director, Eastern Range, Patrick Air Force Base, Fla. just two days before Osama bin Laden was killed.



A pat on the back for a job well done? Did some new and unknown form of satellite sensor ID Bin Laden from space? If a helicopter can be developed with no one knowing; a new form of Intel satellite would be much simpler to hide. We can tell there are planets the size of Earth orbiting distant stars. I wonder what the same techniques would yield up close. Space based Stealth aircraft detectors spring to mind picking up their silhouette against the ground; but could you ID equipment in a room say a dialysis machine even through a buildings walls or roof? A portable dialysis machine seemed to be in one of the photographs from inside Bin Laden's mansion.


I know satellites can be used to pick up specific chemical traces in a field from space and it is used to detect weed infestations or insect pests by their chemical spectroscopy and then treat the field. And that the same technology has been used to detect urban cannabis farms in houses from helicopters. And the techniques is also being used to "sniff out" mines from their chemical signature. Dialysis machines pump out certain chemicals it would be simple to detect their chemical signature too.

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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Looks like Omar Bin Laden the son who claimed he wanted to "Bring peace to the world"

is showing his true colours.

Assuming of course it actually is him who made these statements.

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Hi all, A video has emerged of what may be President Barak Obama exchanging a message or...

his lunch order

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It's obviously limited footage but it looks like him so the responsibility lies with those who argue it isn't him to provide evidence.
So then we could all show something that doesn't prove anything enough of what we claim to get it passed, as long as its just enough to force anyone else to prove its not, when it sort of speaks for itself? Well, we are all fucked then eh, bring on the anything I like you prove its not jamboree :)

Snafu I could take the time to quote your comments of mine and extend the forum into one large quote fest again adding more points to justify my points and so on, but lets just say that we disagree, and that's all there is to it realy, and you can have your own law if you like mate I just follow logic mainly.

That exchange was swift by Obama wasn't it, Obama would be good use in a nigh-club (sniff sniff :)). This could have been anything not just about Bin Laden.

To take the edge of the thread I watched UK stand up show "Stand Up For The Week" where they cover Bin Laden story:

Ones to watch are the hosts opening skit about it, and later in the show Rich Hall's world news section all about the story, very funny indeed especially from an American, good example of British views.

Edited by mrcash2009

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Interesting BBC coverage of the "nutty neighbours" again, silly people, notice the intro to the voice over is "apparently" very important use here.

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Oh boy, a video of interviews with a bunch of third world villagers who more then likely haven't attended a day of school or left the village their entire lives.

I'm convinced.

Now I'm off to have a drink a wise man introduced me to.



Edited by jblackrupert

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Oh boy, a video of interviews with a bunch of third world villagers who more then likely haven't attended a day of school or left the village their entire lives.

These "third world villagers" had an high civilization already when your ancestors lived in mud huts.

Damn, always this affluent neglect in western societies.

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