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Multi-Session Operations v3.3 is released!

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Tophe's House Patrol script does that no problem.

The Enemy Pop module uses Binesi's Task Defend which also should wander from Room to Room and Building to Building.

Maybe we need to combine the two or something.

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any chance of an update on the mission wolffy ? havent heard anything in a while and would hate to see such a good project die out

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Its coming mate. Currently testing v3.4 which has some new features such as:

- Terrorist Cells

- Shepherds and flocks

- Sandstorms, flocks of crows and fly swarms

- 3x more ambient civilian traffic with passengers

- New mission parameters like DisableFog and Lives per Day (Rommel)

- Custom ammo loadouts on crates and vehicles

Preliminary testing showed a few bugs in dedicated server that aren't in SP, so once they're fixed I think we're good to go.

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guys, did anyone came across whit this error? (and maybe a workaround)

If i try to connect not to the frist used slot, i will get no errors, but jump straight to the statistic screen, and can't connect to the game.

Edited by kelemenlajos

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guys, did anyone came across whit this error? (and maybe a workaround)

If i try to connect not to the frist used slot, i will get no errors, but jump straight to the statistic screen, and can't connect to the game.

thats really a feature if I understand you correctly. Its to save your spot, except we have had people be able to use your original spot if your not there.

We had an idea to just name our spot to make it easier to not forget, the consensus is thats tacky tho hahah...

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Sleep;1870011']thats really a feature if I understand you correctly. Its to save your spot' date=' except we have had people be able to use your original spot if your not there.

We had an idea to just name our spot to make it easier to not forget, the consensus is thats tacky tho hahah...[/quote']

Then is think other shouldn't be able to join to that slot, because what if someone using our slot, and you want to connect? Kick the other guy and and come in? And the other one can't play because he is registrated to your slot? :)

(And he can only play on the server when i'm not playing...) I think this case is't more a bug than a feature :)

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Its not the slot that kicks you but the player class/model needs to be the same as the first time you joined.

I know its a long thread, but do a search for the full explanation.

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Thx Wolffy, i found it, sorry for repeating :)

But then this issue could handled better. Can you change the class name dynamical, to know what was your last slot, and the others to know this slot is already used?

Maybe you could make it so, that there are 3-5 starting high ranks (can get ai recruitment, can call air strike etc...) representing the hardcore guys, and the others slots are low ranks (just get a weapon from stash and go fight for a better world, drive minor vehicles), but you can get promoted after getting some score by high ranks, or get automatically promoted after more points (but max to a level where you can get a radio and could go out for recon, to mark targets, for the others). With promotions you could use better stuff, radio to share info and task on the map, etc. So it would build up a hierarchy and responsibility the same time.

As you creating in game task, is it possible, to lock some type of task to destroying vehicle, or clearing area? And after a successful completing the task, for those who set the task active, could get some reward, and the highest ranked who activated the task could give some reward or decoration, or something to the soldiers? :)

(sorry for my poor english)

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All great ideas. If I could ask you to take the time creating each idea as a separate Feature ticket on dev-heaven.org so we don't forget about them. I find it easier to keep track if all the requests and bugs are in the one place.

Thanks :)

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We had an idea to just name our spot to make it easier to not forget' date=' the consensus is thats tacky tho hahah...[/quote']

We are planning to do that too. At first we just had a google spread sheet in the forums but newer players to MSO didnt check the thread (we dont have an open server) and didnt mark where they used their slot etc.

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Is there a way for the missionmaker in the editor to make safe-zones where nothing is spawned? Like if I want to make an airport secure etc.

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Is there a way for the missionmaker in the editor to make safe-zones where nothing is spawned? Like if I want to make an airport secure etc.

The enemy population module doesn't have that feature - feel free to log a feature ticket for it on dev-heaven.

ZORA does - you place consecutive triggers call BIS_ZORA_0, BIS_ZORA_1, BIS_ZORA_2, etc - and they will be safe zones from ZORA.

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Something of an odd question; where is the call to execute a player's addactions regarding the onmapsingleclick for the JIP markers / tasks when they respawn? I've integrated the ACE revive system into my mission however when you respawn using this script setup you lose the ability to add markers / tasks.

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Do you use the Ace2 Wounding Modules or an extra Script??

Because in my Mission it works perfekt with the Ace2 Modules.

The only thing i have added is

//ACE Wound Settings
ace_wounds_prevtime = 900;
ace_sys_wounds_no_rpunish = true; 

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If you are losing the map click functionality, something is probably over-writing the onMapSingleClick command string.

To reinstate it, use this command:

onMapSingleClick CRB_MAPCLICK;

Edited by Wolffy.au

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I just found the command as you responded lol; was just hoping to be able to reinstate it on respawn....and nevermind I just figured it out; thanks a bunch wolffy for the assist and great mission type. SAM support console is overwriting the functionality with its respawn parameters I believe.

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Hi Wolffy.au,

nice to meet you again. Are you interested in using WICT in your module?

With new v7.0c battlefields are generated even if player is not present, so it kind of matches your needs. Shad0wCatcher wants to make templates, therefore integrating would only require placing bases on the map and using right template.

creating a 'standard' set of those SQFs for people to quickly replace to have different east/west factions fighting...i.e. having USMC vs Russia or USMC vs Takistani army or US Army vs Russia and having those factions' groups included
East/west factions will fight even if players are not present and they will conquer bases.

Zapat also had interesting thoughts, and when he returns, we can further randomize places where battles take place when players are not around.

Let me know what you think.



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Yes, sounds good. I'd be happy to collaborate on making it (or helping someone else make it ;) ) an MSO module.

I obviously have a lot of competing MSO priorities, but I am always happy to help others make their MSO ideas come to fruition!

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Hi all has there been any more ACE version of this made yet.

I have all the ones that have been released so far.


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Actually including the different templates within what's already available as far as enemy factions go shouldn't be too difficult; would just require an attachment to the already-available factions list in the description-mso.ext including a call to that faction's startSettings.sqf (WICT group composition definitions). Or if that's not feasible then some other way to integrate choosing an 'ambient' warzone factions via parameters. The biggest problem I foresee is server load. Both mission types can eat up a ton of script time / server resources (I can attest as I brought our server to its knees with both via setting different spawn distance / numbers params; completely breaking the support script I had integrated [artillery was landing one kilometer plus off target; support choppers not reading user input at all etc]).

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Yes, MSO is already server intensive. Give it a go and see the results.

Jump onto Skype (wolffy.au), and I can add you to the MSO converstaion for some real-time assistance.

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Is there an ACE version that doesn't require the AAW pack that is available or in the works?

Edited by DPG-Wall

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