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PvP Animation replacement/enhancement pack

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Maybe this is a bug:

When pistol in hand with rifle hanging beside, then reload pistol, you will see your rifle is also get a new full mag.

Can't reproduce?!

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I was wondering if this is just client side or has to be on the server as well? I was talking to some friends I frequently play with about us using it when we play. A decision hasn't been made yet, so one of ours tried using it last night to see it in action but kept getting this running bug where he couldn't stop, lol.

So I was curious if it has to also be on the server as well?

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It's a client-side addon so far.

http://smookie.org/arma2/smk_Anims_019_build2.exe non-official release

v0.19 build 2 non-official -------------------

[improved] small speed tweaks for stance changing animations

[improved] anims for standing to/from proning (one stance skip) slightly reworked

[Added] weapon down animation added for going forward (Press stand to move with weapon down in a semi-jog) [this results in 5-step movement pace like in Splinter Cell series - walk, fast-paced walk, semi-jog, jog, sprint all available with 3 buttons/combinations]

[Fixed] pressing crouch when moving sideways or backwards would always result in crouch moving forward animations

[improved] Quick pistol switch walking forward animation reworked

[Added] Quick pistol switch walking forward left and right

[improved] Aim more steadier when walking forward

[improved] Walking regenerates stamina slowly

[improved] Faster stamina recovery when standing/crouching

[improved] Flip animation speeded up, shaky cam added, remapped to Stand key

[Added] Calibration/demonstration mission to quickly set up and learn all moves ingame.

[Added] New gesture for machinegun type weapon reloading + when prone the standard animation is played but lasts longer

[improved] Aiming precision while walking improved

[improved] Sprint slide no longer drains so much stamina

[improved] Panic move no longer drains so much stamina

[Fixed] Missing CAWeapons entry in config bug


expect build 3 official on saturday

Please note the project has changed name to CGA (Competitive Gaming Animations) in order to avoid confusing with "realism PvP" :)

Edited by Smookie

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Actually do you think it's compatible with AI, i mean they use your animation but sometimes they are immortal (it's the same when you play with someone without the mod in PvP)? Another problem i got with the last release but cannot reproduce more than first first time (do'h!) is a stuck in jogging animation when i tried to raise the weapon double tapping the ctrl button (default key for raise/low weapon)...

Actually the last release is the best I've seen, i think it's somehow "complete" for what i expected from it :D

Edited by Hornet_it

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There is a 1-1,5 s stuck in jogging animation at the beginning. I haven't yet worked out how to fix it but I will, no worries. This should be fixed by Saturday.

Also opinion on calibration mission would be welcome (whether it's explanatory enough, too fast/too slow etc.).'

About AI... I am not sure if the animations are compatible with them, they should be at least... It sometimes might look as if they were immortal but 100% they must be dead. Let me know what animations is being played and I will look into it's interpolations.

Edited by Smookie

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Smookie, could you also provide non-installer (extractable archives) versions? at least for official releases.

I'm really not a fan of installers, and unfortunately this one can't be extracted with 7zip.

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Maybe the problems are because it wasn't running on the server, considering the same problems were happening with clients not using the addon?

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Hey smookie I tried the download link and my Norton 360 kept removing it, I can disable it for anything else I download, but for some reason I can't download this, maybe a .zip file could work better, but anyway the changes sound great and I can't wait until it is complete.

EDIT: finally I managed to download it, this is awesome, yet to test in MP, but even after half an hour the controls already feel quite fluid, good job on the calibration mission, although one complaint is that it can be a bit hard to get to sniper sit, without hitting the blind fire key combo and cancelling it. I really like how CQB is so fluid. Also is it possible to tuck in the elbows a little bit more in the standing while aiming animation? it would help with fitting through doors etc. and it would look a little better

Edited by Militantsausage

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Stances will probably not change for a bit, I can add "variants" to make them more random though. As for the sniper sit combination I will try to come up with another solution (most likely Salute key will be used).

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still good working...

at the Training seem some of the popups vanish to fast cause u get it inside a flow from the last one

but nothing in your tut was said about the Launcher prone...

and can you make the "fast crawl" like

the sniper sit is easy to get. but if needed make it bind to the crouch/kneeling key (maybe with turbo+Key?)

and maybe reduce the crouch-moving bounce a little bit but not too "mutch":-)

and to the CombatRoll its unrealistic

sorry this is my brain chaos i hope you can read/understand this and turn it into your best, and see everything not as a total truth its only my opinion

Edited by SaltatorMortis

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It's not very fast that crawl, is it? :D

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Lol at least they seem to be a bit slow... Maybe he asked for use the same config as the "default fast crawl" bout with that anim :P



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hum sorry for that butwe can't take handgun normaky i try to press C but doesn't work the guy put the gun on the holster and take it but in CQB mode so i can't use my handgun normaly thanks anymay i love it

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Smookie, I am sorry for not having understood that you are, indeed, god.

I am thinking this is probably the best mod I've ever tried in terms of quantum-leaping ArmA to what I think it should have been mechanics-wise.

I cannot believe what I am seeing, but it is here. It is like when you are a kid and you dream about stuff that never happens. Only it happened.

But now, back to tax payments and mortgage.

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v0.19 build 3 -------------------

[Added] Kneel to lying and lying to kneel animation

[Added] Jogging while going sideways

[Added] Calibration mission now available in polish and russian languages

[improved] Crouch to lying (and vice versa) level animation speeds tweaked

[improved] Combat roll speed and head bob improved

[improved] Machinegun weapon type reloading animation speed tweaked

[improved] Small speed tweaks for urban prone positions

[improved] Semi-jog with weapon down animation reworked for more natural look

[Fixed] 3rd person view camera weird behaviour for most animations fixed

[Fixed] CQB Pistol stance to regular pistol didn't work

[Fixed] Pistol switch stances displaying wrong

Download links

Release 0.19 build 3 (ZIP)

Release 0.19 build 3 (Installer .exe)

ZIP file does not contain instructions on how to install files. However you simply have to unpack the contents into your root ArmA 2 directory.

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Excellent work. Getting better and better.

Feedback #1: The slide/dash (sorry if it's not the right term) to halt firmly when sprinting is a bit too "firm" in my opinion. In my opinion it would work better if the soldier slided a meter or so before actually halting and getting crouched and ready to fire.

I don't know if I made any sense, sorry about my twisty post. :)

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Excellent work. Getting better and better.

Feedback #1: The slide/dash (sorry if it's not the right term) to halt firmly when sprinting is a bit too "firm" in my opinion. In my opinion it would work better if the soldier slided a meter or so before actually halting and getting crouched and ready to fire.

I don't know if I made any sense, sorry about my twisty post. :)

when you have a shiteload of gear I highly doubt you'll slide that far unless you're on tile/ marble floor.

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I recorded myself personally trying to slide on sand and on a lawn - I wasn't able to go further than that what you see in the anims! I was checking out Truspec's multicam, Crye's multicam (in both cases wearing 14 kg loaded CIRAS) and tried that also in British silly lightweight DPM (with about 8 kg loaded Assault Vest; which surprisingly can withstand sliding without problems). The latter let me slide a little bit further but that does not change the fact that unless the terrain is wet, you can't get more than that. Also if you try hard to slide that far, you will have severe problems trying to get back into crouch/kneel fast as you will lose momentum given by the falling down flat with your ass :)

---------- Post added at 09:06 ---------- Previous post was at 08:07 ----------

Forgot about one thing - now when you are lying down, pressing sitdown button (2xs) will result in rising up to kneel position instead of crouch.

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Great work :) Some feedback :) When you in "sniper sit" pose and select handgun - nothing happens(you still holds in hands primary weapon), but weapon is changed and you can shoot from handgun. Also.. please, change "quick lower your head" when crouching :) Same action, when you stand looks great. Maybe make it same and for crouch? When soldier cover his head with hand :)

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Thanks Smookie, I understand now. My report was just related to visual feeling, not real life experience. Great to know, keep it that way then!

Feedback #2: rotating while in urban prone or while in "cover" anim is a little weird because the model rotates with no in-between animation..you probably know this already and have it WIP..

This mod is approved by the urban god of CQC.

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The cover anim will not have any "in-between animation". For urban prone it is possible i will do something :)

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The cover anim will not have any "in-between animation". For urban prone it is possible i will do something :)

Ok, I see. One way it would work is that the cover anim do not allow you to "rotate" around your center. Actually since you are in cover it could make sense to have less control over your movement ;)

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