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Jman;1876299']+1 for Sahrani v2

+1 here too

I look forward to anything BIS puts out, but this is the only thing on my wishlist.

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New Sahrani would be dope. So much fun on it. If there is any more DLCs, Sahrani would be nice. Anything else seems like it should be whole expansion rather then DLC.

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  IceBreakr said:
Sahrani akhbar! Sahrani akhbar!


Looks like we have the same religion...

Sahrani akhbar!!!

+1001 from me for Sahrani v.2!

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I really really love Sahrani.

Especially the diverse terrain.

It would look awesome with the updated graphics.

Wanting Sahrani in A2 and A2OA is a religion that many will practice.

I don't think anyone, especially those who played ArmA 1, will reject this idea.

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I would like a Sahrani V2. Maybe the Sahrani government has started shooting people who want democratic reforms? marines get sent in. could work.

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Oh,Sahrani.......:) That's a great idea!Man,that would bring back so much memories and make room for more.Xaxa I can just hear the ArmA 1 music playing while watching a trailer of Sahrani 2.There's room for lots of ideas and one of them could be Russians as Blufor (US also Blufor) against RACS (which want a revolution or something) and SLA.There can be tons of different schenarios,so BIS should really think about this one!....Can't wait to play Evo on Sahrani again :bounce3: I know the island like the back of my hand.

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Oh boys, why don't you install ArmA+QG and get a real backflash? :p:D

Thing is that such DLC's (with only old stuff/content) can destroy creativity and originality of the game. Its imho better if BIS is going to connect Chernarus and Takistan with something like a Eurasian/Takistan-Chernarussian Steppe. In that way players would have enough space to use vehicles and aircrafts in combined operations.

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I like Everon but I will not install OFP again..

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I like the idea of re-making basically any of the former BIS game maps. Wheter it'd be some OFP island or Sahrani. Sahrani was a very intresting place to play tho, because of the variety it provided. The current maps are basically just one type of nature. Takistan = Desert, Chernarus = Woodland, and I think Proving grounds isn't worth mentioning here... In any case, Sahrani had it all. Moving down from the mountainious woodlanded areas of North Sahrani, into the warm sandy beaches of South Sahrani. Oh please BIS please, remake this, and let us see what hapenned to Sahrani after the war in 2007! 4 years has passed, has the United Sahrani managed to stay in good shape? Is some other country intrested in the vast oil fields of South, or is north being rebellious again? :rolleyes:

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  Kristian said:
In any case, Sahrani had it all. Moving down from the mountainious woodlanded areas of North Sahrani, into the warm sandy beaches of South Sahrani. Oh please BIS please, remake this, and let us see what hapenned to Sahrani after the war in 2007! 4 years has passed, has the United Sahrani managed to stay in good shape? Is some other country intrested in the vast oil fields of South, or is north being rebellious again? :rolleyes:

Ironically, that is why a lot of people didn't like it, including me to a certain degree. It wasn't realistic or at least I and most others can't think of any place similar to it. When warfare came out, I stopped caring though.

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+1 for Sahrani in Arma 2.

But a completely new (big) island of course also would be great.

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  JumpingHubert said:
i am happy with caa1 Sahrani @ Arma2 or Everon 2010.

CAA1's roads and ladders don't work, and many objects are floating or sunk into the ground.

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thats true. A fully replaced Sahrani with working roads, a2 clutter & vegetation may be the better choice :)

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