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Free time, hobbies etc.

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Lets talk about what do you do in your free time, do you guys have a hobby or some sort of a outdoor activitiy (BTW, paintball is for fags).

I used to do some airplane models, currently I'm observing the night sky (my old love).Thought of airsoft (my friend's initiative) but since I'm lazy as hell that will have to wait until some better days come... :(

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(BTW, paintball is for fags).

Let's try to not start off a thread by insulting a (rather large) group of people. Mm'kay? ;)

As for my hobby... Arma 2. :p

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Climbing (mostly trad)

Practical shooting (IPSC)



Diving (scuba and free)

Enduro (will buy a new husaberg 390 this year!)

Will take a course in kitesurfing next weekend and surfing next month

And ofcourse the obvious ones; beer, girls and arma2

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I have a skateboard, havent used it for a while though cos buying shoes over and over again because of the grip is quit costly too.

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Professional Pisshead!

Takes up most of my time! :cool:

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Miniature Painting

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~18. Century reenactment, more noblemens court life, less military. (fencing&dancing)

~Blackpowder shooting .50 Cal flintstone hunting rifles.

~Practical shooting (rifle and revolver) and olympic sport pistol (DSB)

~Blacksmithing and Knifemaking

~Hanging around in gothic scene clubs ~V~

~ArmA II

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Vidya Games/Game Maker

Learning Russian

Edited by GRS

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- Books: Actualy reading "Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking", recently i bought amazon kindle because it's impossible to have one more books on my flat, damn small flats!

- Miniature painting and making

- Poker Texas hold'em (only with friends, nothing reated with casinos or thing like that)

- Table games (Actually playing axis and allies pacific 1940, i love it)

- Trekking aka "let's go to the mountain"

- Camping, i love to pick up my tent and go trekking and sleep on the middle of the nowhere

- Travels, last one to Egypt, only two weeks before revolution began, next one will be Estambul

- Diving

- Cooking <--- seriously, i love it.

- And of course music, beers, heavy metal festivals, etc...

Now, what would be amazing will be that i could have enough time for my hobbies :(

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ArmA 2



Lazar Tag (< Fun!)

AFL (Australian Football)

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I don't know about you guys, but I love drinking beer and meeting skeezers. Don't get me wrong, I love Photography and working on my truck to make it stand out from the others, but I only do those when I feel that my libido, a bottomless pit most of the time, is fulfilled.

During the warmer months I'm usually getting my tan on and running. Running, I might add, is a good way to get rid of stress, tone your body, and even more importantly, another way to meet more chicks. Plus, I love the way new shoes smell.

Edited by Hans Ludwig

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Well I've recently quit my hobbies of both counting ants (theres over 1000!) and strolling thru tough neighborhoods asking gangbangers if they want to wrestle.


-Avid Mount and Blade Duelist

-Hill and Mountain running

-Weightlifting mostly powerlift if me backs good that week

-Rolling (submission grappling)

-Singing horribly with acoustic or syncopating beats on me hand drums

-Trying to keep up with my 5 month old son (also a grappler)

Edited by froggyluv

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- ArmA2, Lord o.t.Rings online, AssassinsCreed MP

- trying to find cool ideas for little games in Eclipse (Java, Android)

- composing metal/rock instrumentals on my eguitar in Reaper (http://www.reaper.fm/)

- constructing a little homerecording studio with 2 other guys

- watching movies on my 42" Samsung LED

- Gyms / finding a way to eat normally without gaining weight

- trying to get WoW fanatics over into LotRO (and failing horribly)

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Reading books -> hell I work at a book Store...

watching movies




In line skating

doing stupid stuff and getting into trouble

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Singing and playing country music in beer joints.

It's not a hobby though. It's my life obsession. :)

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