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Chill xl

ToraBora "Sandbox Edition"

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For your next version :)

In class CfgWorlds\CAWorld:


class Overcast {


class Overcast : Overcast {

Fixes this error in .RPT:

Updating base class Overcast->, by torabora\torabora\config.bin/CfgWorlds/CAWorld/Weather/Overcast/

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Tnx m8, this is help :)

At the moment i more or less started with a new map and kinda lost interest in torabora. The things i learned and some design changes made me want to make another one. So far the heightmap is ready and it again features real terrain, a dried-out river/riverfork with some small towns / villages along it in the valley, surrounded by hills / light mountains (1:1 scale, 5m dem, 10x10km and elevation ranges from +/- 1000 to 1800m). Inspirated by the Korgengal valley but not a replica and i won't make the "mistake" to name the map after it :)

I'm thinking of one last version of ToraBora which fixes some small "bugs" like this one and adds the two caves.

Edited by Chill xl

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Chill, sounds great and can't wait for this new map. But please release the cave version. I have been waiting for this since you said something about it. It would be excellent on an already awesome map. Your map making is superb, can't wait

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This config gives some more useful grids.

For maps you have 6 digits (accuracy: 100 x 100 m) or, when zooming out the map, 4 digits (1000 x 1000 m) grids.

The GPS (or ACE DAGR) will show you more accurate coordonates with 8 digits (10 x 10m).

		class Grid : Grid {
		class Zoom1 {
			zoomMax = 0.0001;
			format = "XY";
			formatX = "0000";
			formatY = "0000";
			stepX = 10;
			stepY = -10;

		class Zoom2 {
			zoomMax = 0.15;
			format = "XY";
			formatX = "000";
			formatY = "000";
			stepX = 100;
			stepY = -100;

		class Zoom3 {
			zoomMax = 1;
			format = "XY";
			formatX = "00";
			formatY = "00";
			stepX = 1000;
			stepY = -1000;

Edited by Robalo_AS
corrected source, ready to be binarized correctly :)

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Hi Chill

I love this map. Have made 13 story based missions on your terrain so far which I will transform into a campaign. Still early WIP though. Have used DAC and had some epic firefights all over the place during play testing. I have just 1 gripe. It's impossible for me to find a right place to place an FOB on. It looks all out of place. Is there any chance that you could flatten some spots on the infinite desert terrain in order to have some places for the FOB? I really don't know if that is some painful work since I'm not a terrain maker. Flattening some spots on the borderline of your terrain should be possible without interferring with the beauty of the work you've done and it would help us mission makers to have a choice without loosing hours to find the right spot which I haven't found so far.

Thanks anyway for having given us this fantastic terrain.:)

Kind regards

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Hi all,

1) THX to Chill xL for this fantastic map.

2) Question: I'm using Warfxblastcore - like many here I suppose - and noticed that only on this map the muzzleflashes and dust are missing e.g. if you fire a sniper rifle. Is this a map issue or do I have to talk to opticalsnare?

All the best with your new project Chill!

-> 2) is solved. You have to put a vehicle on the map, then all the stuff works... Some kind of voodoo, but it works.

Edited by pandur
problem solved by Opticalsnare (aka blastmaster himself)

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so this map looks awesome but for some reason when i try to put a unit in a village or near a village my game crashes, yet i can place a unit out in the mountains and its fine. Anyone know the problem?

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@Pandur, i'm not aware of this issue. Let me put upfront that i'm not familiar with blastfx, atleast not how it works, maybe theres a dependancy of this mod towards maps? I think you better notify the creator of blastfx and see what he says of it...

@BoroFootball, we have and i believe many others succesfully used this map, placing / spawning units in mountains and in and around towns. Not sure what could cause this and if it is caused by the map.

However, there are some config issues with the map that might be problematic. PvPscene has been so kind to provide me with a better version, this and some minor changes will be available in a new update of ToraBora very soon.

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chill, could you maybe add one or two towns in the west and a small road leading over there, so through rough terrain? That would be awesome..i like how it's right now, but 1-2 towns, or small villages with huts would be cool

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Latest version (1.6) available trough the awesome six updater by sickboy.

Some of the changes in this version:

* Improved config (tnx to PvPScene)

* Tweaked sat / mask map (big yellow dry grass fields are gone)

* Two caves added in the west of the big mountain (Ai doesnt like them unfortunally...)

* Propably more but i forgot :D

Edit: v2 signature signed (tnx to sickboy)

(Use this link to auto add it to the dynamic preset in six updater: sixupdater://mod=896a63c6-0dca-11e0-af75-001517bd964c

Edited by Chill xl

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thx chill, i guess manny of us where waiting for the caves ._.

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Wow-thanks for the latest version :thumbsup: . This is really one of my favourites islands/landscapes since its first release.

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ok thanks, i also get a message when i open the map on the editor that says "cannot open object ca\roads2\mud_10 56.p3d" idk if that has anything to do with it

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Has anyone found any caves? Share the gridrefs!

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Guys forgive me but sometimes when i load this map in editor then preview it the game crashes to desktop....any ideas why?

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where can be the caves found ?

give coordinates pls

Edited by Konrad1

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