CaptRio 0 Posted April 7, 2011 The flag reflects the AI civilians respect, green is good, white is neutral and red is bad :) Ohhh....That's nice. And how to maintain the green level of respect from civilians? And what kind of retaliation can we get from the civilians with red flag? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kolmain 6 Posted April 7, 2011 In v3.31 it's minimal, but be more careful around them :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
carlostex 38 Posted April 8, 2011 Hey people. Disabling the cache didn't solve my problems regarding my latest post. It probably solved the fact the gunner was nowhere to be found. Now what happens is that the chopper still stays hovering above the ground and the gunner is right there on the ground lying down. I don't understand why the gunner gets out of the chopper. Aparently the chopper stays there hovering because it's ordering the gunner to get in, except he doesn't do it. I never saw this behaviour in any other missions. I looked at the gunner and he didn't looked like to be injured. So my question is: What in god's name could be causing that gunner to get out of the chopper? I just don't understand it. It screws what i am trying to do with it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
andersson 285 Posted April 8, 2011 Love that you divided your mso into components! Makes my life so much easier :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kolmain 6 Posted April 8, 2011 (edited) What mods are you using? Try disabling the caching module Edited April 8, 2011 by Kolmain Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ACPL Jon 68 Posted April 8, 2011 Same here, can't wait for the new version. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
raptor 6 actual 13 Posted April 9, 2011 (edited) Can one of the MSO devs please explain how to customize the force we wish to engage? (IE- if we want to engage Unsung Viet Cong and NVA instead of Takibani, or if we would like to be Takibani and want to attack BLUFOR). We don't mind doing the ground work but I can't think of where to change the lines to get the correct faction to populate other than Takibani all of the time. In your INIT.SQF file, select the enemy factions you wish to spawn as part of the Convoys, EnemyPop, and ZORA modules by adding the following:MSO_FACTIONS = ["RU", "INS", "GUE", "BIS_TK","BIS_TK_INS","BIS_TK_GUE","PMC_BAF"]; The factions can be any selection you desire. I must be doing something wrong when entering in all of the changed information when it comes to actually populating VC or NVA instead of current OPFOR. Any ideas? Edited April 9, 2011 by Raptor 6 Actual Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 9 Posted April 9, 2011 Do you know what the faction names are for VC or NVA? Use BIS_fnc_getFactions to list them out, and then populate MSO_FACTIONS with those values. Likewise, if you want to be OPFOR and play against BLUFOR, you change the factions to: ["USMC", "CDF", "BIS_US", "BIS_CZ", "BIS_GER", "BIS_BAF"] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kolmain 6 Posted April 9, 2011 To my knowledge ZORA does not work with cutom factions :( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
USMCWall 0 Posted April 9, 2011 It works with ACE factions IIRC however, I'm not sure what defines custom or not custom if ACE isn't considered a custom faction. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kolmain 6 Posted April 9, 2011 Zora will spawn ACE groups?... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
USMCWall 0 Posted April 9, 2011 I haven't personally tested it, but Wolffy had the ACE_Russians in the ACE version of 3.3, I can only assume that he had tested it previously and that it worked. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
andersson 285 Posted April 9, 2011 Like the new setup, thank you for that! I would like to play as guerilla but when I make a few and try it out my own faction shoots me. What do I have to do? I'm not new to scripting or editing so if you could give me a hint what script to find my answer in I'm happy! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
USMCWall 0 Posted April 9, 2011 You have to edit the factions in the desc-mso, init-mso, modules/enemypop/main.sqf, and most likely change who independents are friendly towards as well in the editor screen. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
raptor 6 actual 13 Posted April 10, 2011 (edited) I noticed that the ZORA config files (the same ones in the BIS ArmA 2 Addons/modules.pbo file contain) are included in the MSO folder. Therefore, I understand that by just changing the value of the factions would be the correct route. Is there any chance that the mission version of the Zora files are being overwritten by the default Zora module files that originally come with the game? I mean, BIS or someone created the Zora module and defined within it the scope of which units will be spawned and theoretically, one would assume as me, DPG Wall, and Wolffy have, that a person could modify said file to include whatever factions we wanted whether it was default BIS units OR community made addons. But who knows, thanks for the help. This is a great mission idea, we have tried it out in the Unsung S.E.A. map and went on some foot patrols. It was great in the fact that on one patrol, we didn't find anything out in the "bush", but on another trip, not only did we find the enemy, but they pursued us to our LZ and stayed in the tree line while engaging us. It was like being back in-country in the 60's. It's sad that there isn't a better documentation guide for how to change the factions in Zora. Edited April 10, 2011 by Raptor 6 Actual Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kolmain 6 Posted April 10, 2011 well hit me up on my TS3 and Ill walk you through it, bottom of my signature Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
andersson 285 Posted April 10, 2011 You have to edit the factions in the desc-mso, init-mso, modules/enemypop/main.sqf, and most likely change who independents are friendly towards as well in the editor screen. I used the released alpha and started to build my mission on the 'mso-core'. What I did was to delete the blufor playable groups and added 8 ungrouped playable guerillas (independents). As default in that mission they are friendly to all sides. As soon as I joined my own side shoots me... I know its an alpha so I'm not expecting 100% but I find it very strange. I then tried to group all playable independents to a blufor with probability 0%, they still shoot me. Its like I have a very low score from the beginning (as if you kill alot of from your own side). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kolmain 6 Posted April 10, 2011 try this in your init: player setRating 5000000; and also try it in a trigger Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
andersson 285 Posted April 10, 2011 Yes it worked (setrating is wrong btw, its addrating ;)). Thank you! Why would my rating go down just because I change the players to guerilla? I must investigate this as I want to play as guerilla. If anyone have a qlue whats going on I would love to know. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kolmain 6 Posted April 10, 2011 hmmm, i thought i saw somewhere in the player_init.sqf that theres an addRating -15000 for some reason Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
raptor 6 actual 13 Posted April 10, 2011 (edited) Is there any news on maybe combining the MSO with WICT? Seems that it's easier to change the factions that one really wants, though at the moment, the two don't seem compatible as to having the functions that we want from both great mission ideas. Hopefully, version 3.4 will be coming soon :) @Kolmain- PM sent Edited April 10, 2011 by Raptor 6 Actual Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shad0wCatcher 10 Posted April 11, 2011 I think if you disable the Zora module in the MSO and replace it with the WICT configs units (ensuring you keep the same units or whatever 'axis of evil' you wanna use). You wouldn't necessarily have as dynamic of a game due to having the WICT spawn markers already placed (unless you wrote a script to generate them procedurally and randomly on the map). In either case; eagerly await the additions that 3.4 will bring. Thanks again for all y'all's hard work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted April 11, 2011 Interesting idea Shadow using WICT! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
carlostex 38 Posted April 11, 2011 Hey guys really need your help for this. Like i've mentioned in an earlier post, i have a Mi-24 placed on the MSO mission thruogh the editor with this on the init line: null = [this, "helo_spawn", 20, 1800, "fob_chopper.sqf"] execVM "AI_Vehicle_Respawn.sqf"; (group this) setVariable ["CEP_disableCache",true,true]; So it's running an external script that will respawn a new one if it's destroyed and it also runs another script that gives him waypoints to search for players. Here is the AI_Vehicle_Respawn: //AI_Vehicle_Respawn //by =WB=Tex // put in init line of any vehicle: _null = [this, "markername", number of lives, time until respawn, external script] execVM "script_name.sqf" // create a new plane after first is dead _x amount of times. if !isServer exitwith {}; private ["_veh","_spawnpos","_respawns","_delay","_movescript","_vehicleType","_side","_altitude","vehicle"]; _veh = _this select 0; // this is the vehicle that runs the script. _spawnpos = _this select 1; // this is the marker where you want it to spawn at. _respawns = _this select 2; // this is where you get the number of lives (respawns) of the unit. _delay = _this select 3; // this gets the time until a new unit respawns and other is deleted; _movescript = _this select 4; // sets execution of script defined in editor unit init _vehicleType = typeOf _veh; // gets the type of vehicle. _side = side (driver _veh); // gets the side of vehicle. [_veh] execVM _movescript; //external script execution for editor unit. _altitude = 0; // default altitude if not Air unit. if (_veh isKindOf "Air") then { _altitude = 150; //spawn altitude for Air units. }; while {canMove _veh} do { if (fuel _veh < 0.2) then {_veh setfuel 1}; sleep 1; }; waitUntil {!alive _veh OR !canMove _veh}; // wait until the placed unit in the editor is destroyed or disabled. _veh lock true; sleep _delay; // delayed timer defined in the initialization deleteVehicle _veh; // deletes the placed editor unit. while {_respawns != 0} do { _sv = [[getMarkerPos _spawnpos select 0,getMarkerPos _spawnpos select 1, _altitude], (random 360), _vehicleType, _side] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; // creates a new unit regarding it hasn't ran out of lives. sleep 1; _vehicle = _sv select 0; // vehicle spawned _vehiclegrp = _sv select 2; //vehicle spawned group [_vehicle] execVM _movescript; // external script execution for respawned unit. //helo1= _vehicle; // just for testing purposes when using triggers. while {canMove _vehicle} do { if (fuel _vehicle < 0.2) then {_vehicle setfuel 1}; sleep 1; }; waitUntil { !alive _vehicle OR !canMove _vehicle }; // this waits until vehicle is dead (!alive) or vehicle cannot move due to damage. _vehicle lock true; _respawns = _respawns - 1; // _x amount respawns is now -1 and will create the plane again in exact same way as first one. sleep _delay; // this is how long after vehicle is dead before it will respawn. [_vehicle] spawn { _vehicle = _this select 0; sleep _delay; deleteVehicle _vehicle; }; }; What happens is that for the spawned chopper it seems the gunner is cached by the MSO and then the chopper goes hovering a few meters above the ground for the gunner to get in, and this behaviour breaks what i am trying to achieve with this. It also happened for the editor placed unit but as soon i added this: (group this) setVariable ["CEP_disableCache",true,true]; it fixed that problem but only for the editor placed unit. How can i add code into my script that will also disable the caching for the spawned choppers? I tried this: [_vehicle] spawn { _vehicle= _this select 0; (group _vehicle) setVariable ["CEP_disableCache",true,true]; }; but i assume this does not work because the same bug happens. Can anyone tell me how to disable the caching for the choppers that are spawned by my script? The script works just fine on other missions BTW. Really need your help. Thanks!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
andersson 285 Posted April 11, 2011 hmmm, i thought i saw somewhere in the player_init.sqf that theres an addRating -15000 for some reason I use mso-core.chernarus (the released alpha) and theres no player_init.sqf as I can see. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites