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Longest firefight?

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I just went through 38 minutes of back and forth fighting over one single village. That was a freaking -ordeal-, let me tell you. I didn't even know a battle in ARMA 2 could last that long, in OFP they were always over so quickly. But maybe with ACE and GL4 and Zeus AI and everything else I had on things just got out of hand...

On a bit of a cooldown from the adrenaline. I actually survived the whole thing unscathed; despite being singed by machine gun fire, singed by the flames of a burning truck, and getting bounced around by mortars like a little toy. They might have been rifle grenades in retrospect, I didn't actually -see- any of them land with my eyes, I more heard/felt them and then spent several seconds in a state of extreme disorientation wondering if I'd just been killed and if so why the screen wasn't red and etc...

ANYWAY... is this sort of battle typical for this sim?

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It seems to happen now & then :) I often get embroiled in a firefight that seems to go on & on, I guess maybe one of the various rearming addons keeps things from stopping totally, with AI scrounging weapons & ammo off dead bodies etc. I guess there are various conditions and situations that come together to do this, lots of cover like a village, no obvious advantage for one side over the other etc.

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Well, i made a mission with the editor and it was like 1 hour of continuous firefight. Using upsmon, some scripts and a FOB to get cover from the ordes of hell. cracks and explosions and fire everywere. And btw I didnt put 300000 units, just 50 maybe 60, 1 t-72, 1 bmp and a few uaz

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I remember a very hard fire fight in Eponia, Sahrani. We hid inside of the ruins and prepared an assault on a ZSU-23 Shilka when suddenly several Mi-17 arrived and deployed paratroopers. We were surrounded, reinforcements were incomming from Pesadas and the center of Eponia towards our position. I think the fire fight lasted for half an hour, but we survived.

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Had a one Hour firefight once. Getting Ammunition is the biggest Problem

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Hi all

38 Minutes, Pitiful. Kids today huh they're a bunch of lightweights. ;)

On Zeus MP server in the old OFP days we regularly did a 5 Hours plus Epic Battle Group mission by Jinef in MP on Nogova. From Petroviche in to Slapy and Kost through the forrest of death, into the vilage of Nevekalov on down to the Bridge at Davle to provide relief to the refugees in the Blata Heights above Velka Ves. Fighting all the way with Artilery and Attack Helicopter support, we had to use a mechanised battle group of tanks and Mechanised infantry to escort the relief column. We still do missions like that at Zeus; Dragon Slayer on Takistan is an example. Most of the other big clans in ArmA II do the same.

Kind Regards walker

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That sounds great!

Out of interest, how many people do you need to play a mission that big?

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had a 3 hour one on ebank's kunar province, they hide very well in the bushes, all you can do is lay down suppressive fire. It wasn't a constant firefight but i was being shot at from the op to the village and back..

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Hi Tonci87

It was 24 to 30 plus players controling AI squads or vehicles. Some all human squads for those who do not like AI and some human Driver and gunner vehicles for Directed Fire and Air units. An FO/FAC. An Overall Mission Commander. Human Medic and squad comanders. Group respawn. Some Respawning Human OPFOR slots mixed in with the AI to add spice and asymentric effect.

To me and the guys at Zeus that is what Real Virtuality engine is made for.

Kind Regards walker

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My son and I made the mistake of starting up a BE session on Lingor 2 nights ago.

We got about half way up the map and had an excellent firefight to take this town (the name escapes me now - its the one just north of piedros outpost.

While we were taking it from the resistance we noticed a bit of a fight going on across the river, which surrounds the town we took on 3 sides. The whole thing was quite a spectacle, and we realized that the fight over there was against the russians.

I rearmed my (12 man) AI squad, and he got his sniper rifle and we got ready to defend from the rooftops, and using the buildings as cover. Sure enough, the russians started coming at us on our front and right flank.

The battle lasted a good 3 hours, and was quite epic. It had a couple of lulls in the action, where I could throw out some MG ammo for my 3 MG-ers, and heal everyone up while my son (and the rest of my squad) held vigil from a roof top and the buildings on the river front. It was the perfect defensive struggle. When things finally got quiet I wanted to build fixed defensive emplacements (TOW, M2, etc), cuz I knew this wasnt the last of it.

BUT (and this is why I said we made the mistake of starting late), it was 5am, and we were both worn out from the activities of the night.

We got some sleep - my squad laying defensively on the line, me in the central depot and he in a house. When we got up yesterday morning, sure enough my squad was gone (except for 1 ammoless MG), and the Russians were rolling us with Tunguskas and BMPs. I hid in buildings and lured some APCs into traps for my MAAWS (couldnt use the site at night, so had to get em close and whack em), while I was getting some Abrams and Bradleys up from the south. I did survive until then, and actually kept the town until my reinforcements arrived (also got a squad of infantry up) -- but alas, my armor (for some reason) was only targets for the enemy, and quickly got dispatched - I dont know why they wouldnt fire on the enemy. When I finally got my infantry into the AO, they streamed in, out of formation and not ready for a fight with armor.

Through the (game-time) night, there were illumination flares going off across the river, and it was intense and immersive. Once my armor and infantry were down, my fate was sealed. I was killed trying to withdraw, as the enemy infantry had completely cut off the only escape south.

We lost the town after hours of epic fight and more hours of tense struggle to survive.

Truly epic.

In BE warfare you tend to have times like that when you hit the sweet spot of the opfor advance - they will keep coming. All you can do is secure the area, set up fixed defensive positions (if you have time), reinforce by helicopter (this was very hard on lingor as AI chopper pilots have a hard time landing in the terrain, so I was reinforcing by truck), and keeping your guys rearmed and healed.

Another squad of human-led AI flanking the OPFOR to cut off the attack lines would have saved us - or perhaps if I had been able to get fixed emplacements set up with another squad of infantry in the AO.

I will go back there again.

Other epic BE experiences happen in Montignac, Everon and many times in Gorka on Chernarus.

Good times.

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I just went through 38 minutes of back and forth fighting over one single village. That was a freaking -ordeal-, let me tell you. I didn't even know a battle in ARMA 2 could last that long, in OFP they were always over so quickly. But maybe with ACE and GL4 and Zeus AI and everything else I had on things just got out of hand...

On a bit of a cooldown from the adrenaline. I actually survived the whole thing unscathed; despite being singed by machine gun fire, singed by the flames of a burning truck, and getting bounced around by mortars like a little toy. They might have been rifle grenades in retrospect, I didn't actually -see- any of them land with my eyes, I more heard/felt them and then spent several seconds in a state of extreme disorientation wondering if I'd just been killed and if so why the screen wasn't red and etc...

ANYWAY... is this sort of battle typical for this sim?

Out of curiosity, what was the village?

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I remember having at least a 2 hour running fight on Chernarus. Me with a few friends versus Zeus AI. Being under fire for that long sure is intense. I credit Zeus AI mostly.

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This kinda reminds me a video made by Richiespeed of 1500 & 1700 AI Huge Battle.

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I spent nearly all day saturday making battles just for this reason.

All of them on tora bora and all of them in the CO_MCC_Missionmaker

Lets just say it looked like a star wars battle for a good 30 mins.

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The village was Drozhino. Not a large village by any means, but there were a -lot- of militants involved.

What happened in detail: I'd been driving through when I noticed white smoke up in the treeline near the town and we started taking fire. Figured it was just a few jokers so I debused the squad to hunt them down, but soon we were under a hellstorm of fire (which was very, very loud using ACEX_SM and a 5.1 headset). The tac-map showed a lot of reds converging on us (I like to play on regular difficulty) and we began receiving casualties so I made a "fighting withdrawal" to a little defensible position just outside town and dug in.

Other U.S. reinforcements started arriving, Chedaki reinforcements were arriving, big huge battle. Machine guns were fired, mortars blew stuff up, trees and buildings lit on fire and fell down... it was a good time! Ultimately we made a push back into Drozhino's center to secure some wounded that were still there, which was very harrowing as the center was not at all clear of hostiles.

All told the mission lasted 38 minutes, and the initial "ambush" happened in the first 2 or 3 so... long battle!

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My favorite firefights have always been the simple ones, like 2 squads vs 2 squads. I remember spending 40 some odd minutes being stuck in a village with just 4 of my squad members and myself still alive, whereas the other squad was completely annihilated. It went from a long range shootout to a MOUT to a CQB in just 20 minutes.

Good times (y)

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I think the longest fire fights I would of had vs the AI would have been in various mods (Ace etc). I always found it disappointing that the default BIS AI only really ever shoots to kill, they wont suppress or take that many shots that will miss. Occasionally it seems to work but that could be just coincidence. If the are able to do it, it needs refining.

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What I find is that with ace on firefights last much longer as the AI acts more realistically. This increases the enjoyment for me tenfold. I can simply put a little patrol in the editor through a village and have a good hours worth of fun.

Longest firefight?

Greenzone south zargabad. Desert USMC platoon patrol through the village in the middle of the zone. Opposition was about 40 odd fighters. Took me 3 hours. The entire platoon ran out of ammo by the end of it and I had to use the secop call in to keep dropping ammo boxes.

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I had one last night using DAC and Zeus AI in high command mode as a platoon. 3 BAF section and me+5 as the Pltn HQ.

Initial contact was near a village east of Sakhe, a brief firefight about 3-5mins that came from behind... a little respite to reorg.. lost 1man in that first contact.

Then I proceed west to move into Sakhe, but this is where the main battle takes place that lasted almost two hours... we were practically attacked 360. I didn't set up any fire support(Arty or air), so everything was organic to my platoon only... I thought if I setup SSM it would probably be too easy... but at those moment I thought "it would be nice if I had arty support.".

That kind of feeling evoke when playing a game is really nice. I think

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Yeah I like ACE, GL4, Zeus.

GL4 can get pretty agressive with the reinforcment, but its easy to tone that down by adjusting the reinforcment distance in the config.

Ive also run just GL4 and zeus, and its also pretty good.

Been a long time since I ran raw BIS.

When you find yourself being scared in a firefight, you know the game is achieving what you want it to :)

---------- Post added at 01:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:47 AM ----------

Oh - also I toned down the precision settings for both friendly and enemy in the server profile, but set their skill levels to almost max.

They maneuver well, never seem to sit still for long, and are always trying to suppress/flank

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I can think of two pretty long and intense firefights I have had in MP with my squad

1. On Aiaktalik, eastern section, we could only pop up and fire a couple of shots because we were receiving pretty heavy accurate direct fire. Lasted around two hours give or take 15 minutes. Had CAS missions coming in danger close, got pretty intense.

2. In South Zargabad, Shabaz I think the town is called, we had to raid it looking for weapons and intel. Long story short, after close to 2 hours getting into the village, we were held up for close to 30 minutes at one compound, anyway we tried to approach it we would take heavy MG fire. Also had a blackhawk take DsHK fire, go spinning out of control just to crash land in the field to the south. The pilot got the bird down but died in the process. It was a crazy op, but awesome nonetheless

The first mission was using ACE, UPSMon and GL4

The second mission was using ACE and Zeus AI

Both missions we were taking very heavy fire for the whole time though, two of my most memorable missions

Edited by TheDudeAbides

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Id thought id add this here as i fits in quite nicely

So im running, ACE GL4(i think) and UPSMON

UPSMON was new too me so i decided to test its usefulness in fortifying a villige. I go open up the lovely new Proving grounds, and use the BIS villige creater, filled with 4 takistan groups set on fortify.

I then added 5 PMC with the AA15? i dunno, the machine shotgun for lack of a better word haha, and marched on to the villige. So i reach edge of the villiage without contact, and im thinking "great another waste of time", and so i cautiously walkin to the villiage and suddenly "contact!!" fire erupts from my left, painting one of my guys across the wall!. So i peek out WAMN i get it with a grenade. Abit miffed i try again, and again, and again. I found the AI so unpredictible, i shoot a guy he clears off, and as i walk into my won ground a guy getts on a roof a pops me. Every time i move one appears and takes me out.

Now angry that me ARMA2 experiance is useless, since i keep diying like a noob, i have to go back to the good old ways of being RL cautious (witch is more fun) and i try again with two sections of british Para's. Im thinking, better equipment plus the British bonus, we'll hav'em. So same as last time reach the villiage, no problems. We come under contact, and the shape of the battle took my breath away, AI were running from position to position in such a realistic manner it scared me. I one of the few games i lasted over half an hour i remember only killing two enemy! i thought id killed 6, but what must of happed was the bastards woke up or just fell over haha and i was never in a position i could go check. This ment i had to keep rounds in bodys lol!!

Absolutely brilliant

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Yeah I like ACE, GL4, Zeus.

GL4 can get pretty agressive with the reinforcment, but its easy to tone that down by adjusting the reinforcment distance in the config.

Ive also run just GL4 and zeus, and its also pretty good.

Been a long time since I ran raw BIS.

When you find yourself being scared in a firefight, you know the game is achieving what you want it to :)

---------- Post added at 01:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:47 AM ----------

Oh - also I toned down the precision settings for both friendly and enemy in the server profile, but set their skill levels to almost max.

They maneuver well, never seem to sit still for long, and are always trying to suppress/flank

I feel silly now, but reading this made me think of something. I wasn't aware that GL4 throws reinforcements into a fight like that? That explains what happened then, because I was running with ACE, ACEX, ACEX_SM, JTD Fire & Smoke, Blastcore FX, Zeus AI, and... ta-dah, GL4. I was amazed by how many reinforcements from both sides were pouring in, but I figured it was part of the mission script. I'll take a closer look at GL4's readme and figure out how I can adjust its parameters, I kinda just threw it on without reading too much into what it does, based solely on everyone else's recommendation :cool:

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Question for you guys. I was in a fight just now in BAF using my usual mods... ACE and ACEX, JTD, GL4, WarFX, and Zeus. It was that single mission where the Brits attack that mountain village. At one point something similar happened as what occurred in Drozhino... namely we were advancing through a patch of trees, everything was proceeding swimmingly, when all the sudden... hard to explain, was like a FLASH and a big boom that sent my playing character to the ground and once again I thought I'd been killed. Also was deaf. Trees around me were knocked down, both the paratroopers that I'd been fighting next to were dead. Wish I'd caught it on video, crazy moment. The squad leader AI apparently panicked and ordered a withdrawal right away after that happened.

What the heck weapon did they fire that caused that? I have no idea what it is but it's no fun. I didn't see ANYTHING, was suppressing the Takistanis one moment and damn near blown to bits the next.

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